Extremely concerning that @aimenlau has had her account permanently suspended for “platform manipulation and spam”—especially when the only “amplification” she’s engaged in is retweeting #A4Revolution #ChinaProtests content.
If there’s anyone even left @TwitterSupport, fix this.
Ukraine (currently facing a genocidal invasion) and Armenia (famously victims of a genocide denied to this day by the perpetrators) abstained.
No words. twitter.com/UN_HRC/status/…
She is going to lose her mind when she finds out how many Japanese restaurants there are here. twitter.com/SpokespersonCH…
Chinese netizens have accused pop idol Hebe Tien of S.H.E. fame of supporting Nancy Pelosi because—wait for it—she posted a picture of herself eating pasta on IG yesterday and Pelosi has Italian ancestry.
You cannot tell me these things are unrelated.
Int’l coverage of Taiwan has come leaps and bounds as more correspondents have moved here in recent years; but, as I listen to a 40-minute podcast on Pelosi’s trip in which Taiwan’s people and their elected leaders are not mentioned once, I’m reminded how far we still have to go.
Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he was also a fierce critic of the CCP. He once said China’s people would continue suffering as long as the Party remains in existence.
According to this, HK textbooks are now teaching HK was never a colony because it was stricken from the UN “list of colonies” in 1972. This was in fact a list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, and Beijing had HK removed because UN resolutions promised self-determination to NSGTs twitter.com/initiumnews/st…
Hongkongers in Taipei are making the third anniversary of the 12 June 2019 protest today with a march, a rally, and—briefly—flag-burning at the Bank of China steps. They say the struggle has moved overseas but it is not over.
It says a lot about the anti-"sedition" crackdown in Hong Kong that every time someone is arrested under the charge, we all have to wonder what they did.
At the very least, we hope, this case might finally make it clear what sedition is now and how to avoid it—but it never does. twitter.com/hkfp/status/15…
You need to read this entire thread on Junius Ho's meltdown after a single day in Penny's Bay. Behold the righteous indignation of a man whose political opponents have spent over a year in pretrial detention. twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
How fitting and tragic that @StandNewsHK’s last story before the announcement of their closure was this video on “forbidden words”—the things we can no longer say and the platforms we’ve lost to say them.
Watch here until their YouTube channel goes dark: youtu.be/CtsRbo_C9l4
The more we learn about this from police, the more chilling it becomes.
The alleged “seditious” material includes quotes from interviewees and accounts of the protests that contradict the official police narrative.
This effectively opens every news source to the same treatment. twitter.com/hkfp/status/14…
.@StandNewsHK announces it is ceasing operations and letting go of all staff, after HK police froze its assets and arrested six for publishing seditious material.
After Apple Daily, this is the second opposition news source that authorities have shut down this year.
They went to the trouble of annexing Taiwan for the PRC yet Tasmania isn't Australian, Northern Ireland has left the UK, and Newfoundland, Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii, and the entire Arctic Archipelago have all succeeded from Canada.
I'm just fascinated by how bad this map is. twitter.com/NFL345/status/…
HK judges: a baton isn’t a weapon, but a water bottle is. twitter.com/antd/status/14…
In Hong Kong’s first speech crime trial under the National Security Law, protester Ma Chun-man has been sentenced to 5 years, 9 months in prison for chanting slogans.
第二代美國隊長呼「光時」港獨口號囚5年9月 news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
There is nothing more political than “keeping politics out of sport.”
If the detention of Tibetans, Uyghurs, and HKers in Athens last week didn’t make that clear, just look at the runners being surrounded by HK police today for politically incorrect clothing.
(via @hkcnews_com) twitter.com/ofarry/status/…
Hong Kong police have sealed off Tuen Mun’s Sun Yat-sen Park and the Red House—reputedly Sun’s revolutionary hideout—on the anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution.
How long until Dr Sun’s statue is removed from HKU along with the Pillar of Shame?
(photo via @StandNewsHK)