On behalf of the whole country, I want to thank all the incredible nurses, doctors, NHS support staff & carers who are working flat out to fight coronavirus 👏 #ClapForOurCarers #ClapForNHS To help them, and protect the NHS, we need everyone to stay at home #StayHomeSaveLives
Thank you to the NHS and all of our critical workers for all you are doing to fight #coronavirus. You really are an inspiration. #ClapForOurCarers #ThankYouThursday #ClapForKeyWorkers
We’re past the peak, it’s Captain Tom’s Birthday and we have the best carers of anywhere in the world. So much to clap for tonight #ClapForOurCarers
Great to join @DominicRaab earlier to #ClapForOurCarers. Do your bit this Easter and stay home to protect the NHS. 👏👏
I don’t think paws were meant for clapping, so I’m going to spend some time today practicing to try and make my clap a little louder. #ClapForOurCarers
We’re all ready, at 32 Windsor Gardens, for 8pm to show our appreciation to the doctors, nurses and support crews, around the world, working to keep us all safe. #ClapForOurCarers
Thank you as always!👏👏👏👏👏 #HealthyAtHome #ClapForOurCarers
Un message pour mes fans. A message for my fans #20honapplaudit #ClapForOurCarers bit.ly/2UHH1On
夜8時の拍手 医療従事者の皆様に向けて。 #ClapForOurCarers #ClapForCarers
A big thank you from all our team in Tokyo and Osaka to all the healthcare workers in Japan and the UK who keep us safe 🇯🇵🇬🇧 英国大使館・英国総領事館スタッフは #コロナウイルスと戦う全ての人々にリスペクト と感謝の気持ちを送ります。 #ClapForOurCarers #医療従事者へエールを
今夜も8時に医療従事者に向けて拍手します。 ロンドンで始まった新型コロナの最前線で戦う医療従事者へ敬意と感謝の拍手をする運動。 素敵なので真似させていただいております。 可能な方はよろしければ是非ご一緒に。 #ClapForOurCarers #ClapForCarers #医療従事者に拍手を twitter.com/dankoromochi/s…
今夜8時。 僕も医療関係者、医療従事者に向けてベランダから拍手しようと思います。 妻は出勤なので(医療関係ではないですが)一人でやります。 ご近所迷惑とかその辺も考えつつにはなりますが。 一緒にできる方は良かったら是非。 #ClapForOurCarers