[告知] 9月24日20時〜は #気候変動 について🌍私たちはまだ気候変動を止められる。地球のために今からできることを一緒に考えましょう。 #ClimateAction  #世界気候アクション0925 [出演]安田菜津紀(司会) / 江守正多 / 斎藤幸平 / 藤原しおり/ 岩野さおり / 黒部睦 / ゆき youtu.be/cRbc2ekfhOA
私たちは気候危機を止められる最後の世代🌏📣 #気候危機に特効薬なし #ClimateAction #世界気候アクション0925
As we today host the Climate Ambition Summit, I’m pleased to announce the UK will be ending taxpayer support for fossil fuel projects overseas. By taking decisive #ClimateAction now, we will create the jobs of the future, drive the recovery from COVID & protect our planet.
Fantastic to see 75 nations coming together to pledge #ClimateAction today. Ultimately, our ability to protect our planet will come not from timidity or caution - but decisive ambition from all. Looking forward to driving this forward ahead of @COP26 next year.
#ClimateAction week1 私のこの投稿でシステムなんてこれっぽっちも変わらないかもしれないけれど、 継続的に声をあげるって絶対大事だと思ったのでちゃんと今回から頑張ります。 言葉は王道だけど、これにつきる。 #ClimateStrikeOnline #FridaysForFuture #ClimateCrisis #未来のための金曜日
#ClimateAction week2 カーボンニュートラルの宣言だけで、 満足しないでください。 私が求めるのは具体的な政策とその実行です。 今のままではティッピングポイントをむかえてしまいます。 #TheWorldIsWatching #ClimateStrikeOnline #FridaysForFuture #ClimateCrisis #未来のための金曜日
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 WATCH our interview with @BBCLBicker on the need for #ClimateAction @COP26 @UKinKorea #BBC #TogetherForOurPlanet
CALLING ALL BLINKS: CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA! #COP26 WATCH our interview with @BBCLBicker on the need for #ClimateAction @COP26 @UKinKorea #BBC #TogetherForOurPlanet #BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 #YG
In the fight against global warming, a team of Dutch engineers is working to turn the Sinai Desert into the Sinai Forest. “If we want to do something about global warming, we have to do something about deserts." #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction Subscribe!👇 youtube.com/watch?v=iwrBOM…
Clean energy for low-income homes now a reality. Donnel Baird's project BlocPower brought clean energy to more than 1,100 low-income buildings across New York & now he plans to expand across the US. #ClimateAction #NoPlanetB #endpoverty Subscribe👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=OOaVnS…
Drones are being used to aid reforestation efforts worldwide. In hours a squadron of drones can plant up to 10,000 trees compared to months or even years with manual seed planting. The future is now. #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #NoPlanetB Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=f6XvIf…
The destruction of pristine rainforest increased by 12 percent in 2020 despite the global economic slowdown. The worst losses were in #Brazil, three times higher than the next highest country, the #DRC. #ClimateAction #NoPlanetB Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=RQYx_5…
A 23-year-old Mexican biotechnician Adán Ramirez Sánchez has invented solar panels powered by algae instead of minerals mined from the earth and that can turn CO2 into oxygen. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=QUiiQH…
In an effort to reverse deforestation the Costa Rica put into place many reforestation programs and made deforestation illegal without permission. Now, almost 60% of the land is forest again. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction #FridaysForFuture Subscribe!👇 youtube.com/watch?v=1gwcNz…
Lima is one of the driest cities in the world & going through a water shortage, this tower will fix that. It can create as much as 1,000 liters of water per day, amounting to 3.6M liters per year. #ClimateCrisis #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction Subscribe!⤵️ youtube.com/watch?v=Te78kN…
Finnish environmentalists have created a reforestation initiative that will plant millions of new trees every year, tracked by an app. Instead of planting virtual forests you can now plant real ones for a euro per tree. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=w_PZw4…
"Underwater roombas" have been deployed to help scan pollution on the ocean floor underneath Santa Catalina Island. Toxic DDT waste has been building up for decades and now scientists are ready to remove it for good. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=jDrfqX…
Kerala fishermen have organized to combat plastic pollution. They have so far amassed 176,000 pounds of plastic, of which more than half has gone towards creating 84 miles of road under a new government program. #ClimateAction #NoPlanetB Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=0If340…
The village had been hit by drought and farmers were starting to leave but Loungi Bhuiya did not give up. Instead he saved his community and forest by single handedly digging a 3km canal, it only took him 30 years. #hero #watersecurity #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=GhxAqz…
A group in the U.S. is helping save the forests with a unique legal loophole. They ensure that by law the forest will remain preserved forever by turning each tree into a gravesite where people's ashes are scattered. #ClimateAction #NoPlanetB Subscribe! youtube.com/watch?v=_6gcbk…
Seaweed fed cows are proven better for the environment. A 82 percent reduction in methane emissions was observed in cows fed 1.5 to 3 ounces of seaweed a day. #NoPlanetB #ClimateAction youtube.com/watch?v=cYojid…
Less than 1% of the Earth’s water is drinkable and we are quickly losing it. Saltwater toilets may soon begin saving freshwater around the world thanks to a newfound red sea bacteria. #ClimateAction #WaterCrisis #NoPlanetB Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=wH75Ft…
Saudi Arabia plans to undertake the world’s largest tree-planting effort. They plan to plant at least 50 billion trees across the Arab states. #ClimateAction #NoPlanetB Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=AodrRX…