Graphic warning. Another tragedy in #CCP’s inhumane #ZeroCovid #lockdown. The victims in #UrumqiFire even didn’t have a chance to get out of the locked apartments. That’s why in #China, #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtest2022 #BlankPapersRevolution is happening.
Bodies pile up inside a hospital in #CCPChina. Don’t know exactly which hospital, could be Harbin city. The man who shot this video has a strong accent of Northeast #China. #Covid #Covid19 #zerocovidpolicy #CCP #XiJinping
Summary of #CCP's current #COVID policy: Let whoever needs to be infected infected, let whoever needs to die die. Early infections, early deaths, early peak, early resumption of production. #GPD goal for 2023: 8.0% By the way, this is a hospital in #CCPChina if you care to know.
コロナのつっぱりはいらんですよ!!キン肉マンマスクはいよいよ発売!!先行発売の詳細は只今発売の『フィギュア王』をご覧下さい #キン肉マン #CCP #フィギュア王 #マスク
Today, the farewell room of a funeral home in #Xinxiang city, #Henan Province, #CCPChina. A new row of refrigerated cabinets was added, but still not enough to hold all the bodies. Never happened before. #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #COVID #ZeroCovid #XiJinping #CCP #China
#Breaking: Being denied access to #12hkyouths detained in #China for weeks, the lawyer instructed by family, Lu Siwei, was suddenly told by Chinese cops today that there're already two other lawyers following the case, who are believed to be directly appointed by #CCP authorities…
我和Inty顶着烈日出来宣传共产党的邪恶,没想到不仅能和明事理儿的老人聊上,还遇到了小粉红! 打开链接看全视频! Change My Mind: the #CCP is the Enemy of the World (in Mandarin with English subtitles😘) @scrowder thoughts?
1. After a year, Kin, 19yo teen shot by #hkpolice w/ live bullet on #CCP's National Day last year, will appear in court on Oct 8, w/ fears that his bail may be denied. Earlier, his legal aid application's denied as #hkgov ruled w/o trial #HKpolice’s use of force ‘was reasonable’.
#CCP promises dead-end or bloodbath for #ShinzoAbe as he dared to "talk nonsense on #Taiwan Issue". In terms of "Militarism", the plot was set long ago. Watch: Unifying Taiwan Begins with #Senkakus, under the Banner of Fighting #Japanese Neo-Militarism
Happening again. #CCP style lockdown in Jinzhou, Dalian, China. #ccpvirus #covid_19 大連金 州。封死你們。
This is absolutely outrageous We cannot allow #CCP to behave in Britain with the brutality, inhumanity, barbarity and criminality with which they rule #China @SuellaBraverman @JamesCleverly @TomTugendhat should look into this incident at the PRC Consulate in Manchester urgently…
Jan 7, at #Chongqing city, #CCPChina, workers clashed with #CCP police whn they protested against their employer, ZY Bio(中元汇吉药厂) ‘s sudden announcement that some 10K employees would be laid off. #ChinaProtests #China #ChinaUprising
This may be useful to physicians & medical community. A Chinese doctor sharing “white lung” images of some of the 120 patients he saw in 8 hours’ night shift, including their ages. As we can hardly get anything from #CCP, this kind of info may be important. #COVID19 #chinacovid
你們可有把香港事實告訴"咱們" Can you tell🇭🇰truth to "OUR" @GOP/@HouseGOP/@GOPLeader/@senatemajldr/@WhiteHouse/@StateDept/@CIA 嗎? Yes I've told ALL of them aka my DC friends what is happening in🇭🇰. 🇭🇰is under #CCP fascist🇨🇳's occupation. We know🇨🇳is🇺🇸's enemy. They AREN'T yours!…
1/ It's terribly alarming that #HKGov barred Kenneth Roth from #HongKong for no reason. It well illustrates how #Hkgov now cooperates with #CCP to deliberately undermine our international human rights system.
As #HK IT analysts found out, #Dahua, #China’s partially state-owned CCTV producer, includes special functions for detecting #Uyghurs w/ its products. Dahua reportedly helps #CCP to monitor Uyghurs & #Muslim minorities in #Xinjiang SDK available on GitHub
#Day27 [Right of visiting 12 detainees declined] 1/ While #CCP may claim that the group is not under consular protection, the right of visiting 12 detainees by consulate is an absolutely legitimate & reasonable demand, especially for a🇵🇹 #Portugese national & 2 #UK #BNO holders.
This is outrageous. Assaulting and attacking an elderly woman, Grandma Wong, shows the barbarity, brutality, inhumanity and criminality of #HongKong's #CCP thugs.…
Impressive level of security #XiJinping gets inside #China. #CCP #CCPChina
[HK judge hails pro-#CCP assailant while he stabs activist and throws death threat at me] 1. A pro-#Beijing assailant, Wong, was hailed by #HK judge for his “passion to society” while Wong stabbed democracy ex-lawmaker “Long Hair” Leung Kwok-hung with a pointed metal chisel.
The CCP is promoting and teaching its children how to rat their father for spy activity. A clear reference to the Cultural Revolution, or #Orwell? #CCP #China #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement @meifongwriter @SafeguardDefend
[Response to US's visa ban on CCP officials] 1. When #Beijing insists on ramming through an unpopular & sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw that imperils HK’s autonomy, @SecPompeo just announced visa bans on #CCP officials responsible for undermining #HK’s autonomy and human rights.
Look at the cars towed out of the death #tunnel in #Zhengzhou. And the #CCP told us only 6 died in it. My comprehensive coverage about #flood at & 看看这些拖出来的车吧,#郑州 #隧道 里到底死了多少人?点以上看我的英文报导
.@MFA_China claims no one cares more about the health of the people in #Taiwan than #China. It also claims the Chinese government made "proper" arrangements for Taiwan to participate in the @WHO. Shameless lies! Just goes to show the #CCP can't tell the truth. JW