This is the road that connects Obongi district to Moyo! We spent hours trying to wade through the perennially flooded roads! 35 years later! While here, I kept thinking about pregnant mothers who have to cross in order to find a health facility, if any! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Bobi Wine is still in jail. The regime accuses him of holding big meetings & processions. On the other hand, Gen. Museveni continues to hire crowds to hold processions and rallies everywhere! The regime is in so much panic. COVID is an excuse. #WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/DailyMonitor/s…
The people of Luwero have made it unequivocal that they have a duty to remove the dictator they helped create. For them, it has been a story of betray and shattered hope. They are taking the leading role in the struggle for freedom and democracy! #WeAreRemovingADictator
THANK YOU RAKAI. Thank you for withstanding all manner of violence and intimidation and turning up to hear the message of FREEDOM. #WeAreRemovingADictator
MUBENDE sending a strong message to the dictatorship! #WeAreRemovingADictator
In real sense, Gen. Museveni has tried everything humanly possible to block us from holding meetings in Kampala, Masaka and Wakiso! This has been the pattern for the last 3 years. The other districts are added here to sanitise their cowardly actions! #WeAreRemovingADictator
While #DictatorMuseveni celebrated 36 years ruling our country with the gun, our leaders gathered in Luwero to pray for the souls of hundreds of thousands who died in the war. As always, the military disrupted the event with teargas and live bullets! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Ibanda! One of the most fascinating things has been seeing hundreds of poor people line up to contribute as little as 1000 shs (USD 0.27) to the campaign. Truly humbling to see very many Ugandans own this struggle, each one playing their part! #WeAreRemovingADictator
After two weeks of incommunicado detention and torture, activist and author Kakwenza Rukirabashaija was secretly brought to court and charged with disturbing the peace of #DictatorMuseveni and his son. His lawyers denied access to him! The impunity! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Today in pictures: KAPCHORWA #WeAreRemovingADictator
Every once in a while, you hear Gen. Museveni, the chief priest of corruption talking about fighting corruption. Our nation is bleeding. This is why so many citizens are coming together to say ENOUGH. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Join us tonight 8:00pm (EAT) as we address the international press about the #Kayunga by-election fraud. Important the world gets to know how #DictatorMuseveni continues to commit atrocities on the people of Uganda, including usurping their power. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Each election cycle, Gen. Museveni uses cooked polls, a tactic used by past & present despots! State media/ paid organisations publish polls putting him in the lead. Objective? 1. Lay ground for rigging 2. Discourage voting 3. Legitimise! Not this time. #WeAreRemovingADictator
This is what police in Nwoya District Anaka Town Council under the command of the DPC of Nwoya a one Wayibi & RDC a one Beatrice Akole are doing to us right now just at the roadblock that they have mounted to block us from accessing accommodation in Nwoya. #WeAreRemovingADictator
The people of Njeru waited since morning to wave at us just before we entered Jinja town. Thank you✊🏿 #WeAreRemovingADictator 🎥 @NinyeTabz
A very clear indication that these people did not go to the bush to fight for democracy like they claimed. It was just a hoax. It was lie. Gen. Otafiire and his ilk will soon understand that People Power is more powerful than the people in power! #WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/ntvuganda/stat…
Today in pictures: MANAFWA #WeAreRemovingADictator
Gen. Museveni and his pathetic hypocrisy. In every town, our people are brutalised, teargassed and arrested for gathering to wave at us. On the other hand, Museveni hires people, dresses them in t-shirts and parades them on streets under police protection #WeAreRemovingADictator
This all speaks to one thing: those we fear actually fear us the most. They are trying to intimidate us because they are intimidated. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Thank you Luuka. You have made a statement. #WeAreRemovingADictator
This is what is happening to the people with whom I was pepper sprayed yesterday. My skin is severely burnt too but not as terrible as Anthony's. We shall overcome someday. #WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/NinyeTabz/stat…
Was delighted to meet the NUP Members of Parliament. We discussed several matters of national importance. Above all, the Members renewed their commitment to the struggle for good governance. Thank you Hon. @MathiasMpuuga & @JNambeshe for the leadership. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Kihihi - Kanungu this morning! #WeAreRemovingADictator