Rhinos are making a comeback worldwide. Populations of the endangered rhinoceros in Nepal, Kenya, and South Africa are growing as poaching has decreased in the last six years. #ClimateAction #WWF #NoPlanetB youtube.com/watch?v=kRnkhJ…
We have lost a Selfless,most precious jewel of India ...a #climate champion for #ClimateAction who was in the process of planting 10million trees🇮🇳 #ActorVivek # twitter.com/Actor_Vivek/st…
Our home is on fire. #Myanmar democratic movement is linked to the global #ClimateAction #SDGs For decades, from mining to natural gas drilling, #Myanmar Military has exploited key biodiversity areas &.. [ Thread on #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar on #EarthDay ] .@GretaThunberg twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
Scientists from India & Russia have created biodegradable and edible food wrap. It is created from algae and cinnamon and it could be the end of harmful plastic wrap. This #EarthDay subscribe for other stories of human achievement & #ClimateAction.⬇️🍃 youtube.com/watch?v=yPwz3A…
The tucuxi, a river dolphin🐬only found in the Amazon, has been declared under threat of extinction. Now researchers have band together in an attempt to save it. Will they succeed? #EarthDay #ClimateAction Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=rey7El…
France is planning to give citizens who want to trade in their old cars a $3,000 grant (€2,500) towards the purchase of an electric bike. It is part of a plan to reduce emissions by 40% compared with 1990 levels. #ClimateAction #NoPlanetB Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=JWCDn1…
A new paint that can reflect 98% of sunlight has been created. It can cool down buildings and reduce their need for environmentally damaging air conditioning. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=eiEG9Q…
Dream of the world we could have if the tyrants were not in power. Subscribe to #YACcreate for your mental health, and a vision of a better future. Together anything is possible. 💪#NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=1gwcNz…
The world’s first renewable, hydrogen-powered energy storage system has been created and it promises to decrease environmentally harmful lithium batteries. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=Yf-jad…
Gen Z continues to kick ass all around the world. A young Kenyan inventor in Nairobi is literally paving the way to a greener future. #ClimateAction #GreenHeroes Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=mFxlF4…
When accepting her Nobel Peace Prize, Guatemalan human rights activist, Rigoberta Menchú spoke on the importance of women’s access to land as a crucial component to sustaining rural development, fighting inequality & building lasting peace! #ClimateAction
#地球気候アクション に心から連帯!日本共産党も気候危機打開のための2030戦略を発表。私も全力尽くします! #ClimateAction #気候危機見て見ぬふりはもうできない #Globalclimateaction
#世界気候アクション0924 の本日、抜けるような青空のもと当会中央本部前の播磨坂で私たちも連帯のスタンディングです💪 空はこんなに青いけれど、地球は非常事態🌏🔥‼️ #気候危機見て見ぬふりはもうできない #Globalclimateaction #ClimateAction
世界気候アクションに連帯。 異常気象で、かつてない災害が各地を頻繁に襲う。気候危機は、未来に向けた課題ではなくすでに直面する現実。2030年目標を達成できなければ不可逆的な変化に陥りかねない。だからこそ直ちに正面から向き合う政治に! #気候危機を見て見ぬふりはもうできない #ClimateAction
"If you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you." Climate activist @GretaThunberg showed the power of a girl's voice in front of world leaders at the #ClimateAction Summit in 2019.👏👏👏
#赤旗日曜版 #10月3日号 1️⃣ #気候危機 人類の存亡かけて 🚲小野りりあんさん システムを根っこから変える #UprootTheSystem 🌹加藤登紀子さん 未来のために声あげよう 🗽NYCアクション現地リポート #ClimateAction 🇩🇪ドイツ選挙では最大争点に 📣日本共産党「2030戦略」とは jcp.or.jp/web_policy/202…
Happy birthday @drvandanashiva! 🎈🎉 A committed environmentalist, Vandana Shiva formed a woman-centred movement for the conservation of unique seed crops & protection of biological & cultural diversity. Thank you for leading #ClimateAction and the way to a sustainable future!
Women and girls need a seat at every table where #ClimateAction decisions are being made that impact their livelihoods. #COP26
Women and girls acround the world play a vital role in driving climate policy. Let's listen to them! Watch @lizwathuti’s powerful speech urging leaders to deliver #ClimateAction at the @COP26. #COP26
Taking #ClimateAction isn't a zero-sum game. It's a #NetZero endeavor demanding #AllHandsOnDeck! Our campaign spotlighting the need for #Taiwan🇹🇼 to have a @UNFCCC voice garnered global🌐 headlines & conveyed an important message: #TaiwanCanHelp. ▶️READ bit.ly/3qZpAJM
Young women and girls are working on the front lines of climate activism. Join us in taking #ClimateAction!
📌 SAVE THE DATE 📌 Join us for the @UN Observance of #InternationalWomensDay 2022, as we recognize the women and girls who are leading the charge on #ClimateAction towards a sustainable future. 🌱8 March 2022 🌱10:00 a.m. EST RSVP: unwo.men/I4pb50I6yVo #IWD2022 #WHM
🌱 8 March is International Women’s Day! 🌱 Without gender equality today, a sustainable and equal future won't be possible. Join us this #IWD2022 to amplify the voices of women and girls who are taking #ClimateAction at all levels. unwo.men/2tjT50I9M57