10 who fled by boat to Taiwan charged with illegal crossing Group has not been put on trial yet but China’s court system has a conviction rate of about 99% #save12hkyouths theguardian.com/world/2020/dec…
For Andy and the #12HKyouths, it must've been a foreboding of endless harassment and unfair trials under a questionable legal system in #HK that would have taken away their free lives. They were fleeing from a place that's crumbling into a Orwellian police state. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/HK_diaries/sta…
"to guarantee that they have legal representation of their choosing, contact with their families, and ... access to necessary prescribed medication. This is a simple matter of natural justice." Thank you @DavidAltonHL for leading the call to #save12hkyouths twitter.com/DavidAltonHL/s…
#AndyIsMissing for 60 days. Time has stopped at age 29 for the Andy that was still free. Shortly after his arrest under the #NSL, he turned 30 in police custody. It was a birthday with nothing to celebrate for.🕯️ #save12hkyouths 📸: instagram.com/p/CF6ZvQBlimk/
HKers are all frantic with anger and worry. As the 12 Youths are now in the hands of Beijing, all we can do is to stay as aware as possible. More awareness in the world, the more pressured Beijing will be, and the safer the 12 will be as well. @save12hkyouths #save12hkyouths
国家安全法の実施により、我らはもう故郷に戻ることはできません。 せめて、我々の声が香港に届きますように。在外香港人はまだまだ頑張っています。 12/24の午後10時、NHKBS1にて、在日香港人の戦いは放送されます。是非。 nhk.jp/p/kokusaihoudo… #香港デモ #save12hkyouths #StandWithHongKong
「息子の生死さえわかりません… 体調が心配です、面会も薬を届けることも許されないのです」と泣き出してしまった母親 #save12hkyouths 12名の若者は起訴もされず依然中国に拘束中。親御さんが顔を隠しての会見。これが国安法施行後の香港であると認めるしかないのが辛い。
.@benedictrogers writing in Apple Daily: "Tomorrow around the world demonstrations will be held as part of a global campaign of solidarity with the 12. I will speak in London, alongside my friends @nathanlawkc and @lukedepulford." #save12hkyouths hk.appledaily.com/opinion/202010…
A verdict means nothing in an opaque legal system. #save12hkyouths #freeAndyLi twitter.com/JessiePang0125…
Campaign to free boat detainees goes global. Report from @guardian on the campaign to Save the 12 👇 Join us! Tweet a photo of yourself with #save12hkyouths and tag 3 friends. theguardian.com/world/2020/oct…
我的同伴William剛才在UNHRC聯合國人權理事會上把香港的現況傳達了給世界。仲間のWilliamが国連で香港の現状を世界に訴えました。お疲れ様。ありがとう。#save12hkyouths @StandwithHK_JPN
Thank you @benedictrogers for organising this campaign. I encourage all freedom-loving people to join this campaign to continually put pressure on the authority. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/benedictrogers…
昨日の「2020 世界人権デー連帯ピースマーチ」には沢山の方に参加して頂き、誠に有難うございます。 アグネスチョウさんらと、中国に拘束されている12名の香港人が助けられますように! 声が届くまで、引き続き声を上げていきます。どうかご応援を! #FreeAgnes #FreeJoshuaWong #save12hkyouths
And with their imminent trial coming up in a month's time, we urge international governments to keep up the pressure and ensure they do not get tried in secret. #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
#Day40 #MidAutumnDay is traditionally a day for family reunion. This year, it's a grim reminder of the absence of loved ones to many families in #HongKong. People has disappeared, lives were lost, and exiles could no longer return. #save12hkyouths Img src: sofarsocat(instagram) twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
63 UK MPs today joined the campaign to #save12hkyouths Read more: theguardian.com/world/2020/oct… "This is a watershed case for Hong Kong, which will influence whether the extradition of pro-democracy activists to stand trial in the mainland becomes common."
海上での逮捕から3週間 #save12hkyouths 【中国当局が拘束中の台湾へ渡ろうとした香港人12名】 ポンペオ米国務長官が林鄭長官を名指しで非難 「林鄭長官が表明した市民に対する人権保護義務を問題視」 【家族による会見】 家族が依頼した弁護士の12名との面会許可などを要求
Andy Li's arrest today on trumped up foreign collusion charges shows why the 12 youths fled in the first place. Time and again, the National Security Law is being used to further grave injustices. The world must respond. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/JDP_Patterson/…
Indeed, the more people we talk to, the more we discover that Andy has been working tirelessly behind the scene in the past year. But first, we'll have to bring him home. #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths Thank you @lukedepulford @Stand_with_HK for the video and the digivan drive. twitter.com/Stand_with_HK/…
//People who decided to risk their safety to flee believe there is little chance of a fair trial under an independent judiciary. For them, picking the most perilous route is the only #hope to live a #life in #freedom.// #save12hkyouths
12名の香港人が中国当局に拘束されてから【61日目】。 国際社会の注目と関心が必要です。 是非ご協力を! 【お願い】 #save12hkyouths の書いた写真をアップし、友達3人をタグしてリレーしましょう! @8bit_HORIJUN @wanaaky @YONJI85412376 よろしくお願いします! 一緒に拡散して行きましょう!
"The difference between government and terrorist organization is that government does not keep collecting hostages. We seek justice for the victims & accountability for the human rights violators." "夠了吧,把這十二個青年放出來!" #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths twitter.com/alliancecanhk/…