According @SebBovetSRC, there is a good chance that the World Figure Skating Championships will be canceled due to the #Covid19. News is expected shortly #WorldFigure twitter.com/SebBovetSRC/st…
As #Covid19 wrecks havoc around the world, I just took the #WashYourHands challenge to encourage us to heed the advice of medical experts. Wash hands regularly; practice social distancing; seek medical attention as soon as you have symptoms. Let's win the war against this virus
~ @tarak9999 Anna has announced a contribution of Rs 75 Lakhs towards #Covid19 Relief. Out of this, 50 Lakhs (25+ 25) shall go the CM Relief Funds of @AndhraPradeshCM & @TelanganaCMO . 25 Lakhs shall go towards the aid of affected Telugu Film Industry Workers #StayHomeStaySafe
@tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan @tarak9999 Anna has announced a contribution of Rs 75 Lakhs towards #Covid19 Relief. Out of this, 50 Lakhs (25+ 25) shall go the CM Relief Funds of @AndhraPradeshCM & @TelanganaCMO . 25 Lakhs shall go towards the aid of affected Telugu Film Industry Workers Jai NTR Jai Jai NTR
บทเพลงยามบ่ายวันนี้ "ไม่รักไม่ต้อง" NJ Together #Covid19 #quarantine #lipsync
Friends, @UNESCO & @i4policy have launched a campaign to combat disinformation & misinformation on #Covid19. Our #CoronavirusAlert is the campaign song. Create video, poster, comic etc, tag #dontgoviral, post on your platform and submit your content on bit.ly/dontgoviral
Sent messages of solidarity to their Excellencies the leaders of States within East Africa, Africa & the world. On behalf of the #PeoplePowerMovement, I sent assurances that we stand with the people of the world in these turbulent times. Together, we shall overcome #Covid19
#つなぐ」プロジェクト始動 今を乗り越える為にアスリートが立ち上がりました。 マスク20万枚の配布や外出自粛が続く中オンラインイベントの実施などアスリートが日本の為に出来る事をやっていきます。 皆さんで想いをつなげていこう。 #udnfoundation #stayhome #Covid19 udnsports.com/news/319/
How stupid is japanese government?! 日本政府のアホさに怯えとるわ! Full video is available on YouTube🗻🍣🐉🗼全編はYouTubeで見てね〜〜〜 #Covid19 youtu.be/BLLICz2xqis
เฟซบุ๊กไลฟ์ที่เพจพรรคก้าวไกล คืนนี้ เวลา 18.00 น. เป็นต้นไป​ #โควิด19 #Covid19 #ก้าวไกล
클천지... 원숭이들의 밤. 이태원 클럽, 접촉자 7천여명 '서울 안되면 지방' 클럽찾는 2030 정은경 본부장 "굉장히 송구한 마음" #코로나19 #Covid19
まもなく日英自由貿易協定交渉が開始。@trussliz英国際通商相は「英国にとって日本は大切な貿易相手国であり、 #Covid19 で経済に困難が生じる中、新協定は貿易投資拡大や雇用創出に寄与する」と述べました。新協定により日英間の貿易は年間152億ポンドの増加が見込まれます。 ow.ly/QEfG50zEP8y
Српска наука, институти и факултети не заостају нимало за светом.Доказало се у најкомплекснијим околностима, када су наши научници дали решења за најтеже проблеме.Хвала вам за све време, знање, упорност и подршку медицинским тимовима у борби против #Covid19.Србија се поноси вама
In The Interest Of Public Safety @tarak9999 Anna Will Not Be Visiting The NTR Ghat Tomorrow. Tarak Anna Will Be Offering His Respects & Prayers To Swargeeya Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao Garu At Home. This Is To Prevent Gathering Of Crowds Which Is Against Govt #Covid19 Lockdown Norms
[📺] [#Covid19 Stop Challenge] 코로나19 STOP MV 좋은 기회로 고용노동부와 한국산업안전보건공단이 함께 제작하는 코로나19 관련 캠페인 송에 참여하게되었습니다. #문종업 #JONGUP #文钟业 #고용노동부 #한국산업안전보건공단 #힘내라_대한민국 #CORONA_STOP #코로나19_STOP #COVID19_STOP
The World After #Covid19: Cooperation or Competition? SAM and Antalya Diplomacy Forum compiled articles from prominent intellectuals of the world. I hope you read this book with great interest. @SAM_MFA @AntalyaDF sam.gov.tr/wp-content/upl…
#Covid19 Sonrası Dünya: İşbirliği mi, Rekabet mi? SAM ve Antalya Diplomasi Forumu küresel çapta yabancı uzmanların görüşlerini derledi. Bu önemli kitabı ilgiyle okuyacağınıza inanıyorum. @SAM_MFA @AntalyaDF sam.gov.tr/tr/wp-content/…
[City-wide testing by three #China-based laboratories, with one allegedly involved in DNA collections of #Uyghurs] 1/ #Hkgov has just announced a city-wide #Covid19 testing. Without proper tendering procedures, #Carrielam directly granted 150,000,000 HKD for the project.
The antibodies that develop stay in our system for a limited period of time only.. I request Everyone who are cured from #Covid19 to come forward and donate. And become a life saver..🙏🏼🙏🏼
This story woke me up despite being in food coma🤩 @iocmedia says @Olympics🥇🥈🥉 will go ahead next summer regardless of #Covid19🦠 ランチ🥢食べて眠たかったのに、一気に目が覚めたニュース🤩 IOCのコーツ調整委員長が「新型コロナウイルスにかかわらず、東京五輪は開催する」と🥇🥈🥉
Trump loses #Covid19 segment of the debate. Continues to claim children and young people are "safe" from the virus and that only 'Democrats' are dying; proceeds to blame Dr. Fauci of incompetence. Candidate Biden provides a comprehensive plan. #Debates2020
#Covid19、フランスで24時間で死者523人。 泣きたい気分。
As millions sink into poverty, #Covid19 makes world's billionaires — and their advisers — even richer Global trend suggests crisis is widening financial inequalities. Which according to experts fuels instability. Report: financialpost.com/personal-finan…
#Argentina: A camp of more than 1,000 homeless families has been violently evicted by 4,000 police. Most of the people were fleeing anti-female violence or displaced by the #Covid19 Pandemic due to loss of employment. #NoAlDesalojoEnGuernica #Guernica
Mexico admits #Covid19 death toll much higher than official number. The pandemic now suspected of killing at least 139,153 people compared with official toll of 88,924 – the fourth highest number in the world after the US, Brazil and India. theguardian.com/world/2020/oct…