Day 6 with @VFritzNews 📺 🔹🆕 #Olympics related #Covid19 hospitalisations🏥 🔹public: “do they take priority over 🇯🇵’s citizens?” 🕐の中継📺 🔹#Tokyo2020 関係者がコロナ入院🏥 🔹小池知事「1人暮らしの方は自宅を病床のような形で」発言 🔹SNSでは「五輪関係者優先?」
日本でニュースになってないけど、台湾はコロナを抑え込んだみたいね。 ワクチン普及してないのに、PCR検査と追跡、そしてロックダウンでまた市中感染0に持ち込みそう。 これが感染症対策の王道。 #Covid19…
Let's believe again! Together we must stay vigilant, follow #Covid19 Appropriate Behaviours and get vaccinated to protect our country. India, we can do this!…
そもそも、武漢ウィルスからCovid19の名前になったとき、WHOは「地域の名称はスティグマタイズ(汚名を着せる)するから、やめましょう」って話だったと記憶してますが、変異株には、英国とかインドとか地域名つけてますが、どういう基準なんだろうかっと謎。 #Covid19
#India is experiencing the world's worst #Covid19 outbreak, recording the highest daily cases globally. It is quickly running out of oxygen, beds, crematoriums, and doctors. Meanwhile Modi pushes for censorship. #IndiaNeedsOxygen #ModiDisasterForIndia…
要拡散。#Covid19 に関する最新の内閣官房推定結果 by筑波大 倉橋先生。大阪に多い1.5倍程度感染力が高い変異株が多く東京に到来すると五輪をハッピーにやるのは困難という結論。連休中、東海道の往来はミニマムに、東京人は海辺や山の疎空間で気晴らしをするのが当面吉かと…
I spoke to the @livemint about deepening UK-India 🇮🇳🇬🇧 trade and investment partnership. We want to: ✅Create more jobs ✅Grow future industries like life sciences & tech ✅Deliver an exports-led, investment-led recovery from #Covid19 Read more 👇…
#Turkey: The government covered up the true number of deaths from #Covid19 and the extent of the damage, risking public health domestically and abroad. President Erdogan is calling doctors & critics that speak out 'terrorists'. Report:…
Palestinians excluded from Israeli #Covid19 vaccine. "Israel transports batches of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine deep inside the West Bank. But they are only distributed to Jewish settlers, and not the roughly 2.7M Palestinians living around them." Report:…
Thousands of Trump loyalists, many refusing to wear masks, gather tightly in D.C. on the day prior to a major Pro-Trump march amid a deadly #Covid19 pandemic. Donald Trump is expected to speak on Jan 6 as he attempts to retain power although having lost the 2020 election.
#US surpassed 14M #Covid19 infections; at least 274,648 people have died. President-elect Joe Biden says at least 250,000 more people will die ‘because people aren’t paying attention’. Bush, Obama, and Clinton have 'volunteered to be vaccinated' on camera.
Mexico admits #Covid19 death toll much higher than official number. The pandemic now suspected of killing at least 139,153 people compared with official toll of 88,924 – the fourth highest number in the world after the US, Brazil and India.…
#Argentina: A camp of more than 1,000 homeless families has been violently evicted by 4,000 police. Most of the people were fleeing anti-female violence or displaced by the #Covid19 Pandemic due to loss of employment. #NoAlDesalojoEnGuernica #Guernica
As millions sink into poverty, #Covid19 makes world's billionaires — and their advisers — even richer Global trend suggests crisis is widening financial inequalities. Which according to experts fuels instability. Report:…
#Covid19、フランスで24時間で死者523人。 泣きたい気分。
Trump loses #Covid19 segment of the debate. Continues to claim children and young people are "safe" from the virus and that only 'Democrats' are dying; proceeds to blame Dr. Fauci of incompetence. Candidate Biden provides a comprehensive plan. #Debates2020
This story woke me up despite being in food coma🤩 @iocmedia says @Olympics🥇🥈🥉 will go ahead next summer regardless of #Covid19🦠 ランチ🥢食べて眠たかったのに、一気に目が覚めたニュース🤩 IOCのコーツ調整委員長が「新型コロナウイルスにかかわらず、東京五輪は開催する」と🥇🥈🥉
The antibodies that develop stay in our system for a limited period of time only.. I request Everyone who are cured from #Covid19 to come forward and donate. And become a life saver..🙏🏼🙏🏼
[City-wide testing by three #China-based laboratories, with one allegedly involved in DNA collections of #Uyghurs] 1/ #Hkgov has just announced a city-wide #Covid19 testing. Without proper tendering procedures, #Carrielam directly granted 150,000,000 HKD for the project.
#Covid19 Sonrası Dünya: İşbirliği mi, Rekabet mi? SAM ve Antalya Diplomasi Forumu küresel çapta yabancı uzmanların görüşlerini derledi. Bu önemli kitabı ilgiyle okuyacağınıza inanıyorum. @SAM_MFA @AntalyaDF…
The World After #Covid19: Cooperation or Competition? SAM and Antalya Diplomacy Forum compiled articles from prominent intellectuals of the world. I hope you read this book with great interest. @SAM_MFA @AntalyaDF…
[📺] [#Covid19 Stop Challenge] 코로나19 STOP MV 좋은 기회로 고용노동부와 한국산업안전보건공단이 함께 제작하는 코로나19 관련 캠페인 송에 참여하게되었습니다. #문종업 #JONGUP #文钟业 #고용노동부 #한국산업안전보건공단 #힘내라_대한민국 #CORONA_STOP #코로나19_STOP #COVID19_STOP
In The Interest Of Public Safety @tarak9999 Anna Will Not Be Visiting The NTR Ghat Tomorrow. Tarak Anna Will Be Offering His Respects & Prayers To Swargeeya Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao Garu At Home. This Is To Prevent Gathering Of Crowds Which Is Against Govt #Covid19 Lockdown Norms
Српска наука, институти и факултети не заостају нимало за светом.Доказало се у најкомплекснијим околностима, када су наши научници дали решења за најтеже проблеме.Хвала вам за све време, знање, упорност и подршку медицинским тимовима у борби против #Covid19.Србија се поноси вама
まもなく日英自由貿易協定交渉が開始。@trussliz英国際通商相は「英国にとって日本は大切な貿易相手国であり、 #Covid19 で経済に困難が生じる中、新協定は貿易投資拡大や雇用創出に寄与する」と述べました。新協定により日英間の貿易は年間152億ポンドの増加が見込まれます。