Although we have our own problems in 🇺🇦#Ukraine We see you 🇮🇷#Iran and we are proud of you! You go girls! #MahsaAmini #OpIran #مهسا_امینی
Der russische Überfall markiert eine Zeitenwende. Es ist unsere Pflicht, die Ukraine nach Kräften zu unterstützen bei der Verteidigung gegen die Invasionsarmee von #Putin. Deshalb liefern wir 1000 Panzerabwehrwaffen und 500 Stinger-Raketen an unsere Freunde in der #Ukraine.
The Russian invasion marks a turning point. It is our duty to support Ukraine to the best of our ability in defending against Putin's invading army. That is why we are delivering 1000 anti-tank weapons and 500 #Stinger missiles to our friends in #Ukraine.
Fighter jet of #Ukrainian pilot Dmytro Chumachenko was shot in the sky over #Zhytomyr region, defending #Ukraine from #Russian invaders. He could eject.But he didn't. He diverted his jet to save the lives of hundreds of people. A hero.A patriot. Memory eternal. #StandWithUkraine
賛同します。今、#ウクライナ #緊急支援募金 に 1000万円寄付しました。 音楽でも力になれればと思っています。 Yes, I just donated 10,000,000 yen for humanitarian fund of #Ukraine I'd like to support through music as well. #YOSHIKI #RussiaUkraineWar #Russia #PeaceNotWar @hmikitani twitter.com/hmikitani/stat…
生きてることに感動する、太陽の光を見て感動する、「警報解除」のお知らせを見て喜ぶ、食品買えて安堵する。 普段当たり前のことが今私たちには喜びなんです。死ぬかもしれないと私たちはわかってます。 これは実際に起きてる戦争です。ゲームでも映画でも小説でもありません。 #Ukraine #StopRussia
#NewYear in #Russia: Wifes trying to get their husbands back as they are taken away by riot police in #SaintPetersburg. No one seems to know why it's happening, same as in #Moscow. Probably straight to the front in #Ukraine.
#Taiwan is proud to support the people of #Ukraine in their time of need with a humanitarian donation of medical supplies. Our country & people #StandWithUkraine.
🇺🇦Witch had a crazy idea in Bakhmut #Ukraine🥰
🇺🇦So this just happened at the opening of New York Fashion Week. Model Alina Baikova from #Ukraine is🔥
渋谷の反戦デモに参加してきました🇺🇦🇯🇵 20歳にして初めてのデモ参加。生きている内にstopwarという言葉を叫ぶとは思わなかった、涙が出ました。 #Ukraine #StopPutin #NoWar #StopWars #нетвойне #戦争反対
#UNHCR は、#ウクライナ とその近隣諸国での活動を強化しています。 皆様のご支援により、故郷から避難を余儀なくされている人々を保護し、安全を守る援助活動が可能となります。 どうぞ、今すぐご支援ください。 🔗japanforunhcr.org/campaign/ukrai… #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #難民とともに
I am finishing my first visit to #Ukraine’s #Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant. @iaeaorg is here to stay and will maintain a continued presence at #ZNPP.
Team #RRRMovie arrives in #Ukraine for the last schedule of the film… Excited🕺🕺🤞🏻
It’s time to fight. God will be with you guys every step of the way. Stay safe, Heroes. #Ukraine 🇺🇦
Ich respektiere jeden Pazifismus und jede Haltung. Aber es muss den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern der #Ukraine zynisch vorkommen, wenn ihnen gesagt wird, man solle sich gegen die Putinsche Aggression ohne Waffen verteidigen. Das ist aus der Zeit gefallen.
Russian state TV channels have been hacked and are broadcasting the reality of what is happening in #Ukraine. Mr Putin do we have your attention ? #Anonymous
ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領が国民総動員令に署名、18〜60歳の男性市民の出国を全面禁止に news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw105796… ウクライナ政府は、ロシア軍による攻撃で少なくとも137人が死亡し、316人がけがをしたと発表。首都キエフの北にあるチェルノブイリ原発も制圧されたという。#Ukraine #ウクライナ
今ブチャに居ます。16:14(日本時間22:14)たくさんの住民からのインタビューをとってきました。またYouTubeで発表します。 #ウクライナ #ウクライナ情勢 #Ukraine #буча
🧵 17 years ago #Ukraine destroyed its last Tu-22M heavy bomber & 423 Kh-22 cruise missiles in accordance with its voluntary disarmament, to make a clean break from its Soviet past under #Kremlin's control, in great hopes of being accepted into a free Europe. Tragically betrayed.
I still strongly believe the U.S. should provide #Ukraine ATACMS, Grey Eagle, Patriot missile systems, & more. It will greatly assist in ending Russia's illegal war quicker. Stop appeasing Putin. The longer the war continues, the risks of escalation/spill-over actually increase.
🇺🇦Omg this adorable post from Vet Crew in #Ukraine❤️ When we rescued Tosya, the first thing we did was to put him under a sweatshirt. Now at the first opportunity he crawls under my jacket to feel safe and looks out at the surrounding world🥰 instagram.com/vet.crew/
R.I.P. 28-year-old 🇺🇦 Vladyslava Chernych died defending #Ukraine. She joined Armed Forces in May, served as a paramedic and worked in the intelligence unit. Vladyslava is a very spirit of #Ukrainian women - brave and unbroken. #StandWithUkraine
🌐 You are not alone - YAN #Ukraine 🇺🇦 twitter.com/mn_google/stat…