We’ve already announced several measures to help UK businesses and employees during #coronavirus. To get all the latest information head here: businesssupport.gov.uk/coronavirus-bu…
We understand the situation many self-employed people face at the moment and are determined to find a way to support them. I will be making a further announcement on this in the coming days. #coronavirus
みんなのことが心配 みんな #冷静な判断と行動を。 I'm worried about you. Everyone #ThinkLogicallyActAccordingly #StayHome #StayAtHome #StayAtHomeSaveLives "命を救うため...イギリスの医師ら動画で呼びかけ @bbcnewsjapan headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20200324-… #新型コロナウイルス #coronavirus
Please join me for an important update on #coronavirus #StayHomeSaveLives
最後にスマホをキレイにしたのはいつだったかな? という人、要注意です⚠️⚠️ #coronavirus #COVID19 #コロナウィルス #コロナ
Stay two metres apart. It's not such a difficult thing. Do it. It really will save lives. #coronavirus #StaySafeSaveLives
We need you to do your bit to help us beat #coronavirus Please RT. #StayHomeSaveLives
This Mother’s Day, everyone should stop #coronavirus spreading. Keep your mum safe. Stay at home. #StayHomeSaveLives #MothersDay
みんな " #冷静な判断と行動を " みんなの健康を祈ってます。 Everyone, " #ThinkLogicallyActAccordingly " Praying for your health. #YOSHIKI #StayHome #新型コロナウイルス #coronavirus #COVIDー19
◆熱 netsu / fever ◆喉の炎症 nodo no enshou / sore throat ◆咳 seki / cough ◆息切れ ikigire / shortness of breath ◆消毒薬 shoudokuyaku / disinfectant ◆濃厚接触 noukousessyoku / close contact ◆ 飛沫感染 himatsukansen / droplet infection ◆パンデミック / pandemic #coronavirus
#ビルゲイツ は2015年に #新型コロナウイルス のようなパンデミックを警告していた。 2015 @BillGates warned us then of a #coronavirus like pandemic. youtube.com/watch?time_con…
深刻だから普通はさ、UPしないけど、ビビッてるだけじゃな #coronavirus #コロナ #コロナで気が滅入るから
We can send #coronavirus packing in this country, but only if we take the required steps to reduce the peak. Once we’ve achieved that, then the scientific progress that we are making will really come into play. 1/5
We're going to step up testing for #coronavirus #COVID19
WATCH: a message from @CMO_England on #coronavirus 👇 🏠If anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms, you must all stay at home ❌ Do not visit your GP or local hospital ✅ Visit NHS.uk/coronavirus to check symptoms and follow the advice
トイレットペーパーチャレンジ🧻 皆さんチャレンジしてみて下さい😳 チリ国内リーグ2週間中止...⚽️ Un desafío del papel higiénico🧻 Es un desafío para todos😳 Se suspende 2semanas el fútbol..⚽️ #COVIDー19 #coronavirus #loscruzados #lascruzadas #underarmour #アンダーアーマー
There are more important things than rugby right now.. I love living & playing here in Japan but not to the extent of being locked out of Australia away from my family til June. Im hoping Top League can make a decision, either way before it’s too late🤞🏼 #coronavirus
“We will do whatever it takes.” – @RishiSunak #coronavirus
Ante el #coronavirus, sé un gato, aléjate de la gente, lávate las patitas y juzga lo que te digan 🧐🐱😂 #CuarentenaNacional #COVID19
Use these trusted sources of information for the latest advice and guidance on #coronavirus 🩺 Check your symptoms: 111.nhs.uk/covid-19 🏥 Health guidance: nhs.uk/coronavirus ℹ All information on coronavirus: gov.uk/coronavirus
🎃🤞 Stay safe, healthy and care for each other, pumpkinheads! #StayHome #FlattenTheCurve #coronavirus
.@CMO_England Chris Whitty outlines how updated #coronavirus advice will impact: ▶️ People aged 70+ ▶️ Adults who would normally be advised to have the flu vaccination ▶️ People with chronic diseases ▶️ Pregnant women nhs.uk/conditions/cor…
This was the last time we were all shooting together before #SPN production got shut down due to #coronavirus. If you’re stuck home & need some friends, Supernatural is back on tonight. #StayHomeSaveLives #SPNFamily 📸by Peter Hunter
The only thing we should be spreading right now is love. #coronavirus #COVID19