What an honour. A full page in #HongKong's #CCP Ta Kung Pao First they deny me entry Then they send me, my neighbours, mother & employers threats, lobby UK MPs to try to silence me, and send fake emails Then they threaten me under #NationalSecurityLaw Now it's Ta Kung Pao :)
This is how #CCP police treated Hong Kong women. Hong Kong Police must stop the use of sexual violence. 6/6
This is Eric TSANG, the newly appointed Secretary of HK's Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau. What a loyal servant of the #CCP. The HK govt is nothing but Beijing's marionette. 1C2S's gate has long been breached. #XiJinping
这是我所有创作的视频中最喜欢的一个!能够跟一群志同道合的朋友们聚在一块儿说ccp的坏话,真是太开心啦!虽然最后没有被允许进入现场听蓬胖的演讲,但整个过程依然很尽兴! 点开链接去看吧! youtu.be/JGpFD6lYSxY @IntyMedia & I hit up the @SecPompeo speech! The #CCP has got to go! #CCPVirus
Wait, didn't Chinese media criticize us for only translating extreme comments? What do they say about this one 😃 #CCP #XiJinPing #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 @IsaLann1 @LucioMalan
Part 2 of "Who should we blame for our incompetence in international relations" Spoiler alert: Not themselves. #CCP #China #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 @panphil @custerwork
#HongKongers - & all peoples suffering under #China #CCP regime: As we begin the 33rd anniversary commemoration & mourning of #TiananmenSquareMassacre #June4th, here is my personal message, handwritten by myself in traditional Chinese characters, over 4 pages, for you, from my❤️
What a scene! Somewhere in #CCPChina, patients can only receive infusions outside, in the cold wind, as hospitals are all full. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #XiJingping
[Vanishing free speech - Universities at the forefront of China’s propaganda war] 1. Universities are one of prime targets of #China’s overseas propaganda campaigns, as a way to stamp out overseas #CCP critics like @DrewPavlou & critical studies on China hongkongfp.com/2020/08/14/aus…
Despite the #CCP🇨🇳 and the Hong Kong Government's continued attempts to whitewash history, Hong Kongers will never forget what had happened inside Prince Edward MTR station on August 31, 2019. #NeverForget #831HK
Dozens of #CCP police surround and kick a #Foxconn worker during the latest #iPhone city riots. Newly recruited Workers found they were cheating and wanted to go home. See my previous tweets for more details.
This is how #CCP police treated Hong Kong women. Hong Kong Police must stop the use of sexual violence. 5/6
Exclusive info: Zhang Xiyan, a veteran #CCP member pledges her loyalty to the CCP from #Sydney. I wonder why #Australia and other western countries would take these people in? If she loves the CCP so much, she should live in #CCPChina.
[Religious talks via #GoogleMeet allegedly surveilled by #CCP security agency in #HK] 1. @hkcnews_com reports the HKCCCC church held an online talk on Christianity in #China via #googlemeet on Aug 30, illustrating the history of religious policies in China.
[Cultural Revolution 2.0 in #Hongkong] 1. @mingpaocom reported, pro-#CCP lawmaker Junius Ho sent #China’s Liaison Office’s new directive to #Beijing loyalists’ chat group, urging for a “struggle against the three big mountains in #HK - legal, education & social service”.
Wow, this is something new. In #Chongqing city, #CCPChina, people use their cars to block the road so that #CCP’s #BigWhites can not take them away for #quarantine. #AmazingChina #Covid #Covid19 #ZeroCovid
2/ Jimmy Lai, most high-profile pro-democracy media tycoon, has been critical of #HKGov & #CCP leadership. He was invited by @VP Mike Pence & @SecPompeo to share #HK situation. As press freedom isn't allowed under authoritarian regime of #Xijinping, he becomes the prime target.
The craziest traffic jam, at an intersection in a city in #Henan Province, #CCPChina. Somehow this reminds me of the situation of the #CCP today. No one has a way out.
I am very glad @Telegraph has reported this so quickly This cannot be allowed to go unchallenged @JamesCleverly @SuellaBraverman - it is time to act swiftly, establish the facts, & prosecute or expel #CCP thugs telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/1…
‘Do Not Split’ a short film about the Hong Kong protests, has been nominated for best short documentary at the Oscars. #CCP🇨🇳 is trying very hard to censor it. Regardless of whether it wins, the story of Hong Kongers must be told. Please share the film: vimeo.com/504381953
Outside the #CCP's embassy in London with a tank, to mark #TiananmenSquareMassacre #TiananmenVigil2022 #June4th
I will be joining, and speaking at, this important rally on Sunday to protest at #China #CCP's abhorrent violence against #HongKongers at the Consulate in #Manchester 👇 Please join us in solidarity
[#China slams HK judges using judiciary independence to challenge its authority] 1. #CCP mouthpiece People’s Daily attacks HK courts for using judiciary ind to challenge its authority, days after #LiaisonOffice urged a “new struggle against 3 mountains” that targets legal sector
[#CCP members nominated to head #HK's university] 1. According to @StandNewsHK, two #Chinese scholars (at least of them is #CCP member) are nominated as the vice presidents of #HKU, months after the university sacked the co-founder of #UmbrellaMovement #BennyTai.
[#CCP members nominated to head #HK's university] 1. According to @StandNewsHK, two #Chinese scholars (at least of them is #CCP member) are nominated as the vice presidents of #HKU, months after the university sacked the co-founder of #UmbrellaMovement #BennyTai.