I have just formally notified #CPTPP nations of our intent to join. 🇬🇧🌏 Membership will: 👉position 🇬🇧 at the heart of some of the world’s fastest-growing economies 👉create high value #jobs across the UK 👉help us build back a better global trading system #GlobalBritain
2月1日、英国は #CPTPP への加盟を正式に申請。トラス国際通商相が、輪番議長国である日本の西村経済財政・再生相と寄託国であるニュージーランドのオコナー貿易・輸出振興相と、オンライン会談を行いました。
#G7UK 外務・開発大臣会合に先立って日英外相戦略対話を開催。ラーブ外相が茂木外相と、英国の #CPTPP 加盟申請、気候変動、新型コロナ、空母打撃群の派遣でさらに強化されるインド太平洋における英国の関わりについて協議。貿易・投資を促進するための基盤についても確認しました。
มีบางเพจบอกว่ามันไม่ได้ร้ายแรงอย่างที่พวกมึงคิด อย่าเวอร์วังว่าจะได้แดกข้าวจานละ200 ให้ไปดูเวียดนามหรือประเทศอื่นที่เค้าทำ CPTPP ว่าเค้าพัฒนาไปยังไง เออ อันนั้นมันประเทศอื่นไง นี่ประเทศไทย นักการเมืองมันเหี้ยขนาดไหนมึงก็รู้ๆอยู่ไอ้สัส #CPTPP
This week I will kick off the formal process of securing new trade deals with Canada and Mexico 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 We will build on our existing FTAs, securing more access for 🇬🇧 goods, services and digital and pave the way to #CPTPP Read more in @Daily_Express👇 express.co.uk/comment/expres…
Excellent news that #CPTPP nations have agreed 🇬🇧 accession process will commence to join this dynamic free trade area of 11 countries. We'll present our plans to Parliament in the coming weeks before starting negotiations.👇 🇦🇺🇧🇳🇨🇦🇨🇱🇯🇵🇲🇾🇲🇽🇳🇿🇵🇪🇸🇬🇻🇳🇬🇧 twitter.com/DanTehanWannon…
🇬🇧🇦🇺 I spoke to the @TheSun about the benefits our Australia trade deal will bring to the UK. It means: - Tariff-free trade for all 🇬🇧 goods - Makes it easier for Brits to travel and work in 🇦🇺 - A pathway into #CPTPP, a £9 trillion free trade area👇 thesun.co.uk/news/15288329/…
NEW: Tomorrow we launch negotiations with #CPTPP Joining will: ✅ Hitch 🇬🇧 to the fastest growing part of the world ✅ Lower tariffs on goods like cars and whisky  ✅ Boost access for services and tech firms👇 🇦🇺🇧🇳🇨🇦🇨🇱🇯🇵🇲🇾🇲🇽🇳🇿🇵🇪🇸🇬🇻🇳🇬🇧 gov.uk/government/new…
🇬🇧🌎 Later today I am launching negotiations to join #CPTPP to open new opportunities to this £9 trillion trade area: Read our: 🌍Negotiating objectives 🌏Strategic case for joining 🌎Consultation response 🌍Scoping assessment👇 gov.uk/government/pub…
英国は6月22日、 #CPTPP 参加に向けて加盟国との交渉を正式に開始すると発表。世界最大級の自由貿易圏であり、2019年には世界のGDPの13%を占めたCPTPPは、🇬🇧の加盟によりGDPが16%にまで上昇、長期的には🇬🇧に18億ポンドの経済成長をもたらす見込みです。 詳細(英語)👉 ow.ly/9xdp50FfBjq
🇬🇧🇯🇵🌎 Great to speak with @nishy03 and fire the starting gun on negotiations to join #CPTPP. Membership will: ✅ Hitch the UK to the fastest-growing parts of the world ✅ Create new opportunities for our farmers, manufacturers & services firms ✅ Support jobs and drive growth
Read my article on why 🇬🇧 joining #CPTPP will push the world in a free-trade direction👇 telegraph.co.uk/business/2021/…
สรุปเหตุการณ์ตอนนี้(21.25) - #ไฟไหม้โรงงานกิ่งแก้ว ควบคุมสถานการณ์ได้แล้ว - #ไฟไหม้ลาดกระบัง ควบคุมเพลิงได้แล้วอยู่ระดับ1-2 - #ระเบิดจะนะ มีรายงานผู้บาดเจ็บเป็นจนท. รออัพเดตข่าวเพิ่มเติม - #CPTPP รบ.ฉวยโอกาสดันประเด็นเข้าที่ประชุม ครม. หากต้องการให้เราช่วยประชาสัมพันธ์DMได้เลยค่ะ
