Among 12 #asylumseekers, a Portugal citizen was now detained in #China, w/ all access to lawyers/relatives blocked. Foreign nationals ain't only covered and wanted under #nationalsecurity, but also with human rights or rights to consular access & protection stripped before trial.…
6. In order to bring those #asylumseekers back and safe, we hope the world can keep a close watch on the issue. #save12hkyouth #save12hkyouths
3. Under #China's law, suspects can be released on bail. But in reality, especially when all the #asylumseekers may face further charges under #China's #nationalsecuritylaw and other criminal laws, the chance of bail is slim.
4. If leaving aside all other national security charges and just solely considering the charge of "crossing national border without immigration procedures", the 12 #asylumseekers may face a maximum penalty of one year in #China's prison.