#HKPolice fired rubber bullets at protesters defying #China ’s push. Hundreds have been arrested. @joshuawongcf and I witnessed the first round of tear gas since the COVID19 lockdown. #HKers will never back down and will resist the #NationalSecurityLaw. #StandWithHongKong
1/ It is my honor to share with @MarshaBlackburn the latest update in #HK on the call. #Beijing & #Hkgov prioritize crackdown of dissidence over health of #HKers. Director of #China’s office in #HK even called democracy movement as “political #coronavirus” & urged to suppress.
My honour to talk to @matanevenoff, the legend who baited clippers into flashing his #StandWithHongKong T-shirt at #NBA game. Now he has shot 120+ videos on #hkpolicebrutality & zealously supports #HKers in our fight for justice. 👇🏻Click here & join us📺 patreon.com/posts/42387534
2019 carries special significance to people of HK. #HKers are all awakened from our ordinary lives and search for justice. We stand up tall to reclaim our city, which is now nibbled by the authoritarian regime. Just a few hours before #NewYear2020, it will be a tough year for us.
3. Since it could be the first case that #HKers are put on trial in China’s secret court under #nationalsecuritylaw, we hope the world can keep watch on the situation and wish they can all come back safe. #save12hkyouths #save12hkyouth #save12
[In every 700 #Hongkongers, one was arrested because of #HongKongProtests] 1. Since the outbreak of #HKprotests last year, 9672 #HKers have been arrested when they protested against injustice, with 2093 prosecuted.
2/ It's fiercely imposed by Beijing upon the will of #HKers, without legislative scrutiny. Even tens of thousands of #HKers showed their outcry against draconian law, #hkpolice crushed dissents with armed vehicles, water cannons, teargas & pepper balls but #YouCantStopUs!
2/ It's fiercely imposed by Beijing upon the will of #HKers, without legislative scrutiny. Even tens of thousands of #HKers showed their outcry against draconian law, #hkpolice crushed dissents with armed vehicles, water cannons, teargas & pepper balls but #YouCantStopUs!
5. However, in order to safeguard the city’s future, #HKers will not surrender. Our resistance will continue on and we hope the world can stand with us in the upcoming uphill battle.
[When phone spy-tech are used for crackdowns & punitive diplomacy, more to go] 1. After months of advocacy efforts by #Israeli rights lawyers & #HKers, it's welcome news that #Cellebrite decided to halt selling phone-hacking services to #Hongkong & #China haaretz.com/israel-news/te…
3/ Since such functions can't be found on ordinary user interface, that can only be possible with the help of state-sponsored hacking. It's utterly alarming that police begins to hack mobile devices of #HKers, just like #China hacking iPhones & Android devices to target #Uyghurs.
11/ In recent weeks #HKers have regained momentum & #policebrutality persists, with 13yo student reporter arrested & kid dragged on the ground by #hkpolice. As our autonomy & freedoms are once again in peril, I call upon the world to keep an eye on #HK’s situation & #standwithhk.
When #China fails to silence #HK's dissents with fear, it appeals to force. Pro-#Beijing thugs disturbed one of our booths this evening when we urged more #HKers to vote. Also, helpers of other democratic parties were reportedly assaulted by Beijing supporters. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
[#HKers calling on #Cellebrite to halt selling phone hacking technologies to #Belarus] #standwithbelarus 1/ Phone hacking tech is one of the weapons abused by authoritarian regimes to stamp out dissidents, in particular, crackdowns on leaderless movements in both Belarus and HK.
2/ On the contrary, the pro-#China supporter was praised for his noble sentiment & sentenced to shorter periods of imprisonment, after he stabbed innocent reporters & #HKers with cleaver & knife at #Lennonwall, leaving victims broken bones, collapsed lung & post-traumatic stress.
This Thursday (28/11), I will organise a thanksgiving rally with my peers. We are grateful the #USCongress passed the bill and we hope the President can sign it soon. #HKers it’s time for us to show gratitude & appreciation to Americans 🇺🇸 #感恩前行 #StandwithHK #ThankyouUS
Thanks ⁦@SenTedCruz⁩ for agreeing to film a video to support #HKers He visited HK before and wore all BLACK ! He mentions that #HK is the new Berlin & is fighting the #communist China He condemns the #HKpolice and will keep supporting us! We’re grateful. Plz thank him!
各位,理工大學正值危急存亡之秋,香港大專學界超過10間學生會呼籲大家馬上去九龍救人! #PolyU is going to perish if we do not offer help ASAP All students’ unions in HK urge #HKers to rescue students in #PolyU Dont let massacre happen! #SOSHK
3. #Police even fired pepper balls at #HKers that chanted “voting is a right” and expressed support to #Thailand and #Belarus, with nearly 100 arrested. #MilkTeaAlliancehttps://t.co/NDxJN473K3
Update: With courage and tenacity, over 412,000 #HKers have already cast their ballots, for the first 7 hours today. This is the silent protest of all freedom-loving citizens in #Hongkong to say no to the sweeping #NationalSecurityLaw. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
3. However, despite #Beijing's tightening grip, #HKers will continue our fight for democracy and liberty, because it is the only way to bring justice to the city’s next generations. Photo: 非凡人物
1/ #Hongkongers welcome @BorisJohnson’s visa offer to 3 million #HongKong citizens, at the time when #Beijing government completely ignores the will of #HKers and unilaterally imposes the draconian #nationalsecuritylaw over the city.
4/ With a politicized judiciary, and judges full of political biases, it is doubtful how #hk courts differ from #China’s courts in upholding justice & impartiality before the law. That is the reasons why #HKers are losing faith in judicial impartiality in recent years.
9/ When more people who defend against an evil law fall behind bars, it only reveals the injustice of the system. June 12 of 2019 was the time when #HKers came up with our 5 demands & urged for a more accountable & democratic gov, and an independent probe into police atrocities.
This is leadership. He didn’t have to do this, and it won’t be easy. But his example will help to diminish stigma around asylum among #HKers (there’s currently a lot of it). Thank you, ⁦@nathanlawkctheguardian.com/world/2020/dec…