Aquecimento Global pode chegar a 1,5 grau Celsius na próxima década, indica novo relatório (IPCC) climático da ONU. O planeta Terra pede socorro urgentemente! O aumento da temperatura intensificará eventos extremos como ondas de calor, inundações e secas #COP26
Offsetting risks human rights transgressions and to harm already vulnerable communities. Offsetting is often hypocrisy and it is swirling around at #COP26. In broad daylight, we are being gaslit by corporates and governments but we are exposing the climate lies. 3/5
#COP26: GREENWASH ALERT! The fossil fuel industry & banks caused are among the biggest climate villains. Now @Shell @bp & @StanChart are here in Glasgow trying to scale up offsetting & give polluters a free pass to keep polluting. Their plan could trash the 1,5°C goal. 1/5
#ClimateChange affects women the most. At #COP26, we must take action to green our economies & promote gender equality in energy & agriculture. Our #FeministPlan outlines a set of policies to ensure gender-just transitions to a sustainable future. unwo.men/jCr150GELoH
今夜の #newszero パートナーは #辻愛沙子 さん ▽#京王線刺傷「オイルかけられ」被害者語る一部始終 ▽都内の #サル 移動中…新宿から赤羽に ▽初の祝日 コロナ「#全面解除」後 ▽「#TikTok売れ」「#ウマ娘」今年のヒット商品 ▽デビューの日… #嵐 4人そろって ▽ナゼ?日本が #化石賞 #COP26
Wow! Now almost 1,5 million people all over the world have signed our plea to for world leaders to end the climate betrayal during #COP26 . People are mobilising and rising together. Sign here: secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/cl…
I am pleased to announce that I’ve decided to go net-zero on swear words and bad language. In the event that I should say something inappropriate I pledge to compensate that by saying something nice. #COP26
We've made good progress at the @COP26 World Leaders Summit, but the work is just beginning. Let's get real about climate change and protect our planet for future generations. #COP26
Today I announced the UK will be the world’s first Net Zero aligned financial centre. We’re rewiring the financial system for net zero with over $130 trillion, around 40% of the world’s financial assets, now being aligned with Paris climate goals. #COP26 gov.uk/government/new…
初外遊の様子を動画にまとめました。対面での首脳外交、非常に良い形でスタートできました。 #COP26 #初外遊 #英国 @kishida230
《総理の動き》 11月2日岸田総理はCOP26世界リーダーズ・サミットに出席し、スピーチを行いました。 #COP26  #イギリス #外交 ▼全文はこちら kantei.go.jp/jp/100_kishida…
Indigenous women like Alice have always showed respect and protection for our planet. Let's ensure their voices and land rights are at the centre of #COP26.
🇸🇪グレタ・トゥンベリさん 何故、欠席した中露に対しては批判しないのでしょうか? 摩訶不思議、彼女を取り巻く大人たちの背景を見てみたい... #COP26 
Na abertura da Conferência da ONU sobre mudanças climáticas, a Rainha Elizabeth II avisou que ninguém vive para sempre. Se não fizermos por nós, mudemos por nossos filhos, pelos filhos dos nossos filhos e por aqueles que irão seguir seus passos. #COP26
Time is running out. Change won’t come from these conferences like #COP26 unless there is big public pressure from the outside. Join the climate strike this Friday (Kelvingrove Park 11am), and the climate march Saturday (11.30am) to make your voice heard. Together we are strong.
Let's keep 1.5 alive #COP26
【「旗色は悪い」#COP26 総理演説を解説】 政治部 山本志門記者 Q.#石炭火力の廃止 求められているが 「日本の地理的制約を考えると、一気に再エネに舵は切れない。原発再稼働も見通せない」 「#技術革新 で何とか環境負荷をかけない方法に持っていき、欧米の理解を得るのが戦略」 #報ステ
This #COP26, let us call for concrete actions that will advance gender equality and combat climate change for a more equal and sustainable world.
Let’s work together not just to protect the forests, but also to ensure that the forests return. → gov.uk/government/new… #COP26
The whole United Kingdom is leading the fight against climate change. Together we welcomed the world to Glasgow for @COP26 so that we can protect the planet and build a greener, more prosperous future. #COP26
No matter your age, background or situation, you can mobilize and drive #climateaction. Wangari Maathai, the 1st African woman to win the @NobelPrize, continues to inspire new generations. #COP26
Wnioski po #COP26: 1. czyste środowisko, 2. tania energia, 3. dobra praca. Potrzebujemy transformacji energetycznej, ale takiej, na której nie będą tracić zwykli ludzie. Ścieżka dojścia do neutralności klimatycznej musi być sprawiedliwa.
#岸防衛大臣 は、10月31日からイギリスのグラスゴーで開催されている #COP26 (第26回気候変動枠組条約締約国会議)にビデオメッセージを送りました。#防衛省・自衛隊 は、#気候変動 という新しい分野にも積極的に関与していきます!ビデオメッセージはこちら👇 youtu.be/O8ruR_nMVKE
アジア全体のゼロエミッション化に向け、我が国がリーダーシップを発揮していく、との力強い決意を世界に発信してまいります。 また、この機会を活用し、イギリスのジョンソン首相やベトナムのチン首相と会談するなど、対面での首脳外交を進めてまいります。 #COP26 #イギリス #外交 @kishida230
…と言ってるうちに世界気象機関(WMO)の「異常気象はもはや新しい平常だ」という報告書も。気候危機によってまず貧しい人(動物も!)、そして人類全体が甚大な被害を受けることを思えば、簡単に優先度を下げていい問題でないのは確実。#COP26 で何か進展があることを願う… bbc.com/japanese/59115…