~ @tarak9999 Anna has announced a contribution of Rs 75 Lakhs towards #Covid19 Relief. Out of this, 50 Lakhs (25+ 25) shall go the CM Relief Funds of @AndhraPradeshCM & @TelanganaCMO . 25 Lakhs shall go towards the aid of affected Telugu Film Industry Workers #StayHomeStaySafe
This story woke me up despite being in food coma🤩 @iocmedia says @Olympics🥇🥈🥉 will go ahead next summer regardless of #Covid19🦠 ランチ🥢食べて眠たかったのに、一気に目が覚めたニュース🤩 IOCのコーツ調整委員長が「新型コロナウイルスにかかわらず、東京五輪は開催する」と🥇🥈🥉
OMG! Someone was lifted away like this after he/she tested positive! #CCPChina #AmazingChina #Covid #Covid19 #CCPVirus #CCP
Palestinians excluded from Israeli #Covid19 vaccine. "Israel transports batches of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine deep inside the West Bank. But they are only distributed to Jewish settlers, and not the roughly 2.7M Palestinians living around them." Report: theguardian.com/world/2021/jan…
Sent messages of solidarity to their Excellencies the leaders of States within East Africa, Africa & the world. On behalf of the #PeoplePowerMovement, I sent assurances that we stand with the people of the world in these turbulent times. Together, we shall overcome #Covid19
#Covid19 Sonrası Dünya: İşbirliği mi, Rekabet mi? SAM ve Antalya Diplomasi Forumu küresel çapta yabancı uzmanların görüşlerini derledi. Bu önemli kitabı ilgiyle okuyacağınıza inanıyorum. @SAM_MFA @AntalyaDF sam.gov.tr/tr/wp-content/…
Mexico admits #Covid19 death toll much higher than official number. The pandemic now suspected of killing at least 139,153 people compared with official toll of 88,924 – the fourth highest number in the world after the US, Brazil and India. theguardian.com/world/2020/oct…
As millions sink into poverty, #Covid19 makes world's billionaires — and their advisers — even richer Global trend suggests crisis is widening financial inequalities. Which according to experts fuels instability. Report: financialpost.com/personal-finan…
そもそも、武漢ウィルスからCovid19の名前になったとき、WHOは「地域の名称はスティグマタイズ(汚名を着せる)するから、やめましょう」って話だったと記憶してますが、変異株には、英国とかインドとか地域名つけてますが、どういう基準なんだろうかっと謎。 #Covid19
In Northeast China, #covid guard cursed people who dare to go out, take away their masks and pushed them back home. He records all these proudly in the name of #Covid19 pandemic. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
The World After #Covid19: Cooperation or Competition? SAM and Antalya Diplomacy Forum compiled articles from prominent intellectuals of the world. I hope you read this book with great interest. @SAM_MFA @AntalyaDF sam.gov.tr/wp-content/upl…
#つなぐ」プロジェクト始動 今を乗り越える為にアスリートが立ち上がりました。 マスク20万枚の配布や外出自粛が続く中オンラインイベントの実施などアスリートが日本の為に出来る事をやっていきます。 皆さんで想いをつなげていこう。 #udnfoundation #stayhome #Covid19 udnsports.com/news/319/
Blick aus dem Cockpit: Hand in Hand verlegen @SanDstBw zusammen mit zivilen Einsatzkräften die Patienten. @BMVg_Bundeswehr #GemeinsamStark #Flugbereitschaft #Covid19 Mehr Info zum A310 MedEvac: bit.ly/312lW6I
In #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina, people are detained in exhibition centers, which were not designed to have so many people living in it. No proper conditions at all. The lights are on 24 hours, and you have to deal with all the snoring and smells… #ZeroCovid #Covid #Covid19
Personal items also get “zeroed out” at the #Foxconn dormitories after workers fled the #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou #CCPChina amid #Covid #lockdown. #AmazingChina #CCP #Covid19 #CCPVirus
@tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan @tarak9999 Anna has announced a contribution of Rs 75 Lakhs towards #Covid19 Relief. Out of this, 50 Lakhs (25+ 25) shall go the CM Relief Funds of @AndhraPradeshCM & @TelanganaCMO . 25 Lakhs shall go towards the aid of affected Telugu Film Industry Workers Jai NTR Jai Jai NTR
要拡散。#Covid19 に関する最新の内閣官房推定結果 by筑波大 倉橋先生。大阪に多い1.5倍程度感染力が高い変異株が多く東京に到来すると五輪をハッピーにやるのは困難という結論。連休中、東海道の往来はミニマムに、東京人は海辺や山の疎空間で気晴らしをするのが当面吉かと covid19-ai.jp/ja-jp/organiza…
Here we go again. In #Wuxi city, #Jiangsu province, #CCPChina, on July 2, after 39 positive #Covid19 cases were found. #CCPVIRUS #CCP #ZEROCOVID
Welcome to #China. Care to stay in this magnificent luxury #Covid camps in #Zhengzhou City? #Covid19 #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #CCPChina
Reality is much crueler than art. In Hollywood movies, the #US government will do anything to save one individual. But in real life, it sits back and allows 1,000,000+ people to be infected in a day and 830,000 lives lost to #Covid19 already and counting ...
#Covid19 again at it's peak, Please wear mask & stay safe 🙏
According to these chat records, original strain of #Covid was found at #Beijing Ditan Infectious Disease Hospital, which has been locked down. #CCPChina #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidNightmare #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #Covid #Covid19 #CCP #CCPvirus
#Turkey: The government covered up the true number of deaths from #Covid19 and the extent of the damage, risking public health domestically and abroad. President Erdogan is calling doctors & critics that speak out 'terrorists'. Report: economist.com/europe/2021/01…
#US surpassed 14M #Covid19 infections; at least 274,648 people have died. President-elect Joe Biden says at least 250,000 more people will die ‘because people aren’t paying attention’. Bush, Obama, and Clinton have 'volunteered to be vaccinated' on camera.