🇺🇸#US Citizen William Devlin is now trapped in the #PolyU and besieged by #HKPoliceTerrorists Plz tell each senator and congressman and update the @StateDept & @WhiteHouse If #PolyU has fallen, many lives will be jeopardised. We need to fight against the #HKpolice NOW #SOSHK
#HongKongHumanRightsAndDemocracyAct will be passed soon❗️ Thank you @SolomonYue for continuously updating the situation for us. #Hongkongers owe you a lot It’s in phrase 2️⃣ now. Let’s lobby the White House and State Department to sanction #hkpolice @POTUS @SecPompeo #SOSHK
A teenage girl was being assaulted in Hong Kong subway 相關討論 - (有片) 大量人士 瘋狂圍毆 狂踢少女個頭 lih.kg/1741157 ●來源:網絡片段 #港鐵 #MTR #AntiELAB #LIHKG #Hongkongers #SOSHK #SOSPolyU #HongKongProstests
#HKPoliceTerrorists are ready to invade another university campus - #PolyU #HKpolice just announces they will use LETHAL & FATAL 致命 weapons to shoot students Students are going to sacrifice themselves. Plz rescue them ASAP Plz condemn police brutality #SOSHK #PolyMassacre
Hong Kong police pushed an old lady to the ground even she was just kneeling. 原文 - 尖沙咀站速龍推跪地求饒阿婆落地下 頭部落地 lih.kg/1764640 #SOSHK #lihkg #HongKong
Dear World, please help our kids #SOSHK This is a Humanitarian Crisis. This is happening now. Source @OfficalPshk / 星島
At 530am, #HKPoliceTerriorists suddenly attacked the #PolyU campus and arrested some students. Wherever #HKPolice goes, there will be a war zone. This is not a movie scene. This is an university campus and now is set on fire. Plz save them. #SOSHK
#US government: #HKPolice is now holding AR15 rifle patrolling the area PLA does not necessarily need to be deployed because #HKPolice is already serving as the military to repress us. @StateDept @WhiteHouse #SOSHK
Hong Kong riot police grabbed and slammed an elderly to the ground on 8th March 2020. 相關討論 - [有片]亞伯冇反抗下被警察撻落地 lihkg.com/thread/1915580… ●來源:信報 #HongKong #HongKongPolice #SOSHK #LIHKG
He is a 16 yrs old high school kid and he is my tutorial student He and his classmates are trapped in the #PolyU He tells me that he can only resist... He is just a kid. We need to help him and others. Tell the World that we need to prevent another massacre in #PolyU #SOSHK
23か国の議員が中共の香港への行動に抗議を示している中、日本からはひとりもいません。。なんてことだろう。#香港 #SOSHK twitter.com/suzutaro26/sta…
私たち日本人も弾圧された国の為にデモしてきました。あと数日しかない!香港を助けてください!拡散希望 します #香港版国家安全法に抗議します 🇭🇰🙂🇯🇵🆘 #SOSHK #StandWithHK #国守衆 #頑張れ日本
各位,理工大學正值危急存亡之秋,香港大專學界超過10間學生會呼籲大家馬上去九龍救人! #PolyU is going to perish if we do not offer help ASAP All students’ unions in HK urge #HKers to rescue students in #PolyU Dont let massacre happen! #SOSHK
仆街狗帶頭拎Rb之後再㩒低人‼️ 鄭世榮 幫你出名啦屌! This is how the police undercover knocked down a citizen by stifling his neck!!!! Police brutality is everywhere!!!!! He can’t breathe. #TiananmenSquareMassacre #ICantBreathe #Police #PoliceBrutality #SOSHK
[Urgent] After three days of siege, #PolyU still have hundreds of student being trapped by #HKPoliceTerrorists Students just send a #SOS request to the world in the campus. They need your help. They are running out of water & food. We need to save them now! #SOSHK
明らかに記者の集団に向かって発砲してます!! 歩道にいる記者も違法集会とみなしてるということでしょうか? #savehongkong #SOSHK
2 hrs non-stop tear gas fired by crazy & out of controlled hk riot polices made the surrounding of #CUHK very smoggy and the people could not see each other! Tonight CUHK become #Tiananmen2019 #SOSHK Please RT & #StandwithHK
The SCMP reports the HK government is considering allowing the indefinite detention of suspects without trial in special detention centres under the national security law. Hong Kong is now a fully-fledged police state. #SOSHK scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
In this interview, I briefly explain why seeking international support is vital for #HongKong Taiwan’s democratisation is partly contributed by the US 🇺🇸 US forced KMT to democratise 👍🏻 To counter a totalitarian regime, like #Chinazi, we need help from the Free World. #SOSHK
Vice Principal of #CUHK said he had already talked with the commander to stop firing but the front-line riot polices were out of control & still fired tear gas continuously ! #SOSHK Please RT & #standwithHK #HongKongers seeked for international help.
Thank you all for caring about William Devlin, he has left #PolyU safely. However, hundreds of students are still TRAPPED in #PolyU and besieged by #HKPolice. It will be #Tiananmen2019 if nobody saves them. Free world, we need your help. #SOSHK twitter.com/SunnyCheungky/…
香港での「国家安全法」は立法会を通さず、直接基本法の付属書類3に入れ、来週木曜日に表決する。 その内容先程話した国家分裂やテロリズム以外に、金融経済・ネット交信・外国干渉・宗教・海外へ制裁を求めるなども含むかもしれない。 つまり完全なるウイグル化。 #StandwithHK #HongKong #SOSHK
「デモ地域の近くで仕事へ行くOLは下車した途端、逮捕される。」 自分の身は、自分で守る。そんな事が不可能な状態に…。自分達の身も危険なのに、私のような外国人を色んな形で助けてくれる。まずは知るだけでいい。悲劇が起こっている事、優しさでできている事、ご飯の美味しい香港を #SOSHK #SaveH
これは2020年の香港で起きたこと、皮肉だ。 #香港デモ #SOSHK #夢遊病者病棟
香港立場新聞より。朝9時の理工大構内の様子。水砲車の水砲の影響で、低体温症になりこのような状況。下水道から逃げようとしたが、臭いに耐えられずに断念。このような状態でまだ構内に学生がいます。行方不明者を探すため潜水員も捜査したけど見つけなかったとのこと。#SOSHK #ProtectHKStudents