🇬🇧🇳🇿 Brilliant work by @annietrev and team. The UK and NZ share a fundamental belief in democracy and freedom. Our trade deal will:
✅ Boost economic ties between two free trading nations
✅ Pave the way for 🇬🇧 to join #CPTPP
✅ Bring jobs and opportunities across the UK👇 twitter.com/10DowningStree…
Stellar support for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UNFCCC, @INTERPOL_HQ & #CPTPP participation from 100+ members of the Formosa Club #Caribbean & #LatinAmerica. Our gratitude to @ComradeRalph, @markbrantley3, @PARLACEN President Salinas & other like-minded friends for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan.
Today I named TSMC Founder Morris Chang as my envoy to the upcoming #APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting hosted by #NewZealand. I know he will continue to be an effective advocate for #Taiwan's key role in regional economic cooperation & the benefits of our inclusion in #CPTPP.
#オーストラリア のスコット・ #モリソン #首相 は、22日の記者会見で、中国を念頭に、貿易相手国に経済的脅迫を行う国は、環太平洋パートナーシップに関する包括的及び先進的な協定( #CPTPP )の加盟条件を満たしていないと強調した。
🇬🇧🇦🇺 trade deal signed.
Congratulations @annietrev @DanTehanWannon. This agreement is a pledge of economic trust between our two freedom-loving democracies:
✅ Easier for Brits to live and work in 🇦🇺
✅ Tariff-free trade on all 🇬🇧 goods
✅ Step towards 🇬🇧 joining #CPTPP twitter.com/annietrev/stat…
Minister Wu is front & center in the latest #ConversationsWithSecretaryEsper. Watch as he talks to @MarkTEsper of @McCainInstitute about issues like #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 relations, the threat of authoritarianism & the country's goal of #CPTPP participation.
As Trade Sec, I made our application to join #CPTPP two years ago. I'm delighted negotiations are complete, deepening UK access to some of the world's fastest-growing economies: #GlobalBritain in action and an important counterweight to those who seek to undermine our values. 1/2
4/ In the early hours of this morning we struck the biggest trade deal since Brexit as the UK joins the #CPTPP, a vast free trade area spanning the Indo-Pacific.
I’d like to thank @KemiBadenoch and our trade negotiators for securing this win for British business & growth.
#CPTPP is a vital economic bulwark against China & in due course I’d like to see like-minded free trading nations making their own applications to join. It’s essential that any idea of Chinese accession is ruled out & I’d expect the British government to oppose any such proposal. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
I’m proud that the UK will be the first European country to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership. This is free trading global Britain in action #CPTPP 🇬🇧