สถานการณ์ไข้หวัดไวรัสปอดอักเสบ #coronavirus ในอู่ฮั่นร้ายแรงมาก ทางการได้ปิดเมืองคนในห้ามออกคนนอกห้ามเข้าตั้งแต่เมื่อคืนเพื่อเฝ้าระวังการแพร่เชื้อ ดาราหลายคนออกมาช่วยกันรณรงค์😷 อี้ชิงเองก็ออกมาเคลื่อนไหวให้กำลังใจทีมแพทย์พยาบาล และให้กำลังใจชาวเมืองอู่ฮั่นให้ผ่านวิกฤตนี้ไปให้ได้
こちらのページをGoogle翻訳を見ながらざっと死亡例についてまとめてみました(発症日は文脈から推測)。誤訳があったらすみません。死亡例は65歳以上か基礎疾患のある人がほとんどですね。 nhc.gov.cn/yjb/s3578/2020… #coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
HKU Prof Yuen Kwok-yung, who led the discovery of the SARS #coronavirus in 2003, says the coming days are our “last window of opportunity” to contain the #WuhanOutbreak, which has hit an attack rate of 83%, and calls on everyone in HK to wear face masks. today.line.me/HK/article/L99…
เป็นห่วงนะ ดูแลตัวเองกันด้วย ❤️ ขอบคุณข้อมูลจากกรมควบคุมโรค หากมีข้อสงสัยเพิ่มเติม สอบถามได้ที่ สายด่วนกรมควบคุมโรค 1422 เน้อ #ไวรัสโคโรนาสายพันธุ์ใหม่ #coronavirus #ไวรัสโคโรน่า
The preparation work has been “suspended”, says the #HongKong Govt #WuhanCoronavirus #China #coronavirus #VirusChina #pneumonia twitter.com/vernon_yuen/st…
As govt’s handling of #coronavirus outbreak sparks fury in #HongKong, protesters are calling for a general strike on 1/29 in support of local medical staff and restarting operation dawn to block traffic in the morning. One major demand is to close the border.
Carrie in October, Carrie now #coronavirus
Singapore: close borders to all Chinese travellers amid #coronavirus outbreak Carrie Lam: closing border is discriminatory scmp.com/week-asia/heal…
Suspected Coronavrius patient escaped isolation earlier today has reported himself to Tseung Kwan O Police station 發燒逃離醫院男子 已進入將軍澳警署自首 lih.kg/1854298 #coronavirus #武漢肺炎 #HongKong #LIHKG
Six air crew members have been placed under medical surveillance after having close contact with #coronavirus patients, yet Cathay Dragon refuses to suspend flights to mainland China. Union considering to go on strike, Apple Daily reports. hk.news.appledaily.com/local/20200131…
Bus transport sector and airline industry recruiting people to join unions and planning strikes. They are likely the next sectors to take industrial action, after healthcare sector. All are calling for a full border closure to contain #coronavirus epidemic.
I’d like to share what it’s like on board the Diamond Princess cruise. Please use this page to exchange info. #DiamondPrincess #coronavirus
薬の依頼書が届きました。Diamond Princess Medication Refill Request Form #ダイヤモンドプリンセス #コロナウイルス #DiamondPrincess #coronavirus
[The outbreak has been more than just #WuhanVirus spread] 1/ By covering up the severity of pandemic with force & fear, #China has turned whole crisis into the Chernobyl disaster of the 21st century. China's still clamping down on #coronavirus coverage as cases surge day by day.
2/ Even though #HKgov claims that 14days quarantine is mandatory, new arrivers are told that they can “go out” during the quarantine periods so long as they wear masks. It puts into doubt the effectiveness of quarantine policy as it means #coronavirus can spread in communities.
5/ With tens of thousands of travellers crossing the border every day, it is expected that such weak quarantine policy cannot fend off the #coronavirus spread. Without a full border seal with #China, #Hongkong is doomed to be sealed by the world.
乗客2,666人中、60歳以上は2,144人で、8割を占めるそうです。Of the 2,666 passengers, 2,144 are 60 or older, accounting for 80%.#ダイヤモンドプリンセス #クルーズ船 #新型コロナウイルス #コロナウイルス #新型肺炎 #DiamondPrincess #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #2019nCoV #Quarantine
“[The govt is] left with so little legitimacy and social capital that citizens simply no longer believe it will act in their interests.” HK’s handing of the #coronavirus crisis would be bad for any city; for a modern, global metropolis that weathered SARS, it’s an embarrassment. twitter.com/mbrookerhk/sta…
Over the past weeks, our armed forces have been working on the front lines to prevent the spread of #coronavirus. From helping manufacture face masks to disinfecting ships & aircraft, our men & women in uniform are working around the clock to keep #Taiwan safe.
Police wear highest protective clothing and take #selfie to deal with urgent #coronavirus situation in Hong Kong. NowTv直播-青衣長康邨阿sir著full gear後玩自拍 lih.kg/1873595 #HK #武漢肺炎 #HongKong #LIHKG
As #coronavirus rages, 🇨🇳 merchants snap up masks in almost all countries, which makes us difficult to buy one. As HK's stock is drying up, @demosisto has just bought 100000 masks from the #US. We will continue to find mask supplies worldwide & bring more good news to #HKers
#hongkongers own them our deep gratitude for their generous support. When #HKGov is reducing into a failed state and completely mishandles #coronavirus, it proves once again that a robust civil society with strong international networks is the only way out for #HongKong.
Yellow cafe Jiegenge offers free bleach outside their restaurant for citizens, provided that they bring their own containers. Disinfectant products’re flying off shelves in #HongKong amid #coronavirus scare. Photo by Jimmy Lam @USPhongkong