1️⃣ بيان صوتي: رَدُّ الإمام المهدي إلى الإعلامي العَرَبي الكَذاب محمد الربع وعلى الذين دفعوه لِيُلقي بنفسه إلى مَزبلةِ التّاريخ. الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني 23 - 10 - 2022 مـ fb.watch/gp7BsTWud7/ #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #MahsaAmini #COVID19 #الرياض #يحدث_الآن #مهسا_امینی twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
世間様では熊本の「あまびえ」が流行っているようですが、当社では江戸時代コレラ流行を鎮めた「張り子の虎」が疫病退散、無病息災の御守として現在まで伝えられています。早期のワクチン開発と多くの治療薬が出来る事を祈っております。#少彦名神社 #COVID19 #神社仏閣 #感染第2波 #アマビエ あま
A video of an audio statement in English titled:A Challenge From Allaah's Caliph; Al-Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 06-Sha'ban-1443AH 09-March-2022 AD #A_Challenge_From_Imam_Mahdi #Wednesdaythought #COVID19 #Wednesdayvibe #Johnson #Oil
リプライでのご質問も承ります。 また、一部ではございますが、お部屋の内装はこのような感じになっております。 #拡散希望 #DV #デートDV #虐待 #新型コロナウイルス #コロナ #COVID19 #DVシェルター #札幌市 #民泊 #無償提供 #家庭内暴力 #コロナDV #DV被害
In my article to @VanguardAfrica, I call for more solidarity & collaboration as we face the #COVID19 pandemic. I also call for alertness- repressive regimes should not take advantage of this crisis to increase violence against citizens and abuse rights. vanguardafrica.com/africawatch/20…
This #COVID19 map in red is concerning. Hope the #American people enjoy safety, health and stability in the year 2022.
Israelis come together to fight #COVID19: Jews, Druze, Muslims, and Christians.
In #Beijing, containers are used to transport bodies. It was said 10 containers arrived in one day, not sure which day. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina
Corona Virus Na Tangazo La Muujiza Ya Uponyaji Bila Chango Wala Dawa .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 09 - 12 - 2020 youtu.be/zkyYF2Xs_O0 Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #WildfireSecretDeclared #SkirmishWar #CovidisAirborne #COVID19 #African
Video d'une déclaration vocale intitulée: Celui qui me hait, qu'il creuse sa tombe.. L'imam al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani 19 Rabii' a-thānī 1444 de l'hégire 13 -11- 2022 youtu.be/x7UwISDKOeg #Let_Who_Hates_Me_Dig_his_Grave #FIFAWorldCup #COVID19 #من_كان_يكرهني_فليحفر_قبره twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The story of Easter is a story of triumph. It is a story of overcoming adversity. It is a story of hope. May that spirit guide us even as we go through these turbulent times of #COVID19. Wishing all who celebrate Easter a very rewarding day. God bless you
Also, know with certainty of mind that His Royal Highness King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz is dead and his son Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #A_Challenge_From_Imam_Mahdi #COVID19 #Ukraine #caturday #TheBoysTV
Our deepest condolences for the famous Chinese economist Lang Xianping, whose mother recently passed away thanks to the zero-covid policy that he advocated. Again, we feel sorry for such tragedy. #COVID19 #shanghai #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Who says that Chinese people do not have the ability to invent and create? This is how you can eat with a #mask on. 第五大发明? #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
#COVID19 から自分自身と大切な人を守る方法はシンプルです • 頻繁に手洗いをする • 咳やくしゃみは手ではなく、肘の内側でおさえる • 混雑した場所で過ごす時間を減らす • 体調を崩している人との濃厚接触を避ける • 頻繁に人が触る物やその表面を消毒し、清潔にする @UNIC_Tokyoの協力で翻訳
Warning to Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 23-Jumada II-1443AH 26-January-2022AD 07:07 AM (According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns) albushra-islamia.org/showthread.php… 45 #WarningTo_Mohamed_Bin_Salman #COVID19 #MBS
فيديو بيان صوتي بعنوان: مَصرَعُ المَلكِ وأُمَراءٍ آيةٌ كُبرى .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 23 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ 22 - 07 - 2022 مـ youtu.be/4YeGWwF3Yvo Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #مصرع_الامير_خالد_بن_سلمان #COVID19 #SaudiArabia
The disadvantaged won't go hungry on #Taiwan's watch amid #COVID19 in 16 countries like allies #Eswatini, #Haiti, #Honduras & #Nicaragua. We're proud to partner with the Council of #Agriculture & #TzuChi Foundation in donating 10.9K tons of rice by May end. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
この案件は「全責任は私が引き受ける」と公言していた河野太郎初代ワクチン接種推進担当大臣(@konotarogomame)が対応すべきだ。 首相官邸(@kantei_vaccine)や厚労省(@MHLWitter)も他人事ではない。 #集団訴訟 #ワクチン #COVID19 twitter.com/kdystopia/stat…
Emmanuel! A boy I met in Colombia. His dream is to be a singer. On #WorldRefugeeDay, I’m thinking of them I've met who are more vulnerable than ever. Everyone can help make a difference. Every action counts. unh.cr/5ee36ca6153 @Refugees @UNHCR_Tokyo #WithRefugees #COVID19
Caught red handed! The #CCP’s propaganda machine shows image of Vice Premier Sun Chunlan inspecting Menghuajie in #Shanghai to guide #COVID19 control. But the fact is, she just “inspected” a Hollywood style film studio set up at the roof of a building. TV report vs actual scene.
Call for pan-coronavirus 💉 rather than thorough investigation of origin of #COVID19 & accountability after the 🇨🇳-made disaster worldwide⁉️ Isn’t it a potential Conflict of Interest to tie pharmaceutical industries & scientists with you in the investigation? 🤔 @WHO @DrTedros twitter.com/WHO/status/154…
فيديو بيان: الحلُّ لقارعة حرب كورونا والمناخ .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 24 - ذو الحجة - 1442 هـ 03 - 08 - 2021 مـ fb.watch/fi2_B65TUR/ Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #سناب_شات #يوم_الجمعة #السعودية
#عاجل_خبر_طامه_كبرا_عالميه 冠状病毒和决定性的解释性陈述,不是开玩笑 伊玛目纳赛尔(Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani) 26-斋月-AH 1441 公元2020年5月19日 下午06:37 mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… 尸体 屍體 New Year Christmas Covid #COVID19 #CCPChina #恨我者自掘坟墓 #SkirmishWar 1️⃣