A nosotras unos señoritos no nos la cuelan. Algunas siempre hemos defendido una Sanidad Pública digna, otros se han subido al carro cuando no les quedaba otra. Fuck Hipócriticas 🖕🖕🖕. #Coronavirus #SanidadPublica #FuckVox
🙌 Combating #Coronavirus requires an #AllHandsOnDeck approach. 🙏 I’m proud to play my small part alongside @g0vtw, @MOHW_Taiwan @Taiwan_CDC and #RepublicOfCitizens. 👏 Yes! Together we can manage the #COVID19 outbreak & realise @WHO’s #HealthForAll. twitter.com/ForeignAffairs…
RT @YoshikiOfficial #Coronavirus discussion, #コロナウイルス 対談: #YOSHIKI & #山中伸弥 教授 (Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicine ノーベル生理学・医学賞 受賞) #ShinyaYamanaka (English Subtitle 英語字幕Ver). youtu.be/yckQnJp9fp8 twitter.com/YoshikiOfficia…
Quite a cool illustration on why it's important to #StayHomeSaveLives during #CoronavirusPandemic #Coronavirus
Watch Minister Wu discuss government efforts to combat #Coronavirus with @davidcommon of @CBCNews. Low #COVID19 case numbers make the country’s aggressive, multipronged approach led by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC a model for managing the pandemic & realizing @WHO’s #HealthForAll.
.@AndersFoghR is right! #TaiwanCanHelp shape global health policy via high-tech expertise. The #TaiwanModel for #Coronavirus response using data, transparency & centralized command is a winner. To close #COVID19 blackholes & realize #HealthForAll, @WHO needs #Taiwan at the table. twitter.com/AndersFoghR/st…
少しでも参考になれば、 ”#Coronavirus discussion, #コロナウイルス に関しての対談: #YOSHIKI & #山中伸弥 教授 (Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicineノーベル生理学・医学賞 受賞) #ShinyaYamanaka (English Subtitle 英語字幕Ver)→ instagram.com/p/B96Lv9SAT66/
#Coronavirus discussion, #コロナウイルス 対談: #YOSHIKI & #山中伸弥 教授 (Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicine ノーベル生理学・医学賞 受賞) #ShinyaYamanaka (English Subtitle 英語字幕Ver) youtube.com/watch?v=yckQnJ…
We’re very pleased to see #Taiwan’s @SinicaFans & the #EU cooperating closely in combating the global outbreak of #Coronavirus. The development of rapid testing, as well as safe & effective vaccines, is key to controlling the #COVID19 pandemic & realizing @WHO’s #HealthForAll. twitter.com/grzegorzewskif…
We have the resolve and the resources to win the fight against #Coronavirus
Combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll is deadly serious. From March 19, noncitizens—except those holding ARCs or visiting for approved business, diplomatic or special purposes—won’t be admitted to #Taiwan. In addition, all arrivals must undergo 14-day home quarantine.
#Taiwan & the #US are working hand in hand to combat #Coronavirus. The like-minded partners will pool R&D data & resources to develop cutting-edge & effective measures targeting #COVID19. Yes! Taiwan-U.S. cooperation & #ScienceDiplomacy can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
🇩🇪Mitteilung zum #Coronavirus #COVID19 der Botschaft Tokyo für Deutsche Landsleute in Japan🇯🇵 Link: japan.diplo.de/ja-de/aktuelle… 日本のフォロワーの皆様へ 現在日本に滞在中のドイツ人をご存知でしたら、このツイートをその方々に転送していただけますと幸いです🙏
#Taiwan has had to rely on itself to fight #Coronavirus, & the country's thriving despite the challenges. This #AllHandsOnDeck approach to #COVID19 embodied by Central Epidemic Command Center is part of the #TaiwanModel for combating the disease & realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/ForeignPolicy/…
.@jacindaardern said when it comes to #COVID19, #NewZealand is "going to follow, pretty closely, the Taiwanese model. They worked up a framework for mass gatherings that’s been quite successful." Such praise is welcome, & #Taiwan stands ready to share its #Coronavirus know-how. twitter.com/NZStuffPolitic…
#Taiwan & the #US are ramping up #Coronavirus-fighting cooperation. @MOHW_Taiwan will share best practices & work even closer with #AIT to fast-track development of #COVID19 medicine & vaccines. Yes! Taiwan & the US can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. ait.org.tw/ait-will-enhan…
7/ After all, with more experience sharing, we will overcome the outbreak. It is time for us to fight the Great #Coronavirus War, and it is time to get our masks ready.
This piece by @VOANews is a well-informed read about what #Taiwan is doing to contain the spread of #Coronavirus. Timely & effective preparation by the government underscores how #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in fighting #COVID19 & realizing #HealthForAll. voanews.com/science-health…
The shoot for #Yuvaratnaa in Europe has been cancelled due to the #Coronavirus scares. Will keep you all posted for further updates. Don't believe in Speculations/Rumors.
Amid #Coronavirus menace, pro-#CCP lawmakers today hold extra meetings to discuss #HKpolice pay rises, despite majority of #HKers’ opposing the rise. According to the poll, popularity rating of police hit a record low: 40% of population giving zero marks on police performance.
We sincerely thank Formosa Club’s #Taiwan friendship groups from @Europarl_EN, #France, #Germany & #UK for urging the country's meaningful @WHO participation. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll. Learn more: bit.ly/2HlihDZ.
For the 2nd day, #PLAAF combat aircraft flew close to #Taiwan. @iingwen urged Beijing to deal with the #Wuhan virus, not threaten the country militarily. Listen, H-6 bombers are useless against #Coronavirus. JW
向最早示警武汉疫情,却遭公安训诫画押为发表不实言论,终为救人而牺牲的 #李文亮 医师致敬。 #言论自由 #透明化 #Coronavirus twitter.com/ccjanetang/sta…
Minister Wu didn't mince words during our news conference on fallout from the global spread of the new #Coronavirus. @WHO must recognize #Taiwan is Taiwan & stop violating the health rights of the country's 23 million people! Read @Taiwan_Today's article. taiwantoday.tw/news.php?unit=…