Domestic workers from Indonesia who are outside celebrating #Eid were ordered to leave by #HKPolice at gun point. Tear gas was later fired. #SecurityLaw #HKProtests…
"Cry louder! It's not miserable enough!" #HKPolice ordered #Hongkongers who have just been pepper sprayed. #HKPoliceState 📍Mong Kok, Hong Kong 🎥 @StandNewsHK
#HKPolice points pepper spray in reporter's face, ordering then to leave. Police shut down Tai Po Mega Mall as #Hongkongers gather for a #SingWithYou style #HKProtest. This is the 2nd consecutive weekend of shopping mall protests as #coronavirus subsides. 🎥: Guardians of HK
This is the new look of the No. 2 Bridge, a pathway into @CUHKofficial, the college campus under siege by the #HKPolice for five days last November. Now it looks like a pathway to prison. What an ironic visualization of how the government sees our generation: all criminals.…
In the Taikoo Cityplaza shopping mall, #HKPolice confronted & insulted District Councilor Andrew Chiu: "You don't have an ear to hear". Chiu had his ear bitten off by a pro-#Beijing thug in the very same Cityplaza in 2019/11.
Battalions of #HKPolice fully armed w/ riot gear march into #Cityplaza to arrest #Hongkongers gathered in the shopping mall to sing #GloryToHK, the protest anthem. In the name of "enforcing social distancing". Social distancing rules are #HKGov's tools of suppressing #HKProtests
3/ As #HKPolice hacked phones of mine & @chowtingagnes & extract our personal information without our consent, arrest this time is more than just prosecutions! Police took adv of this opportunity to hack all phones & gather WhatsApp & Telegram conversations of key activists.
3/ Leaked police manuals have already shown police’s excessive & disproportional use of forces against unarmed civilians. #Policebrutality was also well caught by international media & slammed by human rights groups. But #HKPolice just arrogantly dismissed them as liars & fools.
2/ More ridiculously, when 2 million #HKers, one-fourth of city population demonstrated for democracy, #hkpolice called them “mobs.” When over 80% of citizens criticized police for escalating forces in a poll, #HKPolice called them as "extorted their demands from the government.”
[#HKpolice, the Ministry of Truth of 21st century’s #HongKong] 1/ For the first time, #HKPolice attended #UN Human Rights Commission recently after civilians, journalists, elderly, pregnant women & #HKProtesters were forcibly & unreasonably shot, beaten & tortured by them.
It is unimaginable those governing an #IFC as advanced, educated, free and socially mature as #HongKong would deploy such low and despicable skills in politicking by holding #HKers to ransom! If we don’t agree to let #HKPolice buy new weapons, no $10000 #COVIDー19 relief payout.…
Over the past 8 months, #HKPolice has completely ignored guidelines & excessively used forces on citizens. Our elderly was teargassed, first-aiders were shot blind, young generations were trampled by police on their heads, foreign companies' employees were unlawfully arrested.
Less than 2 weeks, our petition against France's sale of tactical suits to #HKPolice has broken 100000 signatories. It shows the world has sided with #HKers' strong appeal to suspend any support to #policebrutality. Our urge is strong & irresistible!
This is how #CarrieLam deploys #HKPolice! When they ought to have helped in fighting #Coronavius, they continue to practise brutality on people mourning Alex Chow and on residents in densely populated areas objecting to proposed quarantine camps in their neighbourhood.…
This again illustrates how absurd #HKPolice is. They make up their own laws, prohibiting the arrestees to speak their names, saying this violates their OWN privacy... (In HK, arrestees yell out their names to avoid the fate of becoming a missing person after detainment)
Right after #hkpolice pepper sprayed & tear gassed peaceful #hkers attending thearch, they forcefully ordered the rally to be cancelled. #HKPolice and the #hkgov are scared to see more than 1M #hkers fighting in the new year, an unending fight for justice & democracy.
Let me tell u #HKPolice, now the act is passed, and certainly u will be sanctioned. You hv to pay the price for beating up ppl, torturing ppl and raping protestors. Your sins will not be forgiven. We will liberate HK and put u all into jail.…
When a protester is subdued, you dont have to arbitrarily use the baton to beat him. He already lost conscious. Stop using excessive force. It’s a war crime. #HKPolice needs to be dismissed now. We will put u on the sanction list too. #PoliceBrutality
A group of protesters has managed to escape #PolyU by roping themselves down a footbridge on campus. They went down a couple of storeys before landing on a flyover, where some vehicles took them away. #HKPolice later found out about the flee and fired tear gas onto the footbridge
At 530am, #HKPoliceTerriorists suddenly attacked the #PolyU campus and arrested some students. Wherever #HKPolice goes, there will be a war zone. This is not a movie scene. This is an university campus and now is set on fire. Plz save them. #SOSHK
#US government: #HKPolice is now holding AR15 rifle patrolling the area PLA does not necessarily need to be deployed because #HKPolice is already serving as the military to repress us. @StateDept @WhiteHouse #SOSHK
#US government: #HKPolice is now holding AR15 rifle patrolling the area PLA does not necessarily need to be deployed because #HKPolice is already serving as the military to repress us. @StateDept @WhiteHouse #SOSHK
Thank you all for caring about William Devlin, he has left #PolyU safely. However, hundreds of students are still TRAPPED in #PolyU and besieged by #HKPolice. It will be #Tiananmen2019 if nobody saves them. Free world, we need your help. #SOSHK…
#HongKong is not a third world country. And yet a university campus (#CUHK) unprecedentedly transformed into a #battlefield today. #HKPolice leaves us NO CHOICE. If they want to pick a fight with us, so be it. They will regret it. Let the world be our witness.
三、四人警察が武器持っていない女性ジャーナリストを挑発させ、トウガラシスプレーで攻撃しました。 男性の恥です。人として恥です。 #HKPoliceTerrorism #HKPolice #HKPoliceBrutality #MeToo #SexViolence #HongKongProtests #FreedomHK