Aptly put. There will be accountability for these crimes against humanity! #SpireCartoons #WeAreRemovingADictator
For over a week now, this activist called Nakimanya Hellen aka Aunt Kaduuka has been under illegal detention at SID Kireka! She was violently arrested, apparently for using social media to expose the dictatorship! The 48 hour rule totally ignored. Why #WeAreRemovingADictator
Upon reaching Lira, he was immediately arrested. His whereabouts are still unknown although our teams on ground suspect he is being held at Lira CPS.2/2 #WeAreRemovingADictator
Trigger-happy LDUs continue to kill people in the name of enforcing a senseless curfew that serves no purpose in the context of Uganda. Each day we get reports of innocent citizens murdered. Extrajudicial killings have no place in civilised society. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Today as we went to meet the Electoral Commission about our brutal treatment, we found these posters all over the perimeter walls surrounding the EC offices, guarded by the police! Not even this smear campaign will deter us from winning our FREEDOM. #WeAreRemovingADictator
These NUP women leaders gave us a lesson in courage. They took to the streets in a peaceful protest against the continued illegal detention of our people and the unmitigated abductions of citizens. #BringBackOurPeople #FreeAllPoliticalPrisonersUganda #WeAreRemovingADictator
The callousness. The lack of shame. The lack of respect for the citizens! #WeAreRemovingADictator #EndEnforcedDisappearances
With you by my side, I can face anything. Kisoro, Rubanda, Rukiga and Kabale, here we come. #WeAreRemovingADictator
This morning we were supposed to appear on Wa Radio in Lira and then proceed to address the NUP Lango Sub-regional mobilisation teams. The program was cancelled on the orders of the RDC & DPC. The proprietors of the station were instructed not to host us! #WeAreRemovingADictator
I want to appreciate all of you friends in Uganda and abroad who are very concerned about us in these perilous times. The dictator is in complete panic. We only have the duty to keep on keeping on. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Despite the MASSIVE RIGGING, ARRESTS of our people, blocking me from campaign, etc, the results so far show that the PEOPLE OF KAYUNGA overwhelmed the rigging machine. Time to be even more vigilant at the Tally Centre! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Time has come for all democratic nations to stop supporting a confessed military dictator who delights in murder, torture, abduction and imprisonment. Nations must make a conscious choice to listen to Museveni or listen to the cry of the people of Uganda. #WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/ZainAsher/stat…
We got to Mbale for a scheduled and booked radio program this morning. We found the studio locked because the RDC and DPC ordered the radio station not to host us. The regime is on borrowed time. Uganda will be free. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Today in pictures: KIBUKU. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Having gagged Ugandan media with all manner of repressive laws, raids, arrests & intimidation (plus taxing social media), the regime now asks Google to block social media channels that support us or carry message of change! The dictator is in panic! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Torture of prisoners in commonplace in Uganda. For political prisoners, there is a small clique of officers who impose the punishment with precision! On 14th Jan, Ugandans will vote to end these egregious violations. #WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/ntvuganda/stat…
Scam. Ignore and report. #WeAreRemovingADictator
This morning, ahead of my planned visit to Kayunga District to campaign for our flag bearer, the police and military deployed overnight around my home in an apparent attempt to block me from leaving. The cowardly regime is on its way out. A matter of time. #WeAreRemovingADictator
The military & police have blocked us from addressing the people of Kibaale district as scheduled! They are now blocking us from proceeding to Hoima district! It's hard to believe that a regime, one time so glorious, is now this scared of the people.SHAME #WeAreRemovingADictator
In Fort Portal, it was a hailstorm of bullets and teargas as police & the military tried to prevent people from coming out to listen to our message! Despite all this, many people weathered the storm and turned up! Thank you. Uganda is ready for change! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Citing COVID, they bannned campaigns in districts with highest number of voters, where we have loads of support! Yet Gen. Museveni campaigns there under the guise of launching projects. Paid supporters gather to cheer him under state protection! The shame! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Samuel Masereka (circled), NUP Registrar, Kasese District was picked up from Kasese in a drone Friday last week. Over a week, his whereabouts unknown. Not produced in any court. Suspected to be detained in a torture house in Mbuya. The abductions continue! #WeAreRemovingADictator
The people of Butalejja have spoken and their voice must be heard. Thank you our people for the unconditional love and support. A new Uganda will leave no one behind. Next Stop; Tororo. #WeAreRemovingADictator
First two pictures - a few relatives and friends of Gen. Abel Kandiho, the sanctioned human rights abuser protesting his sanctions under police protection. Second set, medical doctors arrested and detained for attempting to protest against poor welfare! #WeAreRemovingADictator