Please join me for an important update on #coronavirus #StayHomeSaveLives
We need you to do your bit to help us beat #coronavirus Please RT. #StayHomeSaveLives
Thank you to everyone who is saving lives by staying at home this weekend. I know it's tough, but if we all work together and follow the guidance we will beat #coronavirus. #StayHomeSaveLives
Stay two metres apart. It's not such a difficult thing. Do it. It really will save lives. #coronavirus #StaySafeSaveLives
Another quick update from me on our campaign against #coronavirus. You are saving lives by staying at home, so I urge you to stick with it this weekend, even if we do have some fine weather. #StayHomeSaveLives
Thank you to the 11,788 former NHS staff who have answered the call to support the health service as it responds to #coronavirus. Now people must stay at home to support you, so that you can be there to support us in our hour of need. #StayHomeSaveLives
Thank you to the NHS and all of our critical workers for all you are doing to fight #coronavirus. You really are an inspiration. #ClapForOurCarers #ThankYouThursday #ClapForKeyWorkers
The only thing we should be spreading right now is love. #coronavirus #COVID19
Thank you for doing your bit in the fight against #coronavirus. Stay home, protect the NHS and save lives. #StayHomeSaveLives
This was the last time we were all shooting together before #SPN production got shut down due to #coronavirus. If you’re stuck home & need some friends, Supernatural is back on tonight. #StayHomeSaveLives #SPNFamily 📸by Peter Hunter
Thank you to everyone involved in building the new NHS Nightingale Hospital over the past fortnight. This immense effort means we will have an extra 4,000 beds to care for #coronavirus patients.
As we start to recover from #coronavirus, we all need to play our part by following the rules. This is how to #StayAlert ⬇️
みんな " #冷静な判断と行動を " みんなの健康を祈ってます。 Everyone, " #ThinkLogicallyActAccordingly " Praying for your health. #YOSHIKI #StayHome #新型コロナウイルス #coronavirus #COVIDー19
I'm staying at home to protect our NHS and save lives. If we all follow government advice, we can beat #coronavirus together. #StayHomeSaveLives
Over 30 #hkpolice today surrounded & arrested a #HKer when he tried to put a caricature of #Xijinping with #coronavirus head onto #lennonwall in #KwunTong #HK. Clearly, #hkpolice’s only duty is to carry out political censorship & save face for this authoritarian leader of #China.
As #coronavirus rages, 🇨🇳 merchants snap up masks in almost all countries, which makes us difficult to buy one. As HK's stock is drying up, @demosisto has just bought 100000 masks from the #US. We will continue to find mask supplies worldwide & bring more good news to #HKers
Police wear highest protective clothing and take #selfie to deal with urgent #coronavirus situation in Hong Kong. NowTv直播-青衣長康邨阿sir著full gear後玩自拍 lih.kg/1873595 #HK #武漢肺炎 #HongKong #LIHKG
[The outbreak has been more than just #WuhanVirus spread] 1/ By covering up the severity of pandemic with force & fear, #China has turned whole crisis into the Chernobyl disaster of the 21st century. China's still clamping down on #coronavirus coverage as cases surge day by day.
みんなのことが心配 みんな #冷静な判断と行動を。 I'm worried about you. Everyone #ThinkLogicallyActAccordingly #StayHome #StayAtHome #StayAtHomeSaveLives "命を救うため...イギリスの医師ら動画で呼びかけ @bbcnewsjapan headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20200324-… #新型コロナウイルス #coronavirus
コロナをアンパンチでやっつけちゃえ‼️✊ おうちでも退屈しないように、アンパンマン大好きな息子とみんなへ☺️ 不穏な空気が続いている日々ですが、これを見た人が少しでも明るい気持ちになりますように✨ #新型コロナウイルス #コロナ #Covid_19 #coronavirus #アンパンチ #早く終息しますように
This Mother’s Day, everyone should stop #coronavirus spreading. Keep your mum safe. Stay at home. #StayHomeSaveLives #MothersDay
JUST IN: #Beijing is suspending primary & secondary schools tomorrow, after more than 100 #coronavirus cases were reported in the past 5 days at the capital #COVID #COVIDー19
We understand the situation many self-employed people face at the moment and are determined to find a way to support them. I will be making a further announcement on this in the coming days. #coronavirus