Just some facts: Almost 100 countries unanimously expressed support for China’s policy in #Xinjiang and opposition to interference in China’s internal affairs in the name of human rights at the #UN #HumanRights Council.
As permanent members of the #UN Security Council and the world’s two leading economies, China & the US must not only guide the China-US relations forward along the right track, but also shoulder our share of international responsibilities and work for world peace and tranquility.
"We saw what happened in the #UN Security Council, what kind of statements were made... [We were shown] pictures of cars with missiles with nuclear warheads installed on them, which supposedly drove around #Iraq ...
President of #Ukraine showed a video of the atrocities committed by #Russian occupants in #Kyiv region to #UN Security Council. Footage that cannot leave anyone indifferent. #Russia must be punished with stronger sanctions now. #BuchaMassacre #Bucha #Irpin #Borodianka
Foreign policy success: Top comments in state media of Russia's most trusted ally, China, heartlessly mock Zelenskyy's sincere plea for justice at the #UN Security Council @navalny @SamRamani2 @apmassaro3 @EtoBuziashvili #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussiaWar
Called on #UN Member States to support creating a Special #Criminal #Tribunal for the Punishment of the Crime of Aggression against #Ukraine. Even when Putin will be defeated, business as usual with #Russia could not be restored without holding all perpetrators accountable 2/2
今日は#ヘイトスピーチと闘う国際デー。 私たちは日々、憎しみに駆られた発言や投稿を目の当たりにします。 会話の中で🗣、オンラインで、誰かの人間性を否定することは、実際にその人を対等な人間として見れなくなることに繋ります。 #ヘイトにNo#NotoHate #UN #国連
The #UN🇺🇳 asks. #Taiwan🇹🇼 answers. Rep. Huang & @Kizilay's @AlperKucukTK signed a cooperation pact ensuring the government's US$1M #LoveFromTaiwan donation swiftly improves the lives of those impacted by the earthquake in #Afghanistan. Real relief & rebuilding support is at hand! twitter.com/UNOCHA/status/…
aespa will be attending the UN '2022 High-Level Political Forum for sustainable development' on July 5! As representatives of GenZ, they will deliver a speech accompanied by a positive energy-filled performance! #aespa #에스파 @aespa_official #UnitedNations #UN #HLPF2022
220705 aespa abbreviation from United Nations a - all e - equity and empowerment s - sustainability and synergy p - planet and people a - architecture #aespaAtUnitedNations #aespa #UN @aespa_official
‘Next generation leaders’ aespa deliver a speech at the UN ‘2022 High-Level Political Forum for sustainable development’! bit.ly/3nIJHJm #aespa #에스파 @aespa_official #UnitedNations #UN #HLPF2022
They speak about the importance of the sustainable real world being mirrored in the virtual world and encourage future attention and practice. bit.ly/3nIJHJm #aespa #에스파 @aespa_official #UnitedNations #UN #HLPF2022
현장영상▶youtu.be/peLoh_FBNdE 그룹 에스파가 유엔 포럼에서 미래세대를 대표해 지속가능한 발전 목표에 대한 관심과 실천을 독려하는 메시지를 전했습니다. #에스파 #유엔포럼 #UN #지속가능한발전 #aespa
#UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres: Our position is very clear. We abide by General Assembly resolutions, by the One China policy, and that is the orientation that we have in everything we do.
A warm meeting with FM @MinisterIanBorg of Malta. Congratulated them on their election to UNSC. Agreed to deepen cooperation in the #UN and Commonwealth. Also explored strengthening our bilateral economic ties.
China at the #UN Upper pic: Developing countries congratulate the PRC on restoring its lawful seat at the UN. Lower pic: Delegates congratulate Chinese SC&FM Wang Yi after he addresses the annual gathering of nations at #UNGA.
今日は #国際非暴力デー 🙅💣 この国際デーは、教育や国民の意識向上などを通じて、非暴力のメッセージを普及させることを目的に、インド独立運動の指導者であり、非暴力の哲学と戦略の先駆者であるマハトマ・ガンジーの誕生日である10月2日に制定されました。 #UN #国連
China has been a firm supporter of the #UN and #multilateralism. And with deeds not words.
For #Russia to bombard residential areas in #Ukraine with missiles is a violation of the #UN Charter & utterly unacceptable. We strongly condemn the cowardly act of killing innocent civilians. #Taiwan partners with fellow democracies to #StandWithUkraine. JW twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/st…
#UN has spoken. The international community massively rejects Russia’s attempted illegal annexation in #Ukraine Protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity is the core of the @UN Charter @ZelenskyyUa
True! The #PRC distorts the #UNGA resolution 2758 to keep #Taiwan out of the entire #UN system & now abuses it to legitimize the use of force against us. This violates the most fundamental tenets of the UN Charter. The world should say NO to it. JW twitter.com/GlobalStratVie…
Passed/current military, political, diplomatic, economic & propaganda campaigns carried out to justify the unilateral declaration of independence by Tigray warlords is illegal & against intl law. #Eritres & #Ethiopia are members of #UN #AU エリトリア エチオピア #UNSG #UNSC
DESIST MISNOMER & MILITARIZATION PRETEXTS: #UNSC or anybody can’t & should not categorize TPLF’s concerted war of Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI of Tigray) against members of #UN #AfricanUnion ( #Eritrea & #Ethiopia ) as mere “provocation”. エリトリア エチオピア
STOP ETHNIC HATE-MONGERS NOW: the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Tigray by the warlords in TPLF has no historical/legal legitimacy & clearly against both #UN +#AfricanUnion Charters #SouthAfrica #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア