Some people might call me a tree-hugger, but I’m not ashamed: the decisions we make today will impact the environment for generations to come. So follow @ThisIsZeroHour & join the #ThisIsZeroHour march on July 21 to fight for #climateaction!
Her çocuğun eşit haklarla doğduğuna, sağlık, eğitim, temiz çevre ve korunmuş bir doğayı hak ettiğine inanıyoruz. Sporcularımızla @unicefturk'in iklim seferberliğini destekliyoruz. #İklimEylemi biz de varız. #DünyaÇocukGünü #climateaction #ForEveryChild #dunyacocukhaklarigunu
No matter your age, background, or situation, you can mobilize and drive #climateaction. Wangari Maathai, the 1st African woman to win the @NobelPrize, continues to inspire new generations.
No matter your age, background or situation, you can mobilize and drive #climateaction. Wangari Maathai, the 1st African woman to win the @NobelPrize, continues to inspire new generations. #COP26
Australia has launched its largest investment ever towards ocean conservation. The goal is to protect ‘blue carbon’ environments, reduce emissions, and secure it's own future. #noplanetb #climateaction #protectoceans subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=pr-5rl…
We must listen to young women and girls' #climateaction demands at #COP26. They are leading the movement #TogetherForOurPlanet.
Women and girls are leaders of climate responses and solutions. The #GenerationEquality Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice aims to harness the momentum of #climateaction with women and girls at the center towards a sustainable future for all. #CSW66
Want to take feminist #climateaction? Start by learning the facts 👉📚unwo.men/2QOR50GAJA6 #COP26
🐬 🦐 🦑 🐳 🦈 🐠 There is no planet B. We need urgent #climateaction and policies to reduce plastic use, protect wildlife and implement sustainable and responsible practices.
There is no planet B. We need urgent #climateaction and policies to reduce plastic use, protect wildlife and implement sustainable and responsible practices 🐬🐋🐠