#ハリポタ 作者のJ・K・ローリング、英クイーンズ病院が紹介した「呼吸法」を実践し、新型コロナの症状から回復🙌😷🏥⇒pottermania.jp/info/event/log… #ハリーポッター #新型コロナウイルス #新型肺炎 #Covid_19 #Coronavirus #呼吸法 #肺炎 #News
To help those affected by #Coronavirus, the Universal Credit standard allowance has risen today by £1,040 per person for this year - with Working Tax Credit going up as well. Get more information and details on how to apply here: understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk/coronavirus/
On #WorldHealthDay, we extend heartfelt & sincere thanks to medical staffers courageously & selflessly serving on the #Coronavirus front line. #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic by sharing its experience, expertise & resources en route to realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll.
Our thoughts & prayers are with @BorisJohnson & the British people. We wish everyone combating #Coronavirus a speedy recovery & return to full health. #Taiwan supports & has every confidence in @DominicRaab, acting #UK prime minister, at this difficult time.
【新型コロナ】外出せずに楽しめる、無料の「 #ハリーポッター 」脱出ゲームが登場🚪🗝 外出自粛が続くこの時期、一人で謎解きをしながら英語の勉強をしてみては?🏰⇒pottermania.jp/info/event/log… #無料 #緊急事態宣言 #Covid_19 #Coronavirus
We're flattered by @BarbraStreisand's praise for #Taiwan & its #Coronavirus-fighting capabilities. Like the essence of her 1976 classic "A Star is Born," the sky's the limit when like-minded partners come together & inspire one another to greater heights. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp twitter.com/BarbraStreisan…
Experience with #SARS pushed #Taiwan to react quickly & decisively to combat #Coronavirus. Now #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic. But the country needs a #WHA73 seat to better share the #TaiwanModel & assist in realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. edition.cnn.com/2020/04/04/asi…
#Taiwan is donating face masks to #CzechRepublic! We’re honored to team up with the country’s 1st European partner in combating #Coronavirus. Let’s cultivate more chances to strengthen cooperation in the face of this global challenge. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
Thank you, @usmissiongeneva, for the recognition & advocating #Taiwan’s @WHO & #WHA participation. As a beacon of freedom, democracy & human rights, the country will continue combating #Coronavirus with like-minded partners & allies. Together, we can realize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/usmissiongenev…
We sincerely thank @SenatorRisch & @SenateForeign for acknowledging #Taiwan’s & @iingwen’s commitment to combating #Coronavirus. Natural allies never fail to answer the call in a time of need. Cooperation, friendship, support & trust are just what it takes for the world to heal. twitter.com/SenateForeign/…
.@TchajC & #CzechRepublic's #Taipei office are joining forces to combat #Coronavirus! The partnership will bolster efforts to manage the #COVID19 pandemic through R&D of rapid testing kits, medicines & vaccines. Both sides will also share key materials & best practices.
Thank you @vonderleyen for recognizing #Taiwan's support for the #EU & combating #Coronavirus. It's critical at times such as these for democracies to help one another for the greater good. International solidarity is key to building resilient societies & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…
True friends & partners in prosperity never need say thank you, @nuludong. #Taiwan & #Palau share close Austronesian ties & are rock-solid #IndoPacific partners. We'll keep supporting @TommyRemengesau & the government & people in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/nuludong/statu…
Minister Wu was proud to join @iingwen at the #Coronavirus-combating news conference. He announced #Taiwan will donate 10 million face masks to the #US, #EU, other countries in Europe & allies. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic & realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
3月11日に対談しています。 もう一度観てください。 #Coronavirus discussion, #新型コロナウイルス 対談: #YOSHIKI & #山中伸弥 教授 (Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicine ノーベル生理学・医学賞 受賞) #ShinyaYamanaka (English Subtitle 英語字幕Ver) youtube.com/watch?time_con…
Thank you for the recognition & warm message, @AusOfficeTPE Rep. Cowan. Ensuring access to materials essential for producing key items used in combating #Coronavirus is a win-win. #Taiwan will keep cooperating closely with #Australia for the benefit of the people & #IndoPacific. twitter.com/AusOfficeTPE/s…
. @morisatwine is a quick study. Combating #Coronavirus needs #AllHandsOnDeck.🙌 Lots of bilateral conversations, no top-down authoritarianism.🆓 Watch my virtual lecture on mask revitalising with @agoerlach via @vf_institute. ▶️pdis.tw/ai-i Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼 twitter.com/morisatwine/st…
Thank you to the 20,000 former staff coming back to the NHS. And thank you to the 750,000 people who have volunteered to help vulnerable people through this crisis. We will get through it together. #Coronavirus #StayHomeSaveLives
The charter flight organized by @TaiwanenPeru has landed in #Miami. Passengers include #Taiwan, #US, #Japan & #Singapore nationals. This response to the global #Coronavirus outbreak proves #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll while honoring @WHO's promise to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
#Taiwan's SARS experience taught VP Chen & the government lessons crucial in combating #Coronavirus. Meaningful @WHO participation, as well as sharing the country's expertise & resources, can help the world better manage #COVID19 & deliver #HealthForAll. topics.amcham.com.tw/2020/03/vice-p…
.@WHO knows how to combat #Coronavirus? @AmChamTaipei's @foreman_william has a tip. Ask #Taiwan! Read his op-ed & learn about the country's use of AI, big data, daily press briefings & early intervention to manage #COVID19. And we agree—Taiwan must have its voice heard at #WHA73. twitter.com/CWM_en/status/…
🇩🇪Mitteilung zum #Coronavirus #COVID19 der Botschaft Tokyo für Deutsche Landsleute in Japan🇯🇵 Link: japan.diplo.de/ja-de/aktuelle… 🇯🇵のフォロワーの皆様 現在日本滞在中のドイツ人をご存知でしたら、このツイートをその方々に転送していただけますと幸いです🙏いつもご協力ありがとうございます。
Watch Minister Wu’s enlightening interview with @MariaBartiromo via @MorningsMaria on @FoxBusiness. Learn more about #Taiwan’s #AllHandsOnDeck approach to combating #Coronavirus led by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp manage #COVID19 & realize @WHO’s #HealthForAll.
🇩🇪Mitteilung zum #Coronavirus #COVID19 der Botschaft Tokyo für Deutsche Landsleute in Japan🇯🇵 Link: japan.diplo.de/ja-de/aktuelle… 日本のフォロワーの皆様へ 現在日本に滞在中のドイツ人をご存知でしたら、このツイートをその方々に転送していただけますと幸いです🙏
Minister Wu makes the big points in his interview with @MariaBartiromo via @MorningsMaria on @FoxBusiness. #Taiwan's effective #Coronavirus response utilizes SARS experience, whole government approach & open communication. Together, we can manage #COVID19 & realize #HealthForAll.