My home is still surrounded by the military- under house arrest. In Kayunga, #DictatorMuseveni showed up surrounded by military trucks. In Kampala, there's heavy deployment too. The illegitimate regime fears the people. The PEOPLE will eventually win. #WeAreRemovingADictator
In Namayumba, this is how the ballot paper appears! The voters have been told to go ahead and vote, and use a pen to write NUP! The Electoral Commission clearly part of the conspiracy. #WeAreRemovingADictator
I thank the Mobilisation team under the leadership of Chairman Nyanzi Fred Ssentamu for the great work they continue to do all across the country in mobilising our people. #PeoplePowerOurPower #WeAreRemovingADictator
The future of Uganda is it's young people. They must be listened to & their outcries must be made priority. In the New Uganda, the youth will be priority for investment especially in education, health care and skills. Everyone must be involved & respected. #WeAreRemovingADictator
I thank the Women League of @NUP_Ug and all of you citizens who are joining in the condemnation against not just what happened to Marinos, but also the systematic violation of the most basic rights of citizens by dictator Museveni’s regime. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Ultimately, when all is said and done, the People of Uganda will have the final say on the destiny of their nation. #WeAreRemovingADictator #PeoplePowerOurPower
Thank you Busia for beating all the odds and making a statement. The love and support that you have showed us can never be taken for granted. Be ready to Vote for the Umbrella and let us make A New Uganda together as one. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Doctors arrested with highhandedness as they attempt to exercise their right to walk to Parliament to protest for better welfare. Like I always say, we shall all need to join in the fight against misrule because all of us are potential victims- ALL OF US. #WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/ntvuganda/stat…
Thanks to all who helped with BOBI YOUNG, #EddieMutwe en others' treatment following what we believe was a chemical attack on our team by the military in police uniforms. We condemn all human rights abuses by the M7 regime. One day justice will be served #WeAreRemovingADictator
This is history in the making! The people of Yumbe have spoken loud and clear, they want change. Thank you brothers and sisters for the massive welcome. #WeAreRemovingADictator
In Kyenjojo, blocked from accessing town. Taken to a place deep in the village. We're followed everywhere by teargas trucks, police pick-ups with soldiers, mini-buses which effect arrests etc. All meant to scare people, but PEOPLE are refusing to submit! #WeAreRemovingADictator
More NUP polling agents being arrested from polling stations in Kayunga. There has been massive ballot stuffing. By 6am, at many polling stations, ballot boxes were full. #DictatorMuseveni and his people on rampage! UGANDA 🇺🇬, we must resist the foolery! #WeAreRemovingADictator
What Museveni's puppet Don Wanyama has reduced the New Vision to! Worse than a tabloid. Happens when you personalise institutions and appoint incompetent stooges & sycophants to head them. Our nation is in deep crisis- they must manufacture lies to divert. #WeAreRemovingADictator
The overwhelming love we received from the people of Kiboga is testament that our long time message of hope and freedom has reached the countryside. Uganda is ready for change. #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thjan2021
Some of our leaders deployed to guard the vote in Kayunga at the police station. Last night the military arrested and detained many of others. Military regimes like Museveni's do unthinkable actions in their evenings. This is not a sign of strength. #WeAreRemovingADictator
I just want to do God's will, and yes let thy will be done oh Lord! May your people be #Free! #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thJan2021
More updates coming in from Kayunga- vehicles without number plates transporting pre-ticked ballot papers. Our people in Kayunga intercepted this car, but the occupants brandished a gun and sped off. #WeAreRemovingADictator
I dedicate the next phase of my life to continue fighting these injustices. Aluta continua. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Despite the hurdles last night, we started the day in high spirits; not allowing these trials and tribulations to break our resolve. Kyankwanzi has been great. The yearning for change is all over the nation. #WeAreRemovingADictator
It was great catching up with brother Kakwenza Rukirabashaija over breakfast. His story is horrifying. We should all wish him a quick physical and psychological recovery. #WeAreRemovingADictator #FreeAllPoliticalPrisonersUganda #36yearsofoccupationuganda.
Why we need to STOP LOSS, fight corruption, end cronyism and patronage! Then we can meaningfully invest in service delivery. #WeAreRemovingADictator
The strength, courage and confidence we witnessed in the people of Mityana explains how ripe Ugandans are set for A NEW UGANDA. We are on a mission to uproot a 35 year old dictatorship and yes we shall overcome. #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thJan2021
Today, when the military paraded soldiers that they claim to have beaten journalists, I did not see Namanya.This should teach everyone that in Uganda today, some people commit crimes while others pay for the crimes. #WeAreRemovingADictator
I wish you a very happy birthday, comrade Dr. @kizzabesigye1 . Thank you for showing us the way. #WeAreRemovingADictator