In #Wuhan today. People broke the #Quarantine line and tore down the quarantine camps. #CCP#CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVIRUS #COVID #AmazingChina…
Most advanced #Covid camps in #Guangzhou, #CCPCHINA. 1.4 B yuan investment, 250 K square meters, 5G internet, 5K rooms, completed in 3 months! PLUS, smart food delivery robots! Oh how proud we are! This is #China speed! Long live #ZeroCovid! #AmazingChina #CCPVIRUS #COVID19
Here we go again. In #Wuxi city, #Jiangsu province, #CCPChina, on July 2, after 39 positive #Covid19 cases were found. #CCPVIRUS #CCP #ZEROCOVID
#COVID quarantine site in Lanzhou Expo Center, now, #Lanzhou city, #Gansu Province, #CCPChina. #Covid19 #AmazingChina #CCPVIRUS