原文: [上youtube多謝人]越南人嚮一月已經著晒FREE HONGKONG tee 大合唱願榮光聲援 lih.kg/2033460 ●來源:攬炒肉鬆菠蘿油 #越南 #Vietnam #願榮光歸香港 #GloryToHongKong #LIHKG
Huge crowd is singing #GloryToHongKong inside Pacific Place
『五十多位師生組成的管弦樂團』🙇🏻 原文: (外國勢力)美國高中交響團演奏 《榮光》glory to Hong Kong lih.kg/2232421 ●來源:啊庫 #AmadorValleyHighSchool #GloryToHongKong #願榮光歸香港 #LIHKG
Amazing courage of #HongKongers, singing #GloryToHongKong as they mourn #QueenElizabethII ❤️🙏 twitter.com/RazvenHK/statu…
2. But what concerns him most is the situation of other #HKprotestors, from the recent arrest of #GrandmaWong to the 30yo protestor, who was charged for violating #nationalsecuritylaw after singing protest song #GloryToHongKong. Joshua also calls for attention to #save12hkyouths.
Now is a good time to revisit what the composer of #GloryToHongKong, PI told me last year: “If a regime were to react so severely that a simple song is banned and all who are involved are arrested, it shows that it is the regime itself that fears the people and its ideas.” twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
Such an amazing privilege to be with #HongKongers last night singing #GloryToHongKong at @RoOT_film UK premiere. So incredibly moving. Credit to Andrew Khoo for capturing the moment on video.
アジアラグビーチャンピオンシップの決勝戦に、香港の国歌が流れる際、 #香港に栄光あれ が流れました。 一つ小さな願いが叶った気分です! 韓国で流れましたが今度こそ香港で流していただきたいです! #追新聞 #願榮光歸香港 #GloryToHongKong youtu.be/330q_ENZD1Y