🇬🇧🇳🇿 We're making good progress with New Zealand, with round 6 of trade talks starting today. I am pushing UK interests on a deal that: ✅ Is fundamentally liberalising and cuts tariffs on exports 📈 Boosts access for 🇬🇧 service providers 🌏 Paves the way for us to join #CPTPP
Following a series of military threats, the #PRC is weaponizing trade by announcing an immediate ban on #Taiwan's custard & wax apples. This hostile move violates international trade norms! #China wants to join the high-standard #CPTPP? Is this a joke? JW
#Taiwan🇹🇼 is an avowed free trader. The country's #CPTPP application is a natural policy progression promising to deliver real benefits for the #AsiaPacific. We're grateful for our partners' consideration & look forward to doing more in promoting sustainable economic development.
#Taiwan's bid to join the #CPTPP reflects our commitment to promoting free trade in the Asia-Pacific. I am confident that our membership in this deal would strengthen joint economic development & benefit people across the region & the world.
Our gratitude to @AbeShinzo for welcoming Taiwan's #CPTPP application & recognizing the country's real progress under @iingwen in preparing for membership. #Taiwan🇹🇼 stands shoulder to shoulder with #Japan🇯🇵 in promoting freedom, democracy, human rights & the rule of law. twitter.com/AbeShinzo/stat…
台湾の #CPTPP 加盟申請を歓迎し、蔡英文政権下で進めてきた加盟準備の進展を認めてくださった安倍晋三前首相に感謝します。台湾は日本と肩を並べ、自由、民主主義、人権、法の支配という基本的価値を促進しています。 twitter.com/AbeShinzo/stat…
台湾は自由で民主主義であり、2021年の経済自由度は世界6位、科学技術や投資、サプライチェーンも強みで、#CPTPP 加盟国にとって重要で価値のあるパートナーになりうるでしょう。日本の友人たち、#台湾 への支持に感謝します。
.@DanTehanWannon of @Austrade's commitment to "work with the #CPTPP membership to consider #Taiwan's🇹🇼 application on a consensus basis" is warmly welcomed. We value the support of #Australia🇦🇺, #Japan🇯🇵 & other fair-minded #AsiaPacific free traders.🔽 theaustralian.com.au/world/taiwan-l…
Absolute privilege to have @HonTonyAbbott with us in #Taiwan. It's great to break bread with the former prime minister of #Australia. He's a fair dinkum free trader & bold backer of our #CPTPP bid. Thanks for the support & all the best for the @yushanforum keynote, my friend! JW
Words of wisdom from @HonTonyAbbott at @yushanforum. "Be a friend … & you’ll have friends; be a bully, & you’ll only have clients, who can’t wait to escape." We value the ex-PM of #Australia's🇦🇺 support for #Taiwan🇹🇼, its democracy & #CPTPP bid. Rest assured, we’ll stay free!🔽 twitter.com/HonTonyAbbott/…
Good call with Brunei's Foreign Minister and @ASEAN Chair Dato Erywan to discuss: 🌏 An open and secure Indo-Pacific 💷 Deepening economic ties between 🇬🇧 and 🇧🇳 including through the UK joining the #CPTPP ⚖️ Restoring peace and democracy to Myanmar through @ASEAN