CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 To all BLINKs across the planet. WATCH our video with @UKinKorea on our journey to learn more about #ClimateChange ahead of next year’s UN Climate Summit in UK @COP26. #ClimateActionInYourArea #TogetherForOurPlanet
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 WATCH our interview with @BBCLBicker on the need for #ClimateAction @COP26 @UKinKorea #BBC #TogetherForOurPlanet
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 WATCH our interview with @BBCLBicker on the need for #ClimateAction @COP26 @UKinKorea #BBC #TogetherForOurPlanet #BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 #YG
#COP26 has been named the must excluding COP ever. This is no longer a climate conference. This is a Global North greenwash festival. A two week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.
I am pleased to announce that I’ve decided to go net-zero on swear words and bad language. In the event that I should say something inappropriate I pledge to compensate that by saying something nice. #COP26
CALLING ALL BLINKS: REFLECT ON #COP26  주한 영국대사와 함께한 블랙핑크의 #기후행동 돌아보기 ▶️ youtu.be/8rceGqSF4-w #BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 #YG
Finally in Glasgow for the #COP26! And thank you for the very warm welcome…😅
Unless we achieve immediate, drastic, unprecedented, annual emission cuts at the source then that means we’re failing when it comes to this climate crisis. “Small steps in the right direction”, “making some progress” or “winning slowly” equals loosing. #COP26 #UprootTheSystem
Now as #COP26  is coming to an end, beware of a tsunami of greenwashing and media spin to somehow frame the outcome as “good”, “progress”, “hopeful” or “a step in the right direction”.
Time is running out. Change won’t come from these conferences like #COP26 unless there is big public pressure from the outside. Join the climate strike this Friday (Kelvingrove Park 11am), and the climate march Saturday (11.30am) to make your voice heard. Together we are strong.
“As citizens across the planet, we urge you to face up to the climate emergency. Not next year. Not next month. Now” Join me and activists all over the world and demand leaders to face the climate crisis at #COP26 So far more than 650k people have signed! secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/cl…
Today hundreds of thousands all over the world marched for the climate, sending a clear signal to people in power at #COP26 to protect people and planet. Our so-called “leaders” aren’t leading - THIS is what leadership looks like! #UprootTheSystem 📸: Glasgow, Oliver Kornblihtt
The #COP26 is over. Here’s a brief summary: Blah, blah, blah. But the real work continues outside these halls. And we will never give up, ever. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
A must watch, especially now during #COP26 twitter.com/thejuicemedia/…
2,4°C if all govts met the 2030 targets, 2,7°C with current policies. These NDCs are based on flawed and underreported numbers. And this is IF leaders meet their promises, which judging by their track record is not very likely... This is what some seem to celebrate today. #COP26 twitter.com/climateactiont…
What a surprise... As it is now the people in power can get away with almost anything. All they have to do is to say some nice words and say they will "form alliances and work together to combat climate change". #COP26 twitter.com/RobbBla/status…
[UPDATE] 220602 — #COP26 Ambassadors @BLACKPINK at the British Embassy in Seoul 블랙핑크 리사 #LISA #리사 #BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 #LALISA @BLACKPINK
Wow! Now almost 1,5 million people all over the world have signed our plea to for world leaders to end the climate betrayal during #COP26 . People are mobilising and rising together. Sign here: secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/cl…
#COP26: GREENWASH ALERT! The fossil fuel industry & banks caused are among the biggest climate villains. Now @Shell @bp & @StanChart are here in Glasgow trying to scale up offsetting & give polluters a free pass to keep polluting. Their plan could trash the 1,5°C goal. 1/5
“We need to remind ourselves that we can still turn this around. It’s entirely possible if we are prepared to change. Hope is all around us.” I wrote a text about what it will take for the #COP26 to be successful. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
"Unless COP26’s failure is recognized as failure, there is no way to learn from it. Allowing global leaders to feel that what happened in Glasgow was acceptable — and spinning it as some sort of success — would be a disastrous mistake." #COP26 latimes.com/opinion/story/…
On Friday Nov 5 I’ll join the climate strike in Glasgow, during #COP26 Climate justice also means social justice and that we leave no one behind. So we invite everyone, especially the workers striking in Glasgow, to join us. See you there! #UprootTheSystem @FFF_Glasgow
"The total emissions of the richest 10 percent alone are set to exceed the 1.5°C-aligned level in 2030, regardless of what the other 90 percent do" - study from @SEIresearch and @IEEP_eu This is one of the many reasons why we need climate justice. #COP26 oxfam.org/en/press-relea…
School strike week 167, in Glasgow at the #COP26 ! #FridaysForFuture #UprootTheSystem #ClimateStrike
เป็นนิมิตหมายอันดีที่ไทยได้ประกาศแผนก๊าซเรือนกระจกเป็น 0 (Net Zero) บนเวที COP26 แต่งานหนักที่แท้จริงเพิ่งเริ่มต้นขึ้นเท่านั้น หมดเวลากับวิธีการเดิมๆ ถึงเวลาของความเปลี่ยนแปลงเพื่อความอยู่รอดของคนไทย ประเทศไทย และโลกของเราครับ อ่านต่อได้ที่: facebook.com/17099741891092… #COP26