Civic Party to disband, ending 16 years of pro-democracy fight thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/…
Pro-democracy Hong Kong activists protest postponed elections – Channel 4 News channel4.com/news/pro-democ…
#HKPolice is rewriting history of 21 July 2019 Yuen Long mob attacks. #Hongkongers will not allow them to! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/tomgrundy/stat…
This is a blatant and naked contravention of Art 25 of the #ICCPR that guarantees every citizen’s right to elect and be elected. It is an affront to open, equal and fair elections and an insult to the legislature in a separation of powers constitutional set up in #HK’s system! twitter.com/MPIainDS/statu…
Which part of this secondary school student looks a threat to China's national security? He's arrested for secession. With due respect to him, could he walk his talk? Is there any evidence he's doing so? If not, then he's arrested for what he thinks and says but not what he does! twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
It is noteworthy that Professor Yuen’s same interview on YouTube has been censored and cannot be watched any more! Treasure this link. twitter.com/TheiKevin/stat…
#HK is no longer trusted as a jurisdiction that practises the rule of law that is capable of affording to fugitives extradited here with the basic protections of human rights and a fair judicial process! twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
EU parliament considers suing China over Hong Kong - Inkstone inkstonenews.com/politics/eu-pa…
If such police brutal behaviour continues to be condoned and goes unpunished, how can #HKers feel safe and live in dignity to enjoy life with freedom and human rights sufficiently protected? #PoliceBrutality #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/HKGlobalConnec…
Undeniable duty to fulfil
#UN twitter.com/hk_watch/statu…
Friends from liberal democracies of the world, thank you for #standingwithhk. Please remember this: by helping #HK, you are also helping yourselves to bring #China back to embracing a rules-based world order which #CCP has promised to do upon China’s accession to #WTO! twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
We are not giving up! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! #CCP #1C2S #BasicLaw #CivicParty #HKPoliceBrutality #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/timtalksalot/s…
[Updated] Patten-led group of over 201 Parliamentarians from 23 countries decry 'flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration' — Hong Kong Watch hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
#Hongkongers are hanging in here. We are not giving up our fight for freedom, human rights, rule of law and a democratic political system to safeguarding these values and institutions. We are sure we are and shall not be alone. #StandWithHK #FightForFreedom
BBC News 中文 - 香港民主黨創黨主席李柱銘專訪:「新一國兩制」在破壞鄧小平當年的承諾 bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/…
Hong Kong parliament in chaos as politicians fight for chair | Hong Kong | The Guardian
HK when #CCP takes over and 1C1S is reality! Ugly, uncivilised, irrational, people infighting ... sad to see what #LegCo I served for 12 years has now become! theguardian.com/world/2020/may…
This clip shows how disgusting and barbaric is Beijing's proxies in the Legislative Council in #HK. Kwok Wai-keung is just one of them. Disgusting! Disgraceful! Kwok was putting up a show for the #CCP masters in Beijing and Hong Kong. twitter.com/ezracheungtoto…
A judge who delivered reasons for sentence of the convict that poured salt into the wound of an already polarised and deeply divided HK. Judges are expected for their impartiality and political neutrality in discharging duties of a judicial officer. twitter.com/benedictrogers…