Alphonso Davies was born in a refugee camp in Ghana. He's now one of the best left-backs in the world. The 21-year-old has a message for #WorldRefugeeDay
16.2 million people were newly driven from their homes in 2017. That’s 44,400 each day. 1 every 2 seconds. Please join me in standing in solidarity #WithRefugees this #WorldRefugeeDay. @Refugees new global report → bit.ly/2ljYc6g
Dünyada en fazla sığınmacıya ev sahipliği yapan bu aziz milletin ferdi olmaktan gurur duyuyorum.🇹🇷 İnsanlık borcumuz. #DünyaMültecilerGünü Proud to be a member of this noble nation who hosts the most refugees in the world.🇹🇷 It’s our humane duty. #WorldRefugeeDay
📌Turkey is the largest refugee hosting country in the world. 📌During the pandemic also we have taken every measure to protect them indiscriminately. 📌Will continue to always stand by the oppressed people! Civilization is not a matter of ability but conscience! #WorldRefugeeDay
488 CSOs call on #UN & int. community to ensure that provision of humanitarian aid is not weaponized by #Myanmar junta in their campaign of terror. Calls for: ⭕️provision of aid/cross-border aid through local orgs ⭕️Countries to protect #RefugeeRights #WorldRefugeeDay
June 20th is #WorldRefugeeDay 6月20日は、世界難民の日です。 今、世界中では「難民」と呼ばれる 紛争や戦争によって住むところを追われて暮らす人々が 1億1千人を超え その数は増え続ける一方です。 明日、少しですが、ロサンゼルスから中継で… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Emmanuel! A boy I met in Colombia. His dream is to be a singer. On #WorldRefugeeDay, I’m thinking of them I've met who are more vulnerable than ever. Everyone can help make a difference. Every action counts. unh.cr/5ee36ca6153 @Refugees @UNHCR_Tokyo #WithRefugees #COVID19
Seeking asylum: it’s a human right. This #WorldRefugeeDay we stand with all who have been forced to flee. Whoever. Wherever. Whenever. 💙 @Refugees @Susie_Wolff #WithRefugees
Today, on #WorldRefugeeDay, and every day, we stand #WithRefugees. Their voices must be heard. Their lives must be accounted. Their rights must be respected. Their dignity must be protected.
This #WorldRefugeeDay, join us in demanding policies that can ensure safety and dignity for displaced women and girls. Together, let's stand #WithRefugees.
Tools like Google Translate help refugees communicate with their new communities. Today we're donating an additional 20,000 Pixel phones to @welcomeus so more Ukrainian & Afghan newcomers can feel at home in the US. #WorldRefugeeDay blog.google/outreach-initi…
今日、難民の日、なんですね。きっかけは何だったんですか?RT @NatsukiYasuda: 今日6月20日、 #世界難民の日 。難民ってどんな人たちなの?日本にも逃れてきているの?どうして日本では難民認定の判断に平均で4年以上もの時間がかかるの?そして、日本d4p #WorldRefugeeDay youtube.com/watch?v=bmWGgW…
Preppin for @unhcr_will2live 久しぶりのリハ!#WorldRefugeeDay
Today is #WorldRefugeeDay , on this day, we should question women like Priti Patel, who are siding with war mongers and weapons dealers , supporting extradition of peace advocates to their death and punishing the refugees created by the greed of her bosses like they r criminals
#WorldRefugeeDay is a time to remember #EveryActionCounts. Watch our touching short "#Taiwan Story-Together Stronger" & see how #TaiwanCanHelp create a more just, equal & inclusive world. We're proud to be making a difference in #Africa & #Asia via 450 programs in 60+ countries.
In addition to experiencing displacement and lack of security, refugee women are often exposed to sexual violence and at a risk of being trafficked for sexual exploitation. Policies that ensure their safety and protection are vital to guarantee their rights. #WorldRefugeeDay
【6月20日は #世界難民の日 】 「世界難民の日」に合わせて、twitterの絵文字が使用可能になりました! #世界難民の日 #WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugees をつけると、手でハートを作った絵文字が追加されます。 6月20日、日本からも難民支援の輪を広げませんか? unhcr.org/jp/wrd2020
Miracle pine tree (奇跡の一本松) in Rikuezentakata which survived the big earthquake & Tsunami that occurred in 2011 being lit in UN blue to show support for #WorldRefugeeDay. Very beautiful and strong. 24 more will be lit on June 20th all over Japan 🇯🇵 twitter.com/UNHCR_Tokyo/st…