#オーストラリア 海軍 は、#国連 安保理決議 により禁止されている北朝鮮籍船舶の #瀬取り を含む違法な海上活動に対して、5月下旬に #フリゲートアンザック を派遣し、2018年以降9度目となる艦艇による警戒監視を行いました。#防衛省・自衛隊 #UN mod.go.jp/j/approach/def…
全国のコミュニティFMでお送りする『旅するK-POP』リクエストコーナーの予定です🎵 6/5~11(#379)CHIMIRO 6/12~18(#380)UN 番組では皆さんのお気に入りの1曲をお待ちしております。詳細は番組内でご確認下さい📻 #tabikpop #たかはぎFM #CHIMIRO #チャングンソク #キムジョンフン #UN #KPOP
For over 3 decades, the illegality of #russia's membership has been an elephant in the room of the #UNSC & an integral element of permanent instability of the international system. Today, 🇷🇺 begins its presidency in the Council. A sad day for the #UN & rule-based intl. order 1/2
#Russia will assume presidency of the #UN Security Council April 1 as the country's dictator is wanted for war crimes amounting to genocide by the ICC, a court established by the UN. World order's bureaucratic dysfunction epitomized. What an embarrassment. time.com/6262698/danger…
Arrived in #Doha to attend #LDC5. First meeting is w/UN Secretary General @antonioguterres. Grateful for the assistance of the #UN after the earthquake in Türkiye. Discussed our #zerowaste initiative, situation in #Ukraine, #IstanbulGrainDeal. 🇹🇷🇺🇳
İnsani İşlerden Sorumlu #BM Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı ve Acil Yardım Koordinatörüyle görüşerek BM ve bağlı kuruluşlarının #deprem bölgesindeki faaliyetlerini ele aldık. Discussed w/ Griffiths, @UNReliefChief, the activities of #UN & its agencies in the #earthquake zones.🇹🇷🇺🇳
今日は #世界湿地の日 です。 今年のテーマは、「劣化した湿地の回復と修復」です。劣化してしまった湿原が回復すれば、以前の恩恵を再び我々にもたらしてくれます。🌍🧑🏽👩🏻👵湿地は二酸化炭素を吸収するため、地球温暖化を抑制し、汚染を軽減してくれます。🌱🌏 #UN #国連 #SDGs
Historic sad picture worth thousand words: freedom fighters #Eritrea in the Nubian Mountain Shield in 1982 facing sarin gas attack by Warsaw Pact. Self improvised charcoal mask at their disposal. Did #UN or #UNHRC ? NONE!エリトリア エチオピア
۱۳۵ روز از بازداشت #لیلا_حسین‌زاده دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد رشته‌ی انسان‌شناسی دانشگاه تهران می‌گذرد.وی در تاریخ ۲۹ مردادماه در مقابل منزلش در تهران همراه با ضرب و شتم دستگیر شد. بعلت تشدید بیمارانش جانش در خطر است. #IranRevoIution #UN #Leila_Hosseinzadeh
According to the international protocols, using #nerve_gases what is going on in #Javanrud , is a clear example of war crime Hereby, we request all related international organizations and communities to stand with Iranian people based on R2P Law. #IranRevolution2022 #UN
#China will become pivotal in changing, uncertain world.” -- Haroon Sharif, Senior Advisor to the #UN
STOP ETHNIC HATE-MONGERS NOW: the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Tigray by the warlords in TPLF has no historical/legal legitimacy & clearly against both #UN +#AfricanUnion Charters #SouthAfrica #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
DESIST MISNOMER & MILITARIZATION PRETEXTS: #UNSC or anybody can’t & should not categorize TPLF’s concerted war of Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI of Tigray) against members of #UN #AfricanUnion ( #Eritrea & #Ethiopia ) as mere “provocation”. エリトリア エチオピア
Passed/current military, political, diplomatic, economic & propaganda campaigns carried out to justify the unilateral declaration of independence by Tigray warlords is illegal & against intl law. #Eritres & #Ethiopia are members of #UN #AU エリトリア エチオピア #UNSG #UNSC
True! The #PRC distorts the #UNGA resolution 2758 to keep #Taiwan out of the entire #UN system & now abuses it to legitimize the use of force against us. This violates the most fundamental tenets of the UN Charter. The world should say NO to it. JW twitter.com/GlobalStratVie…
#UN has spoken. The international community massively rejects Russia’s attempted illegal annexation in #Ukraine Protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity is the core of the @UN Charter @ZelenskyyUa
For #Russia to bombard residential areas in #Ukraine with missiles is a violation of the #UN Charter & utterly unacceptable. We strongly condemn the cowardly act of killing innocent civilians. #Taiwan partners with fellow democracies to #StandWithUkraine. JW twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/st…
China has been a firm supporter of the #UN and #multilateralism. And with deeds not words.
今日は #国際非暴力デー 🙅💣 この国際デーは、教育や国民の意識向上などを通じて、非暴力のメッセージを普及させることを目的に、インド独立運動の指導者であり、非暴力の哲学と戦略の先駆者であるマハトマ・ガンジーの誕生日である10月2日に制定されました。 #UN #国連
China at the #UN Upper pic: Developing countries congratulate the PRC on restoring its lawful seat at the UN. Lower pic: Delegates congratulate Chinese SC&FM Wang Yi after he addresses the annual gathering of nations at #UNGA.
A warm meeting with FM @MinisterIanBorg of Malta. Congratulated them on their election to UNSC. Agreed to deepen cooperation in the #UN and Commonwealth. Also explored strengthening our bilateral economic ties.
#UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres: Our position is very clear. We abide by General Assembly resolutions, by the One China policy, and that is the orientation that we have in everything we do.
현장영상▶youtu.be/peLoh_FBNdE 그룹 에스파가 유엔 포럼에서 미래세대를 대표해 지속가능한 발전 목표에 대한 관심과 실천을 독려하는 메시지를 전했습니다. #에스파 #유엔포럼 #UN #지속가능한발전 #aespa
They speak about the importance of the sustainable real world being mirrored in the virtual world and encourage future attention and practice. bit.ly/3nIJHJm #aespa #에스파 @aespa_official #UnitedNations #UN #HLPF2022
‘Next generation leaders’ aespa deliver a speech at the UN ‘2022 High-Level Political Forum for sustainable development’! bit.ly/3nIJHJm #aespa #에스파 @aespa_official #UnitedNations #UN #HLPF2022