Proud to celebrate 199 years of Central American independence with our allies from #Guatemala, #Honduras & #Nicaragua. #Taiwan is deeply grateful for your longstanding support & friendship. Our cooperative efforts to address global challenges have brought us closer together.
🏆 #Amistoso
⚽ @Argentina 🇦🇷 3 (Lautaro Martínez y Lionel Messi x2) 🆚 #Honduras 🇭🇳 0
👉 ¡Final del partido!
🔜 El elenco argentino jugará el próximo martes ante #Jamaica 🇯🇲
¡#VamosArgentina! 💪
Welcome back to Taiwan, President @JuanOrlandoH. As friends & allies for 80 years, #Taiwan 🇹🇼 & #Honduras 🇭🇳 are strengthening our wide-ranging cooperation for the benefit of our nations & peoples.
A pleasure to celebrate the 201st anniversary of Central American independence with #Honduras & #Guatemala. #Taiwan will continue to strengthen cooperation with our allies to defend freedom & democracy & promote regional prosperity.
🏆 #Amistoso 📋 ¡Once inicial confirmado! ⚽
Así formará @Argentina 🇦🇷 para el encuentro ante #Honduras 🇭🇳
Thank you, President @JuanOrlandoH for your sincere congratulations. Just as I am a friend to #Honduras, you are a friend to #Taiwan, & our countries’ friendship is helping make positive contributions to the international community. twitter.com/JuanOrlandoH/s…
Congratulations to #Taiwan's Central American allies on the 200th anniversary of Central American independence. We will continue to build on our close ties with #Guatemala, #Nicaragua & #Honduras for the benefit of our countries & peoples, no matter the challenges we face.
Proud to announce that Vice President @ChingteLai will represent our country at the inauguration of Honduran President @XiomaraCastroZ. #Taiwan looks forward to an even stronger partnership & closer cooperation with #Honduras, as we work to expand our international participation.
#Honduras, #Nicaragua, and #Guatemala are reeling from #HurricaneIota and #HurricaneEta. Both were category 4 and hit Central America within 2 week span. They wiped out farms, food supply, and entire communities.
Experts say millions now face hunger. "There is nothing to eat."
Many thanks to @JuanOrlandoH for your warm wishes on Fiesta del #DobleDiez. Our shared democratic values are the foundation of a beautiful friendship, & we look forward to continuing our long-standing tradition of mutual support & #Taiwan-#Honduras cooperation. twitter.com/JuanOrlandoH/s…
Thank you @JuanOrlandoH for your congratulations, and for highlighting the solidarity and kindness that connects #Taiwanese to each other & to the people of #Honduras. twitter.com/JuanOrlandoH/s…
Felicidades a @XiomaraCastroZ por haber sido electa Presidenta de Honduras. Espero trabajar juntas por el bienestar de nuestros pueblos y la profundización del tradicional vínculo que siempre ha unido a #Taiwán y #Honduras.
VP @ChingteLai has arrived back in #Taiwan after representing our country in #Honduras at the inauguration of President @XiomaraCastroZ. Welcome back home & congratulations on successfully expanding our international space on your trip.
Proud to have VP @ChingteLai represent me & our country at the inauguration of President @XiomaraCastroZ. #Taiwan will continue to be a reliable partner to #Honduras, as we work together toward a better future. twitter.com/ChingteLai/sta…
My sincere congratulations to @XiomaraCastroZ on your inauguration as president of Honduras. Our countries share a long history of friendly ties, & I look forward to working with you to further expand #Taiwan-#Honduras cooperation for the benefit of our peoples. twitter.com/XiomaraCastroZ…
We thank #Eswatini, #Guatemala, #Haiti, #Honduras, #MarshallIslands, #Nauru, #Paraguay, #StKittsAndNevis,
#Australia, #Belgium, #EU, #Japan, #NewZealand, #UK & #US for backing #Taiwan at #EB146. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll.
Great to catch up with @JuanOrlandoH this Christmas Eve. Wishing everyone in #Honduras a merry Christmas & sincerely hope that life can go back to normal as soon as possible after hurricanes ETA & IOTA. #Taiwan will always be with you in times of need.
The disadvantaged won't go hungry on #Taiwan's watch amid #COVID19 in 16 countries like allies #Eswatini, #Haiti, #Honduras & #Nicaragua. We're proud to partner with the Council of #Agriculture & #TzuChi Foundation in donating 10.9K tons of rice by May end. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
Super support for #Taiwan’s meaningful participation in @WHO activities, mechanisms & meetings such as #WHA73! We thank the like- & right-minded countries headed by #CentralAmerica ally #Honduras for urging the global health organization to honor its promise to #LeaveNoOneBehind. twitter.com/giampaolo_rizz…
🏆 #Amistoso
⚽ @Argentina 🇦🇷 2 (Lautaro Martínez y Lionel Messi) 🆚 #Honduras 🇭🇳 0
👉 ¡Final de la primera etapa!
¡#VamosArgentina! 💪