HISTORY IN THE MAKING IN #Ethiopia. People have stood up for their right to live in peace & freedom against all odds.Trumpets of warmongers to engulf Addis Abeba with guns & diplomacy of coercion has failed miserably VOICE OF THE PEOPLE WINS #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea
TRUTH,THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH: On Nov 4, 2020>30,000 #Ethiopia/n Defence Forces stationed on borders of #Eritrea were attacked/savagely backstabbed by Tigray special forces & militia facing a tough decision to cross over the border #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC
#Tigray Crisis: #Ethiopia Spiraling Towards Civil War And Genocide. #TigrayGenocide Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/A6xPvEuu8w0
THE FLIP SIDE OF #AlJazeera STORY: the interviewee Ms Monalisa Abraha is a member of TPLF special (sniper) force wounded in a battle against #Ethiopia/n Defence Forces. Desist POW’s cover up of illegal fabrications on #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC
#Eritrea #Ethiopia Summit Meeting between President ISAIAS & Prime Minister ABIY was held in Asmara today. Both sides confirmed that Eritrea & Ethiopia will continue to cooperate on issues of mutual concern especially on ensuring jointly regional peace, cooperation & development
STOP SELLING POLITICAL GARBAGE IN #Eritrea OR #Ethiopia: Sovereignty and territorial integrity is sacrosanct and can’t be changed by any interest group/s including & not excluding individuals, governments, parties or authorities. 2018 peace & cooperation is the only future
Shame on you! No matter what your profession, affiliation, ethnic, religion or nationality, if you have tried to justify by disinformation the launching of 23 surface to surface missiles by Tigray forces targeting #Eritrea on Nov2020 you must be one of those lost souls #Ethiopia
Today PM ABIY in his report to the parliament clearly explained that #Ethiopia/n Defense Forces were attacked & pushed by Tigray forces to cross over the borders into #Eritrea where they regrouped to make a heroic successful counterattack #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
Axum massacre neither occurred nor substantiated press.et/english/?p=312… via @Ethiopian Press Agency #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
STOP COVER UP! #Eritrea did not in the past, and shall not now or in the future support or condone dismemberment of Tigray from #Ethiopia no matter what because it is against regional peace and an illegitimate action too #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
NO MORE WAR! On 13 May 1998 TPLF launched "all out war" on #Eritrea & carried 3 round of big military offensives displacing > 1 million people (1998-2000): >76,000 Eritrean's & Ethiopians of Eritrean origin were expelled from #Ethiopia. #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア
We have now ample evidence of the existence of networks of operatives from Tigray #Ethiopia in international corridors of power like Dr. Adhanom of #WHO & media outlets built-up by the TPLF against #Eritrea at local, national & regional levels in last 30yrs エリトリア エチオピア
Renewed fighting in #Ethiopia endangers the lives of millions of people already in great distress. I call on both parties to start negotiations. Ethiopia needs peace. Now. #Tigray
It is a grave historical mistake to disregard the building of a peaceful, just and inclusive political democratic system by #Ethiopia/ns and support the failed violent attempt of Nov 4, 2020 UDI in Tigray #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
#OCHA must immediately withdraw this map which it posted in social media on Feb 20, 2021. OCHA has no right/obligation to change borders be it intentional/unintentional. It is against international law & entailing continued instability in #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
It must be admitted some of Tigray crisis related statements has been issued deliberately in a propagandist mood in order to prove the incompetence of 2018 #Eritrea & #Ethiopia Peace & Cooperation Treaty and to undermine its immediate bright futuristic role in the region
#HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL: The light at the end of the tunnel after 1998 in #Eritrea #Ethiopia and the region is the rule of international law and order not the rule of coercion, proxy wars & disorder. eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Light…
Bad part is TPLF made social injustices become rampant in #Ethiopia utilizing power/political legitimacy for ethnic, religious & clan objectives. Worst part is to see some others still using it against other nationals & neighboring nations especially #Eritrea #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU
STOP thinking that #Eritrea & #Ethiopia have been or are your protectorates & please allow us to embrace the memories of all the heroes & heroines who fell for the liberty, freedom & dignity of these great African population now #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
2018 Peace & Cooperation Treaty signed by #Eritrea & #Ethiopia witnessed by UN SG Gutares is not only binding under international law but it shall also determine future destiny of both sisterly countries citizens to live in harmony & mutual respect #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC
The long odyssey and journey for equality, peace and cooperation of the people of #Eritrea, #Ethiopia, #Somalia, #Sudan #SouthSudan & beyond is unstoppable because options of slavery,colonialism,neocolonialism are unjust tools of proven wrongs #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
HISTORY WAS MADE: In this great moment of hope and excitement-dawn after a long night for the heroic people of #Eritrea #Ethiopia -2018 Peace & Cooperation Agreement was signed. Leaders of lawlessness in TIgray can’t turn back the hands of time now. #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC
The million dollar question-which no statement can evade be it by #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea or #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア- is do you support the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) of Tigray which was prepared and staged by force on Nov 4, 2020?
History of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia has been embedded deep into regional peace by heroic freedom fighters who stood up in arms & through blood, sweat & tears, united against all odds, proving again & again to the world might is #NoMore or not always right #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
This time we have to thank TIgray fake news proponents like #martinplaut for not linking up #Eritrea to the closure of the Suez Canal or price of potato going up as a result in Mekele #Ethiopia #Amnesty #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオ