イギリスで最も歴史ある新聞「タイムズ」が #麻生太郎 氏の「温暖化で米が美味しくなった」との暴言を取り上げている。 よりにもよって、今月末から世界各国の代表団が温暖化対策を協議する #COP26 が英グラスゴー市で開催されるタイミングで派手にやらかしたな。 thetimes.co.uk/article/cop26-… #気候危機
At #COP26 in Glasgow, I will come with a simple message: Nuclear is and will be part of the solution to our #climatecrisis. #Atoms4Climate
On Friday Nov 5 I’ll join the climate strike in Glasgow, during #COP26 Climate justice also means social justice and that we leave no one behind. So we invite everyone, especially the workers striking in Glasgow, to join us. See you there! #UprootTheSystem @FFF_Glasgow
In just seven days' time, the @COP26 climate summit will begin in Glasgow. This is our best chance to make the changes we need to protect our planet for our children and grandchildren. #COP26
The @COP26 summit is a turning point for humanity. The world must act now to protect our planet – before it is too late. #COP26
“We need to remind ourselves that we can still turn this around. It’s entirely possible if we are prepared to change. Hope is all around us.” I wrote a text about what it will take for the #COP26 to be successful. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
Great to address young climate activists at the #Youth4Climate conference alongside PM Mario Draghi. Young people have the greatest stake in the future of our planet. With their passion and drive, we can make #COP26 the beginning of the end of climate change.
10月末からは、COP26が開催されます。我が国の具体的な行動を世界に示し、新興国を巻き込みながら、世界の脱炭素化と持続可能な成長を主導してまいります。 #地球温暖化対策計画 #パリ協定に基づく長期戦略 #COP26
"We have the skills to address climate change in time. All we need is the global will to do so." Sir David Attenborough is speaking to G7 leaders about how the world can tackle #ClimateChange together 🌏 #G7UK #COP26 #TogetherForOurPlanet
Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow #COP26 But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms. Right now many countries are vaccinating healthy young people, often at the expense of risk groups and front line workers (mainly from global south, as usual...). Thread-> twitter.com/BBCNews/status…
Thank you for the in-depth conversation dear John. Critical times. We have entered the decade of results for climate. 2021 must be the year of collective action. Let’s make April 22nd a decisive moment on the way to #COP26. Eager to work together to #MakeOurPlanetGreatAgain! twitter.com/ClimateEnvoy/s…
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 WATCH our interview with @BBCLBicker on the need for #ClimateAction @COP26 @UKinKorea #BBC #TogetherForOurPlanet #BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 #YG
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 WATCH our interview with @BBCLBicker on the need for #ClimateAction @COP26 @UKinKorea #BBC #TogetherForOurPlanet
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 To all BLINKs across the planet. WATCH our video with @UKinKorea on our journey to learn more about #ClimateChange ahead of next year’s UN Climate Summit in UK @COP26. #ClimateActionInYourArea #TogetherForOurPlanet
This is my favourite way to sleep! And thank you John for all your work on climate change! Good luck for #COP26 🥳 This cat is with you: here I am showing how best to save energy... starting with my own. twitter.com/JohnMurton/sta…