Great that 🇬🇧 has now secured trade deals covering 61 countries plus the EU - total trade of £867bn. More to come.....#GlobalBritain
I have just formally notified #CPTPP nations of our intent to join. 🇬🇧🌏 Membership will: 👉position 🇬🇧 at the heart of some of the world’s fastest-growing economies 👉create high value #jobs across the UK 👉help us build back a better global trading system #GlobalBritain
Our Mexico agreement means we have now agreed trade deals with 58 countries around the world, covering trade worth £198bn 🇬🇧 🌎 No other country has ever negotiated or secured so many trade deals simultaneously. Great job by #teamtrade 👇 Trade = growth = jobs #GlobalBritain
Phase 2 of our #CSG21 deployment has begun! 🎉 A hazy day as we pass through the Suez Canal 🇪🇬, next the Red Sea and then onto the Indian Ocean. #GlobalBritain @UKinEgypt 🇬🇧🌍
Securing our UK-Turkey 🇬🇧🇹🇷 trade deal with @pekcan 👇 We have now agreed trade deals covering 62 countries plus the EU, and £885bn of trade. 🌍 And we’re just getting started. #GlobalBritain
Today we secured a trade deal with Vietnam 🇬🇧🇻🇳 We have now agreed deals with 57 countries, covering £193bn of trade. This is unprecedented. No country has ever moved so fast to negotiate so many deals simultaneously. Well done to our brilliant negotiators 🌎 #GlobalBritain
Delighted to be appointed Foreign Secretary and lead @FCDOGovUK Looking forward to: 🌎 Working with allies to tackle the greatest global challenges 🌎 Promoting a positive, outward-looking #GlobalBritain 🌎 Ensuring our foreign policy delivers for people across 🇬🇧
NEW: Historic moment for #GlobalBritain today as the Trade Bill becomes law. Our independent trading nation can now implement the trade deals covering 67 countries that we promised. Trade Act + EU deal covers £891bn of trade. Trade = growth = jobs 🇬🇧 🌎 #TradeAct2021
As Trade Sec, I made our application to join #CPTPP two years ago. I'm delighted negotiations are complete, deepening UK access to some of the world's fastest-growing economies: #GlobalBritain in action and an important counterweight to those who seek to undermine our values. 1/2
The 3rd round of trade talks with our great friend Australia start today. 🇬🇧🇦🇺 We want a gold-standard deal that cuts tariffs for 🇬🇧 business and opens new opportunities in areas like telecoms, tech & services. Trade = opportunity = economic growth. #GlobalBritain #UKAusFTA
🤝Another deal done: Today we've signed a continuity trade agreement with North Macedonia.🇬🇧🇲🇰 With trade between our countries worth £1.8bn, this deal gives certainty to businesses and paves the way for increased trade in the future. #GlobalBritain
Great that we have secured a trade deal with the EU 🇬🇧🇪🇺. Congrats to @DavidGHFrost and the UK team. We will have a strong trading relationship with the EU and deepen our trade with partners across the world through our independent trade policy #GotBrexitDone #GlobalBritain
Read my article in @Telegraph about the 🇬🇧's application to the dynamic £9 trillion pacific trade area #CPTPP and how we will use our #G7 Presidency to fight for free and fair trade. #GlobalBritain 👇 telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/01/3…
Our new national flagship will help us strike trade and investment deals and promote British interests around the world. 🚢 🇬🇧 🌎 It will help ensure all parts of 🇬🇧 benefit from #GlobalBritain. More 👇 gov.uk/government/new…
Read my @Telegraph piece on how we are putting 🇬🇧 at the heart of a network of economic, diplomatic and security partnerships. This will drive growth and jobs in the UK and across the world and help make us safer. #GlobalBritain 👇 telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/1…
How far has HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH come on in the last 16 weeks? 90 seconds of us working our way back to carrier strike, able to protect 🇬🇧 and our allies interests worldwide. From the sea, on land and in the air. And this is only one of our roles. #GlobalBritain #bombsaway
Our last night together as we are scheduled to head out tomorrow for #Groupex and @NATO #JW202. @HMSPWLS will soon head out also to conduct Her first part of @FOST sea training. British Sea Power reborn⚓ #GlobalBritain 🇬🇧 #CarrierAlley 📸 @MaritimePhotos
For those who are still unsure who or where we are; we are the 4.5-Acres of 🇬🇧sovereign territory in the Hudson River, visible from space. #QEinNY #GlobalBritain Photo Credit: @planetlabs
🇬🇧🌎 We are a great country - a lodestar of freedom and democracy. Today at Conservative Party Conference I set out my vision for #GlobalBritain and how our foreign policy will deliver for people here at home. #CPC21
We’ve concluded a positive & productive first round of trade talks with 🇳🇿, a like-minded democracy that shares our commitment to free and fair trade. A deal will create opportunities for 🇬🇧 businesses and support our vision of #GlobalBritain.👇 gov.uk/government/new…
At @OfficialTriumph factory in Thailand 🇹🇭 that produces 70,000 bikes a year. This 🇬🇧 business has factories in Leicestershire, Chonburi, Thailand, 🇮🇳 and 🇧🇷. Closer economic ties deliver jobs and prosperity. #GlobalBritain 🇬🇧 🇹🇭 🌎
UK Carrier Strike Group telah mengadakan latihan bersama Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (@tldm_rasmi). Latihan ini mencerminkan komitmen bersama terhadap keselamatan maritim dan kerjasama serantau di Asia Tenggara. #CSG21 #GlobalBritain 🇬🇧🇲🇾
Protect our Nation and our interests 🇬🇧 #StrikeCarrier Project air and maritime superiority ⚓ #CarrierStrike Promote British engineering and military capability 🌍 #GlobalBritain 65,000 tonnes of proven versatility. #SupercarrierSunday #WeAreQE
Trade is core to our #GlobalBritain vision & critical to covid recovery. Today I set out how we will: 👉Use trade to drive jobs and growth across 🇬🇧 👉Lead the world in services and digital trade 👉Reform global trade rules and fight protectionism 🌎
#SuperCarrierSaturday 65,000 tonnes of British engineering and construction; able to protect, promote and project our nation’s interests worldwide. #GlobalBritain🇬🇧 #LandSeaandAir⚓️