🇺🇸#US Citizen William Devlin is now trapped in the #PolyU and besieged by #HKPoliceTerrorists Plz tell each senator and congressman and update the @StateDept & @WhiteHouse If #PolyU has fallen, many lives will be jeopardised. We need to fight against the #HKpolice NOW #SOSHK
#HKpolice dragged a #HKer on the ground for 10m+, just because he urged resuming #Legco2020 Election & releasing the 12 #Asylumseekers now detained in #China w/o access to lawyers. Now all slight expression of demand faces #policebrutality under #nationalsecuritylaw. #policestate
#HKPoliceTerrorists are ready to invade another university campus - #PolyU #HKpolice just announces they will use LETHAL & FATAL 致命 weapons to shoot students Students are going to sacrifice themselves. Plz rescue them ASAP Plz condemn police brutality #SOSHK #PolyMassacre
Amid #Coronavirus menace, pro-#CCP lawmakers today hold extra meetings to discuss #HKpolice pay rises, despite majority of #HKers’ opposing the rise. According to the poll, popularity rating of police hit a record low: 40% of population giving zero marks on police performance.
[#HKpolice, the Ministry of Truth of 21st century’s #HongKong] 1/ For the first time, #HKPolice attended #UN Human Rights Commission recently after civilians, journalists, elderly, pregnant women & #HKProtesters were forcibly & unreasonably shot, beaten & tortured by them.
#HKpolice suddenly moved forward, a pregnant woman didn’t walk away in time and fell on the street. Her husband was enraged. The HK police then fired pepper spray to stop reporters from reporting the scene. * Some ppl said the woman was being pushed by the police to the ground.
Two months ago, I testified in the @CECCgov and decried #HKpolice for saying they were justified to rape female protesters. And today, it is reported that a young lady was raped by policemen and had to undergo abortion surgery. We need the truth NOW Dismiss the HK Police ❗️
[Cherrypicking evidence for #speechcrimes] 1. Hours after #Carrielam’s #freespeech assurance, #HKpolice charges #HK activist #TamTakChi on “uttering seditious words” just because he chanted slogans like “#5DemandsNot1Less”, “revolt” etc. Worse still, Tam's bail bid was banned.
1. After a year, Kin, 19yo teen shot by #hkpolice w/ live bullet on #CCP's National Day last year, will appear in court on Oct 8, w/ fears that his bail may be denied. Earlier, his legal aid application's denied as #hkgov ruled w/o trial #HKpolice’s use of force ‘was reasonable’.
This is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! #HKpolice is a bunch of gangsters. They are the CAUSE as to why #hk’s harmony and peace is eroded. This is the way they treat legislative councillors. Imagine how they will treat regular protestors. twitter.com/studioincendo/…
Thanks ⁦@SenTedCruz⁩ for agreeing to film a video to support #HKers He visited HK before and wore all BLACK ! He mentions that #HK is the new Berlin & is fighting the #communist China He condemns the #HKpolice and will keep supporting us! We’re grateful. Plz thank him!
[After activists’ arrests, #CCP now targets religious groups] 1 #Breaking: Following its crackdown on political figures, #Beijing now turns its eyes to churches. #HKpolice reportedly even raided 3 hostels for the homeless today run by Good Neighbour North District Church today.
No #HkPolice officer is held responsible for blinding Veby (an Indonesian journalist) with a baton round. This is hardly surprising since all #HKpolice cover their faces and hide their identities. We need to end #PoliceBruality. Dismiss the #HKPolice cnn.com/videos/world/2…
2. Utterly unacceptable that he has been detained for weeks, although those phones don't even belong to him. His bid for bail was repeatedly denied. Before his arrest, he was reportedly harassed by cops after refusing service to #HKpolice to show support against #policebrutality.
1. When more nations halt dual-use exports to #HK, #HKpolice today applied for replacing its central command system for the marine unit. Police refused to disclose manufacturers and suppliers, but admitted some components of the existing system were imported from Spain.