2. But what concerns him most is the situation of other #HKprotestors, from the recent arrest of #GrandmaWong to the 30yo protestor, who was charged for violating #nationalsecuritylaw after singing protest song #GloryToHongKong. Joshua also calls for attention to #save12hkyouths.
This is an important event. We hope that @JulianWTO_UN raises the case of the 12 Hong Kong young people who are currently detained in mainland China in the discussion. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/UKMissionGenev…
On the 160th day since the detention of #12Hkers, we condemn the Chinese Communist government for acting against its own principles of judicial transparency and in violation of the detainees’ legal rights. The Chinese authorities must release them immediately. #save12hkyouths
It's been 70 days since #AndyIsMissing. It is very worrying that we are still unable to reach #12HKyouths as there is no guarantee to their well-being while held by CCP as political prisoners. Please watch the video. Spread the word. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi Bring them home. twitter.com/frances_hui/st…
6. In order to bring those #asylumseekers back and safe, we hope the world can keep a close watch on the issue. #save12hkyouth #save12hkyouths
台湾の報道です。 台湾へ密航失敗の若い香港人、中国へ連れ去れたら、無期懲役の可能性が高まる。 なぜ!そんな重い?中共の独裁を看過できない、今日は人ごとと思ってた災難も、明日は我が身の上に降りかかるかも! 何とか #香港人12人の若者を助けて #save12hkyouths yns.page.link/mv4nP
We're touched by the support shown globally. Shout out to the brillant people at @save12hkyouths' broadcasted virtual rally. #Andyismissing for 65 days, but we're showered with hopes that in solidarity we could break the current impasse and bring him home soon. #save12hkyouths
Today, along with @jooeysiiu and others, we are calling people to speak up for the 12 HK youths. Join the campaign: post a pic of #save12hkyouths & tag 3 friends to spread the word. @SKinnock @amcarmichaelMP @joshuawongcf twitter.com/benedictrogers…
6/ If my bail is to be denied, I sincerely hope that the world will keep a close watch on and divert the attention to the 12 young activists and the development of Hong Kong. Pass our devotion on and do as much as you can to stand with HKers. @save12hkyouths #save12hkyouths
.@appledaily_hk found that a govt aircraft had been circling the waters where the speedboat was believed to be at on Aug23 despite HKPF claims that they had known nothing beforehand. How many lies have we heard already? #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths facebook.com/save12hkyouths…
今日は沢山の方がご来場頂き、我々の訴えを聞いてくれてありがとうございます。一人でも多くの方に香港の事を知っていただけたら幸いです。 12人が無事救出されるまで、声を上げ続けます。 With @ActwithHK @hkladyliberty @NFAHKatJapan #save12hkyouths #香港人12人の若者を助けて #FreeAgnes twitter.com/StandwithHK_JP…
紐約手足撐 #SAVE12 NYC in solidarity with #save12hkyouths Sat, Oct 24, 3PM Times Square 紐約 @NY4HK聯同 @lionrockcafe及其他群組響應”十二港人關注組”嘅全球呼喚活動集會同打卡行動 @NY4HK & @lionrockcafe and other groups will host a rally to stand in solidarity with @save12hkyouths
NEW: 63 MPs and Peers have written to @DominicRaab to call for him to make #save12hkyouths a "diplomatic priority". Led by @DavidAltonHL, they call for their immediate "return to Hong Kong". Read coverage in @guardian here: theguardian.com/world/2020/oct… @heldavidson
#Andyismissing for 89 days. And no, we haven't received any news from Andy. For all we know, he's probably silently resisting their coercion to write pacifying letters that would downplay their mistreatment. He hasn't given up. Nor would we. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/save12hkyouths…
Hong Kong activist Andy Li has been held in solitary confinement at a psychiatric hospital after being charged under the national security law, according to Apple Daily sources. ⁦@andy_is_missing#save12hkyouths #andyismissing hk.appledaily.com/news/20210329/…
数多く香港人がが逮捕されるのは予想されていますがこんなに早く来るとは思っていませんでした。 日本の皆様には逮捕された人についてあまりわからないかと思いますがまず彼らの名前を心に留めていただければ! #香港デモ #StandWithHongKong #save12hkyouths #FreeAgnes #FreeJoshuaWong
先程のNHK総合、ニュース7の番組にて、24日に放送された報道特集のハイライトが放送されました。 香港人がもう香港に戻れなくなるという状況を是非日本の皆さんに知って頂きたいです。 #香港 #HongKong #StandWithHongKong #save12hkyouths #香港デモ 記事: www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
WATCH: @benedictrogers speaking today for #save12hkyouths at the London rally, alongside @nathanlawkc and @lukedepulford youtube.com/watch?v=LG_-ZF…
ようやくツイッターアカウント開設しました😅在日香港人のウィリアムです。活動家として発信していきます。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 Stand with Hong Kong Fight for freedom 光復香港 時代革命 #香港デモ #StandWithHongKong #save12hkyouths
“The Chinese authorities should respect their own laws and allow the 12 Hong Kong detainees access to their relatives and lawyers,” says @hrw. “People in Hong Kong and abroad are watching how the Chinese government deals with these Hong Kong cases.” #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths twitter.com/wang_maya/stat…
2. "Also alarming is the fate of a dozen young protesters who ... attempted to flee HK by speedboat to #Taiwan. Is #China preparing to prosecute these 12 young people on more serious charges, and without any of the legal rights that HK’s system once afforded?" #save12hkyouths
One of the boats is dedicated to Wong Wai Jin, one of the detainees, who wrote a letter asking his parents' forgiveness for his sudden departure. In order not to scare them, Wong didn't even have chances to wave farewell. #save12 #save12hkyouths #bringthemback #StandWithHongKong
2. As the only female of #12HKers caught when fleeing for #Asylum Quinn Moon, has been diagnosed w/ depression for 5-6 years. According to #China's law, persons organizing illegal border crossing can be sentenced to 2-7 yr imprisonment, let alone other charges. #save12hkyouths
.@benedictrogers writes: "Three years ago, I was locked out of Hong Kong. But now, if I mark the anniversary of my experience in any way, it is by focusing my thoughts on the 12 who are locked up in China." #save12hkyouths Read more: hk.appledaily.com/opinion/202010…