Discussed w/Jane Holl Lute, #UN's Senior Official on #Cyprus, preparations of unofficial "5+UN" Cyprus meeting in Geneva at the end of April. Sustainable and realistic settlement for the benefit of all parties in Cyprus is cooperation of two states based on sovereign equality.
🚨 #Myanmar’s democratically-elected parliamentarians & ethnic groups to speak @UN 10:00 GMT-4 webtv.un.org #UN မှာဒီမိုကရေစီနည်းကျရွေးကောက် တင်မြှောက်ခံရသည့် ပါလီမန်အမတ်များ ၊တိုင်းရင်းသားများ ဆွေးနွေးပွဲ ည ၈:၃၀ webtv.un.org 👈🏻
NEW: #JICA tells @hrw a JP company signed a deal with military-owned #MEC and its affiliate in November 2019 for the #Bago River Bridge Project, 2 months after the #UN FFM called for the financial isolation of #MEC & #MEHL. #SaveMyammar myanmar-now.org/en/news/japan-…
Attended @NATO Council Meeting. -Long-term strategy is needed for #Afghanistan. -Will convene on April 24 a high-level conference in Istanbul with #Qatar and the #UN on Afghan peace process. -Turkey’s commitment to brotherly Afghanistan will remain strong.
#Canadian real estate firm .@Colliers (listed on #NYSE .@NYSE) breach of their #HumanRights responsibilities under the #UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by remaining complicit in the #Myanmar military’s int’l crimes and corruption. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
On our way to #NewYork together w/my brothers FM Riad Malki of #Palestine and FM @SMQureshiPTI of #Pakistan! In the #UN General Assembly, together we will stand up against Israel's atrocities and defend our Palestinian brothers and sisters.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰
2002 #Eritrea #Ethiopia Peace Agreement was not signed by guess or by rule of thumb but by international rule of law that included and not excluded OAU #UN #US #EU_Commission & The Hague Court. Supporting Tigray front aggression for last 20 years is illegal エリトリア エチオピア
488 CSOs call on #UN & int. community to ensure that provision of humanitarian aid is not weaponized by #Myanmar junta in their campaign of terror. Calls for: ⭕️provision of aid/cross-border aid through local orgs ⭕️Countries to protect #RefugeeRights #WorldRefugeeDay
मंत्री वू अपने सम्पादकीय में बताते है की ताइवान #UN🇺🇳 म रचनात्मक भूमिका निभा सकता है। वैश्विक चुनौतियों का मुक़ाबला करने के लिए #AllHandsOnDeck की आवश्यकता हैं! भारत की तरह ताइवान भी अच्छाई की ताक़तों का एक महत्वपूर्ण और योग्य साथी है जो अपनी भूमिका निभाने के लिए तय्यार है।🔽 twitter.com/DainikBhaskar/…
#Taiwan🇹🇼 is a human rights heavyweight. The country’s 23.5 million people are free to speak, learn, believe, vote & love. Watch "To Freedom" & join the call to give Taiwan a voice at #UNGA76. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #GlobalGoals, #PresidencyOfHope & revitalize the #UN🇺🇳.
A new #Taiwan — the chains of the masses untied🇹🇼 A new Taiwan, the voice of our people🫂 Cannot be, & will not be, & must not be denied.🎆 @abdulla_shahid, #TaiwanCanHelp deliver your #PresidencyOfHope & revitalise the #UN.🇺🇳 Give Taiwan a voice at #UNGA76.🗣 twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
On the margins of #UNGA76, had a productive meeting w/@Menlu_RI, FM of #Indonesia, whom we will host in our country next month. Will further strengthen our bilateral relations in every field. We are in close cooperation w/Indonesia at #UN, #OIC, #D8 & #MIKTA.🇹🇷🇮🇩
🔍国連 スピーチ 日本語字幕①🔎 今年も立派な演説をしてくれた防弾少年団に感動👏🏼ロスト世代ならぬウェルカム世代。その新語にはポジティブな希望が見える💜 ピンチをチャンスに変えた7人。身をもってそれを証明してくれた我らがBTS youtube.com/watch?v=Jp5gU_… #UN #BTSatUNGA #SDGs #bts @BTS_twt
Good common sense from @USAsiaPacific🇺🇸 DAS Waters. It's true. #TaiwanCanHelp spur global action on shared challenges & must be brought into the @UN🇺🇳 system. Bottom line? #UN Resolution 2758 isn't a blank check for China to run roughshod over #Taiwan🇹🇼 & its 23.5 million people. twitter.com/USAsiaPacific/…
Discussed global issues with Ban Ki-moon, with whom we worked closely during his term as #UN Secretary-General. Ban Ki-moon's ideas have a major impact in international fora. Invited him to Antalya Diplomacy Forum. @AntalyaDF
YES for #CHINA! 50th anniversary of restoration of People's Republic of China's lawful seat in #UN.
Our sincere thanks to @RepBera & @RepSteveChabot of #US🇺🇸 @HouseForeign for spotlighting efforts to marginalize #Taiwan🇹🇼 & stop the country from sharing its experiences & resources via the @UN🇺🇳 system. Distortion of #UN Resolution 2758 will never change reality: #TaiwanCanHelp. twitter.com/RepBera/status…
1,300+ ppl killed since Feb for protesting the brutal terrorist #Myanmar junta. The # of deaths keep rising but ppl cont to resist & demonstrate despite the extreme risks they have to take to make their voices heard! & yet #UN cont. to fail ppl of Myanmar
Foreign-policy thinker Anne-Marie Slaughter argues the #US should “accept at least the possibility that other forms of government could be better.” She suggested, as a new measure of governance, that people evaluate which countries are doing a good job at achieving the #UN SDGs.
...spied on #UN chief & senior foreign diplomats, instigated coups in other countries, and meddled in the #Yemenwar which took thousands of lives. This is Anglo-Saxon #democracy, freedom & justice. How ironic!
January 25, 2022: Launching of #Eritrea #UN Program of Cooperation (2022-2026) brought together UN Regional Directors #UNHRC #UNHCR #WFP #UNODC #UNECA #UNPF & other senior officials to Asmara #UNDP #UNIDO #TICAD7 #AfDB #SDGs エリトリア エチオピア
#China stands for equity, justice and peace, decides on its position according to the merits of the matter itself, and maintains that countries resolve international disputes peacefully in line with the purposes and principles of the #UN Charter.
#China has a long-standing commitment to supporting every country's sovereignty & territorial integrity and abiding by the purposes & principles of the #UN Charter.
Former #UN independent expert Alfred de Zayas: The #UNCharter Article 2 paragraph 4 prohibits not only the use of force, but also the threat of the use of force. youtube.com/watch?v=CLQUWP…
The #UN General Assembly has voted with an overwhelming majority condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia is isolated. The United Kingdom stands with Ukraine 🇬🇧 🇺🇦.