In its 99th year, the #CCP covered up a pandemic, causing untold death and suffering, continued atrocities against #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and other minorities, and exacted an all-out assault on human rights in #HongKong. Nothing to celebrate. twitter.com/sophia_yan/sta…
#HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, friends across #China: as criminal #CCP regime continues its 20th Party Congress, here's my message which I wrote earlier today, in my own hand, following the brutal attack in Manchester and ahead of the launch of my new book, #TheChinaNexus:
【予約告知】 CCP 究極の邪神 『ウルトラマンティガ』のラスボス怪獣「邪神ガタノゾーア」が登場!! 詳細はコチラ▼ blog.livedoor.jp/ccp_ism/archiv… ご予約はコチラ▼ shop.ccp.jp/products/detai… #CCP #CCP特撮 #特撮 #ガタノゾーア #ウルトラマンティガ #ウルトラマン #ティガ
Breaking: #CCP just announced that the so-called “travel code”/trip code(行程码)that was used to track people’s travel history in the past 3 years will be taken offline at 0:00 am on Dec 13. This Code, together with #HealthCode, has been used to control ppl in #Covid lockdown
While #Shanghai and many Chinese cities are starving, the #CCP continues to broadcast -- #USA is BaD. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
[New era for #HK academia under uni head w/ #CCP membership] 1. Despite backslash, #HKU council, mostly appointed by pro-#Beijing #Carrielam, approved 2 #Chinese scholars incl one, #MaxShen,who's listed by #Tsinghua 3 times as "party committee member" scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
Many celebrities speak up for making money. If they are asked to choose between conscience and big dollar cheque, they will choose later. But @EnesKanter chooses justice as always. He keeps speaking up after #CCP bans Celtics game as retaliation. TRUE human rights advocate.🔥 twitter.com/EnesFreedom/st…
In #Wuhan today. People broke the #Quarantine line and tore down the quarantine camps. #CCP#CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVIRUS #COVID #AmazingChina twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
世界の二大悪は、中国共産党と米国民主党だ。 #CCP #BlueState #WorldFact https://t.co/ZS7LbVQRJY
The absurdity of #CCP thugs My 80 year-old mother received this in the post Of course it is obviously fake, from the same guy in #HongKong who has previously written dozens of threatening letters to me, my mother, my neighbours. What kind of person does this nonsense? 1/2
The #CCP regime can't speak for Taiwan as it never ruled the country for a single day. Its claim, in fact, is pure authoritarian expansionism. The truth is we're a democracy & only the freely elected government represents #Taiwan's people. @WHO, do the right thing: Let us in. JW twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
Now the police start to push back. Man shouted to them, “Aren’t you supposed to serve the people?” “Serve the people!” One man shouted in English, “People have the power!” The crowd chanted “#CCP, step down, #XiJinping, step down!” A while ago At #Urumqi Road in #Shanghai #China
#CCP Defense Ministry spokesman Tan Kefei strongly condemns US for “attacking our civilian unmanned airship.” If it’s a civilian airship, what has that to do with #DefenseMinistry? #ChineseSpyBalloon is military property. Check info of its manufacturer jenniferzengblog.com/home/2023/2/4/…
[After activists’ arrests, #CCP now targets religious groups] 1 #Breaking: Following its crackdown on political figures, #Beijing now turns its eyes to churches. #HKpolice reportedly even raided 3 hostels for the homeless today run by Good Neighbour North District Church today.
Good grief. First he wants to surrender #Ukraine to #VladimirPutin Now he wants to give #Taiwan to #CCP #China The answer, @elonmusk, is: NO. NO. NO Elon Musk suggests making Taiwan a ‘special administrative zone’ similar to Hong Kong theguardian.com/technology/202…
"We have to look Beijing squarely in the eye and spell out clearly our position on Taiwan. Any ambiguity is now dangerous. Clarity could prevent disaster" My new oped just out on #Pelosi #Taiwan #China #CCP #XiJinping telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/08/0…
#HongKongers - I have written this message, following the "selection" ("sham election") of #CCP quisling thug #JohnLee as #HongKong's new Chief Executive. Hope it makes you smile in these dark times. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
In China's EN-CN dictionary, "Russia" translates into "Ukraine." @guardian @lorenzo_tondo, MISTRANSLATION of your article by South Reviews. This is official state media, a subsidiary of the #CCP owned Guangzhou Daily Newspaper Group. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
“End the #lockdown!” Crowd shouting at King Pingxi's Palace in #Beijing. #Covid #ZeroCovid #CCP #CCPChina
Caught red-handed! After I exposed that China #ZhuzhouRubberResearch&Design Institute, manufacturer of #ChineseSpyBalloon is a military entity owned by #CCP, the institute deleted all the info. See screenshots of the same page before & after! Archived: jenniferzengblog.com/home/2023/2/4/…
What a #CCP fascist warmonger!!! twitter.com/xPGf5wq5nyoBFD…
This clip shows how disgusting and barbaric is Beijing's proxies in the Legislative Council in #HK. Kwok Wai-keung is just one of them. Disgusting! Disgraceful! Kwok was putting up a show for the #CCP masters in Beijing and Hong Kong. twitter.com/ezracheungtoto…
既然我的Tik Tok账号没有被封杀,那我就继续用它来传播正能量! Since my last Tik Tok video wasn’t deleted, I’ve to posted another vid to spread my message. What message is that? Watch the video and see if you can pick up on the subtlety. youtu.be/4Uespw_0qXc #CCP #tiktokban
#CCP's 6 steps to Eliminate #Japan, Divide It Into 4 States and put them under administration of #China and #Russia with an "unlimited war". And liberate #Taiwan at the same time. #中共 軍事頻道威脅將 #日本 「滅國」,分割成四個小國,由中俄代管,中俄駐軍。同時「 解放」 #臺灣
It's time for a reality check on the #CCP's human rights record in #Xinjiang. Denying the persecution of Uyghurs & trying to muzzle those speaking out against such an injustice is morally reprehensible. We urge #Beijing to work with the international community & right this wrong. twitter.com/iingwen/status…