We can’t allow 🇨🇳 a free pass this #G20 - #HongKong, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and #Taiwan deserve better. 👇 #NoGreenwashing #IPACRome spectator.co.uk/article/parlia…
🚨THIS WEEK🚨 #IPACRome #G20 👇
المملكة تتصدر دول الـ #G20 في مجموعة من مؤشرات الفحوص، وتتجاوز (30,000,000) فحص لكوفيد-19، لتُساهم في الحد من تفشي الوباء، واستقرار الأمن الصحي.
Will Taiwan end up like Hong Kong? Nathan Law answers | Formiche .@nathanlawkc speaks to Formiche on how #IPACRome #G20 Conference will call for democratic countries to act to support Hong Kong and Taiwan. formiche.net/2021/10/taiwan…
Joseph Wu heading to central Europe to bolster ties | Taipei Times Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu will speak at the #IPACRome #G20 meeting in virtual address. #StandTogether 🇹🇼 taipeitimes.com/News/front/arc…
The PRC 🇨🇳 should not try to control what democratically elected politicians do or say. We are looking forward to welcoming friends from all over the world for #IPACRome #G20 meeting. #StandTogether reuters.com/world/asia-pac…
BREAKING: IPAC to gather in Rome for G20 counter-meeting. #IPAC legislators will meet in Rome ahead of the #G20 Leaders summit to call for a tougher response to the Chinese government's abuses. Interested journalists get in touch👋 Press release 👇 ipac.global/ipac-to-gather…
#Afganistan konulu #G20 Dışişleri Bakanları VTC Toplantısında insani durum ve düzensiz göç başta olmak üzere güncel meseleler hakkında görüşlerimizi paylaştık. -Uluslararası toplum Afganistan’la angajmanını sürdürmeli.
At #G20 Foreign Ministers VTC Meeting on #Afghanistan shared our views on current issues, particularly humanitarian situation and irregular migration. -International community should maintain its engagement in Afghanistan. #UNGA76
#G7 & #G20 countries have a moral responsibility to work constructively with #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #SudanSouth #Sudan & other countries in the region to avoid/curb adding another cycle of war, misery & refugee mass flows in the planet #UNSC #EU #AU エリトリア エチオピア
イタリア・ヴェネチアを訪問中の麻生大臣は、約1年5か月ぶりに対面開催となった #G20 財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議に参加し、初日の日程を終えました。 世界経済などについて討議、翌日も国際課税の強化等の議論を行います。 (2枚目の左は岡村財務官、3枚目はイエレン米財務長官と)
#G20 Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantılarına katıldık: -Sürdürülebilir, kapsayıcı ve sağlıklı küresel kalkınma çabalarını destekliyoruz. -G20 salgınla mücadelede öncü rol oynamalı. Aşı rekabet değil, işbirliğine temel olmalı. -Afrika’daki durum karşısında duyarsız kalamayız.
Attended #G20 FMs Meetings: -We support all efforts for sustainable, inclusive&healthy global development. -G20 can play leading role in fight against pandemic. Vaccines should be an area of cooperation,not competition. -We cannot stay indifferent to the situation in Africa.
As the #G20 meets this weekend, we must recommit to do whatever it takes to overcome the pandemic and protect lives and livelihoods. If we harness the collective ingenuity and resources of the G20, we can chart a path out of the pandemic and build a better, greener future.
#デーツ という果実をご存じですか? #サウジアラビア など中東の有名な特産品で、ナツメヤシの果実を干したもの。見た目は地味ですがとても甘くて栄養たっぷり♪ 独特のとろみや甘みから、私たちの日常生活でもおなじみの調味料の原料として使われていたりします。 #農林水産省 #G20
📌Olağanüstü #G20 Dışişleri Bakanları VTC Toplantısı’na katıldık. 📌Yeni normalde salgınla küresel mücadelede atılabilecek adımları ele aldık. 📌Sınır yönetimi ve geçişleri konularına odaklandık. 📌“Güvenli Turizm” programı başta ülkemizin başarılı uygulamalarını paylaştık.
📌Attended #G20 FMs Extraordinary VTC Meeting. 📌Discussed steps to be taken in new normal in global fight against pandemic. 📌Focused on border management and cross-border measures. 📌Shared #Turkey’s successful practices, in particular “Safe Tourism” program. @g20org
ゲオルギエバ専務理事(.@KGeorgieva)「#G20 首脳の皆さま、 #コロナウイルス は人的・経済的に巨大な試練をもたらしています。新興市場国と発展途上国がとりわけ大きな打撃を受けています。IMFはこうした国々に特に大きな注意を払うようにしています」 ow.ly/2w2c50yWU6U #G20VirtualSummit
MOON TALKS TO THE WORLD 문재인 대통령 G20 정상과 화상회의 주도 #COVID_19 #G20 #summit President Moon to share S. Korea's quarantine experience at G20 virtual summit.
【「#G20 愛知・名古屋外務大臣会合」開催に伴う、コインロッカー等使用停止について】 名鉄・近鉄・地下鉄・あおなみ線は11/19~23までコインロッカー・ごみ箱が使用停止されます。 ・名鉄 名古屋/金山は11日~ ・地下鉄 名古屋/伏見/栄駅/金山は15日~ ・JR 名古屋は19日~ nagoya-info.jp/news/2019/10/p…
G20カウントダウンボード除幕式@セントレア空港に出席させていただきます☺️よろしくお願いします。 #G20 #loveあいちサポーターズ
今日は #七夕 ですね。先月 #G20 を前に訪日したマクロン大統領も短冊に願い事を書いていました🎋🌟 大統領の願い事は3つ。 「生物多様性とストップ温暖化」🌏 「日仏の若者が熱意を持って未来を築きますように」🇫🇷🇯🇵 「日本で寿司や刺身を食べたい」🍣 皆さんの願い事は何ですか? #マクロン来日
#G20 終了後の日ロ首脳会談。 続いて覚書の交換。私とオレシュキン経済発展大臣が両首脳の前で8項目の協力プラスに関する覚書3通を交換。
#G20 終了後、日ロ首脳会談。まずは少人数会合から。
#G20 大阪サミットが閉会。安倍総理の議長としての記者会見です。