⚡️#プーチン大統領 は、#ロシア がいかに西側や北大西洋条約機構(#NATO)との関係改善を誠実に目指してきたかを振り返った:「メッセージは1つだった:敵であることをやめよう、仲良く暮らそう。しかし、すべての主な方向で「ノー」という答えを受け取った」 #スプートニクのビデオ
Born in the #ColdWar, #NATO hasn't disbanded after it but continues to live on war, agitate for war & profit from war. It has never been a peace-lover or peace-maker.
≪ドル円 FX相場分析≫ 🇳🇿政策金利の影響を受け ドル円も上昇 ただ材料としては やや弱いかなと 抵抗帯131.79~92から 戻り売り狙います ロングは 131.92ブレイク確認後 131.10まで 👍とRT多ければ 進捗を"無料公開" ⏬フォローで分析受け取れます @FxRaoh #日経平均 #NATO 景気後退/JOLTS
Die #NATO ist ein Verteidigungsbündnis. Es wendet sich gegen niemanden, sondern gewährleistet Schutz und die Sicherheit für alle Alliierten. Wir freuen uns darauf, #Finnland und #Schweden bald als Verbündete an unsere Seite zu wissen. (2/2)
Follow up to our previous tweet on @CCTV's "#German media" criticizing #NATO. Translating the comments for all to see. The people & the state media machine are a vicious feedback loop, feeding into each other. @bueti @deguoziganwu @crehage @Suyutong #TheGreatTranslationMovement
According to a survey by Huanqiu.com, 92 percent of Chinese netizens believe the US threat of sanctioning China is a bullying and coercive behavior, 89% think the US Indo-Pacific Strategy is an Asia-Pacific version of #NATO. 🔗xhnewsapi.xinhuaxmt.com/share/news?id=…
今日の髙橋洋一チャンネルは☝️ 第595回 ウクライナがNATO加盟申請でどう変わる?🤔 是非ご覧ください😊 youtu.be/zHAYoIe4JaA #髙橋洋一 #ウクライナ #NATO #ロシア
Immediate Response! Enhancing #AirPolicing Capabilities: Additional 🇩🇪 Eurofighters heading to Romania! #WeAreNato #NATO #TLG74 #StrongerTogether #Team_Luftwaffe @NATO_AIRCOM @bundeswehrInfo @SHAPE_NATO @GermanyNATO @ItalianAirForce
According to media reports, #AUKUS is planning to commence new trilateral cooperation on hypersonics. This is another evidence that AUKUS indeed is a small circle aiming at building #NATO replica in the Asia-Pacific.
今日の髙橋洋一チャンネルは☝️ 第591回 【撮って出し】北朝鮮ミサイル&ウクライナNATO加盟申請🤔是非ご覧ください😊 youtu.be/LKn_UiL-tFA #髙橋洋一 #北朝鮮 #ウクライナ #ロシア #中国 #NATO
1/6 A #CCP influencer, who has over 7M followers on #Weibo, is calling for #China, #India, #Pakistan, & #NorthKorea to throw #nuclearweapons together at #NATO countries, esp. the #US to save the world. What is his rationale? The following is the translation of his entire post:
With @UrmasReinsalu, FM of #Estonia, discussed our cooperation in economy, education, tourism, defense industry & counter-terrorism. Our trade volume goal is $ 1 billion. #NATO enlargement & developments in #Ukraine, #Caucasus & #Syria were on our agenda.🇹🇷🇪🇪
フランシスコ・ローマ教皇は、#ロシア の特殊軍事作戦の開始は #NATO に責任ありと考えていることが明らかに。米フォーリン・アフェアーズ誌は、米国主導の西側諸国がウクライナで集団で代理戦争を実施という見解に教皇は同意と報じる。
核を一発使うだけで世界が終わってしまう💦    #ミサイル攻撃 #ロシア #NATO #プーチン
今日の髙橋洋一チャンネル☝️は 第517回 韓国がNATOサイバー防衛協力センターに加盟 是非ご覧ください😄 youtu.be/2wBVBPKlHwY #髙橋洋一 #韓国 #NATO #サイバー #加盟
#NATO DB Toplantısı marjında görüştüğüm ABD DB Blinken’la, #Etiyopya, #Ukrayna, #Suriye ve #Kafkasya’daki gelişmeler ile ikili ilişkilerimizi ele aldık. Discussed w/@SecBlinken developments in #Ethiopia, #Ukraine, #Syria & #Caucasus and our bilateral relations. 🇹🇷🇺🇸
Attended session of #NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting on Security in the Black Sea Region w/FM @DmytroKuleba of Ukraine. Emphasized once again our support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of #Ukraine and #Georgia. @NATO @MFA_Ukraine @MFAgovge
#NATO Toplantısı’nın son gününde Afganistan ve Balkanlar’daki güncel durumu, Ukrayna ve Gürcistan’la NATO kapsamındaki işbirliğimizi değerlendirdik. On @NATO Meeting’s last day, evaluated developments in Afghanistan & Balkans and cooperation w/Ukraine & Georgia within NATO.
Von #EU, #NATO und #G7 muss die Botschaft ausgehen, dass die Demokratien der Welt zusammenstehen im Kampf gegen Putins Imperialismus. Aber ebenso im Kampf gegen Hunger und Armut, gegen Gesundheitskrisen und den Klimawandel. #Bundestag
今日の髙橋洋一チャンネルは☝️ 第818回 岸田首相NATO出席へ。中国の手先フランスに物申せ!😧😦是非ご覧ください😃 youtu.be/j8RvJ_UyoxI #高橋洋一 #岸田首相 #NATO #中国 #フランス
With each of his acts of aggression against #Ukraine, Putin has worsened his situation: After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, #NATO established new security structures in the East. Now the EU and others are making themselves less dependent on Russia's energy. Irreversibly.#EUCO
#Sweden has extradited the Kurdish asylum seeker Mahmut Tat to Turkey amid #NATO bid. Shame on Sweden.
Effective immediately, #Finland is a member of #NATO – this is great news and a boost to transatlantic security. A strong ally is joining our Alliance. Sweden’s accession, which is still pending, has our full support!
On the 180th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, hosted @JoaoCravinho, FM of #Portugal. Discussed bilateral relations, including economy, defense industry, education & tourism. #Ukraine, #NATO enlargement & developments in #Africa & #Caucasus were on our agenda.🇹🇷🇵🇹
今日の髙橋洋一チャンネル☝️は 第434回 今収録しました!NATO軍と北朝鮮ICBMの話 是非見てください😄 youtu.be/1uaQx2cnooA #高橋洋一 #NATO #北朝鮮 #ミサイル #日本