最後にスマホをキレイにしたのはいつだったかな? という人、要注意です⚠️⚠️ #coronavirus #COVID19 #コロナウィルス #コロナ
When thousands of #HKers queued for masks overnight, #HKGov still refused to take measures to stabilize supply and price amid #coronavirus. To combat citywide shortage and price-gouging, @demosisto has just bought another 1,200,000 masks and shipped to #HK.
Governments around the world must step up to help us defeat #coronavirus. I’ve announced a further £210m of aid funding for vaccine research following today's G20 call, meaning the UK is going above and beyond in the search for a vaccine. ➡️ gov.uk/government/new…
That is shocking news to #HKer to hear that our dearest friend James Gordon - Lord Gordon of Strathblane - just passed away due to #coronavirus. As one of the members of All-Party Parliamentary Groups on HK, he has been supporting democracy and defending human rights in #HK.
We can send #coronavirus packing in this country, but only if we take the required steps to reduce the peak. Once we’ve achieved that, then the scientific progress that we are making will really come into play. 1/5
I’d like to share what it’s like on board the Diamond Princess cruise. Please use this page to exchange info. #DiamondPrincess #coronavirus
#HKPolice points pepper spray in reporter's face, ordering then to leave. Police shut down Tai Po Mega Mall as #Hongkongers gather for a #SingWithYou style #HKProtest. This is the 2nd consecutive weekend of shopping mall protests as #coronavirus subsides. 🎥: Guardians of HK
“We will do whatever it takes.” – @RishiSunak #coronavirus
We're going to step up testing for #coronavirus #COVID19
1/ It is my honor to share with @MarshaBlackburn the latest update in #HK on the call. #Beijing & #Hkgov prioritize crackdown of dissidence over health of #HKers. Director of #China’s office in #HK even called democracy movement as “political #coronavirus” & urged to suppress.
“[The govt is] left with so little legitimacy and social capital that citizens simply no longer believe it will act in their interests.” HK’s handing of the #coronavirus crisis would be bad for any city; for a modern, global metropolis that weathered SARS, it’s an embarrassment. twitter.com/mbrookerhk/sta…
Japan declared a state of emergency too. Praying for everyone's health around the world.. #coronavirus #COVID19
A 24-year-old, who travelled from Wuhan to Guangzhou last month, started coughing six days after her 15-day quarantine ended and tested positive for #coronavirus yesterday - yet another case where patients developed symptoms after 14-day incubation period. hk.news.appledaily.com/china/20200217…
Your NHS needs you. If you can help the NHS during the #coronavirus pandemic, visit ⬇️ cards.twitter.com/cards/8gvv3/98…
#ビルゲイツ は2015年に #新型コロナウイルス のようなパンデミックを警告していた。 2015 @BillGates warned us then of a #coronavirus like pandemic. youtube.com/watch?time_con…
Over the past weeks, our armed forces have been working on the front lines to prevent the spread of #coronavirus. From helping manufacture face masks to disinfecting ships & aircraft, our men & women in uniform are working around the clock to keep #Taiwan safe.
6/ Tonight’s assembly shows that #coronavirus does not kill the spirit of #hongkongprotests. The plague will end one day. But under #China's authoritarian rule, #HK’s freedom, human rights and autonomy can only be protected with the arrival of democracy.
5/ When all countries are now busy combating #coronavirus, the authoritarian regime of #China is now clamping down on democracy movements in #HongKong. I call upon the world to keep watch on #Beijing’s tyranny and #standwithhk.
As long as we can save more people, I’ll be doing it. 一人でも多くの人が助かるように.. @japantimes#Yoshiki,who recently donated ¥10 million to Japan’s National Center for Global Health and Medicine.. japantimes.co.jp/culture/2020/0… #donation #healthcareworkers #covid19 #coronavirus
Mapping the #COVID19 outbreak. Confirmed cases of #coronavirus outside of China starting from late January.
Fantastic to see so many people doing their bit in the fight against #coronavirus If you want to volunteer to help the NHS, you can do so here: goodsamapp.org/NHS twitter.com/NHSEngland/sta…
The United States is reporting 20,000 #coronavirus deaths, more than any other country.. cnn.com/2020/04/11/hea… #LosAngeles County extends stay-at-home order until May 15.. edition.cnn.com/world/live-new…
This crisis threatens people across various industries. As a musician, I donated to this #COVID19 Relief Fund. Through self-restraint and patience, I hope we can contain the spread of the #coronavirus. Praying for you. grammy.com/musicares/news… @RecordingAcad @MusiCares #StayHOME