فيديو بيان صوتي بعنوان: الحل لقارعة حرب كورونا و المناخ .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 24 - ذو الحجة - 1442 هـ 03 - 08 - 2021 مـ youtu.be/_BjpEfVmXWM Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #COVID19 #امطار_الكويت #المنخفض_المداري #الصين
21.5 MILLION CHINESE DIED FROM #CCPVirus =Phones Deactivated? Is That Why the World is Locked Down? Pls RETWEET, WATCH VIDEO SUBSCRIBE =UPDATES MSM Will NOT Tell You youtu.be/g0mrJ9PuTqw @realDonaldTrump #5G #Coronavirustruth #COVID19 #ChinaVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
#Taiwan faced great pressure from #Coronavirus. But the government & people weathered the storm. As the dark #COVID19 clouds lift, the country stands ready for the new life of the post-pandemic world. We salute those responsible: the architects & implementers of the #TaiwanModel.
Such “scientists” including @ggronvall, who are in CCP’s natural-origin of #COVID19 campaign + close collaboration with CCP’s military & labs, still keep blind to the real origin - “gain-of-functions” from CCP’s military labs. That’s why Xi JinPing believed Covid as a big 🏆 ! twitter.com/ggronvall/stat…
Operation promoted contents attacking CCP’s opponents-primarily aiming at🇺🇸& its allies. Some sites criticized Chinese virologist Yan Limeng, who fled to🇺🇸after telling #COVID19 was created in a🇨🇳 gov lab, & claimed she contributes to Asian hate crimes in🇺🇸therecord.media/pro-china-info…
In this documentary from People’s Liberation Army, Col. Tan of PLA general hospital commented on their trophy in #COVID19: We must review it after this war, to prepare for the next war! Col. ChangJun Wang, Father of SARS2, commented: It’s not practice by a real war every time! twitter.com/dezying/status…
جاءَ القدرُ لكُلِ مُتكبرٍ جبارٍ بمكرٍ من الله كبيرٍ؛ ليكونوا من السَابقين إلى سَقَر قَبل مُرورِها.. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 16 - شوال - 1444 هـ 06 - 05 - 2023 مـ 09:08 صباحًا #اوراوا_الهلال #كورونا #COVID19
The Voice of Dr. Yan w/ @LegoSilly • During the pandemic, multi-dimensional cognitive interventions have deeply impacted our daily lives. • #COVID19 origin is a fitting example of CCP’s convert action & strategic deception! • What do we do to stop it? americaoutloud.com/to-fight-again…
🙏Orgulloso de haber apoyado a @UNICEF en su llamamiento a los líderes del G7. Gracias a la donación de 1000 millones de dosis contra la #COVID19 podremos seguir #VacunandoAlMundo. Nadie estará a salvo hasta que todos estemos a salvo. Solo juntos podremos acabar con la pandemia.
Reconocen la transparencia en el uso de los fondos #COVID19 (a pesar de la campaña constante de la oposición diciendo los contrarió). Sigue...
Top comments on Weibo announcement that @VP @KamalaHarris has #COVID19. Hopefully this will give you a glimpse into what are the popular views in #China of #America, @SenSchumer @JeffMerkley. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Now we just reached the first step that the virus was from 🇨🇳 lab. We must pursue the truth of #COVID19 origin. We need to keep going on! - With @TuckerCarlson As I said on @FoxNews 3 years ago - Everyone deserves the truth! With Chinese subtitles @nuomt
Another astonishing incident that shows how CCP ruthlessly tries to conquer #COVID19: a high school student got expelled because he didn't report his parent's travel history. #ChinaLockdown #ChinaCovid #ZeroCovid #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Easy version of Dr. Robert Garry’s #COVID19 nature-origin: The dead guy hanging on the roof got 10 bullets in his head & heart, with his hands tied behind, while the gun was 10 miles away…it maybe…then could be…we don’t know…BUT he committed suicide - Homicide is conspiracy🙄 twitter.com/nicholsonbaker…
•Why #COVID19 nature-origin campaign blamed raccoon dog as host? •For CCP, if “COVID19 pandemic is an unexpected natural disaster with certain human factors mixed in, it should in principle preclude any liabilities” The Voice of Dr.Yan Sat/Sun 4pmET LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD
SCHOOLS UPDATE: 🍎Parents will have the option to choose all-remote learning for their kids 🍎Districts will have flexibility to decide what's best for their schools Empowering parents and educators is critical to keeping New Jerseyans safe from #COVID19: nj.gov/education/reop…
7月31日は東京都で新たに463人の新型コロナウイルス感染者が確認され、過去最多を更新しました。感染拡大に警戒が必要です。マスク着用、手洗い、うがいを続けましょう。 #日経ビジュアルデータ #新型コロナウイルス感染 #COVID19 vdata.nikkei.com/newsgraphics/c…
Monetary rewards encouraging people to report one another, fostering distrust in society, do we really want another generation of Stasi surveillance informants? @lizalinwsj @StephenMcDonell @sjoerddendaas #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #COVID19 #chinalockdown
Dear Leo, Please stop helping CCP! You asked me to secretly investigate #COVID19 origin for @WHO. Why NOT tell truth?👇🏻 “Of course, this is not direct evidence,” says Leo Poon @world_epidemic, a virologist @HKUniversity “but this is the best we can get now nature.com/articles/d4158… twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
‼️1st AI-based video on truth of #COVID19 origin is produced by @TakeDownTheCCP base on contexts by chatGPT! It clarifies the top elements in the origin investigation: 1. 🇨🇳military lab-made 2. Real backbone of COVID19🦠 is ZHOUSHAN 🦇🦠 3. Animal passage youtu.be/OkwtGlNHbr8
The junta's mass arrests correspond with a surge in #COVID19 infections in the country’s prisons, where access to health care is poor. #Aug20Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar yac.news/blogs/news/cov…
飛沫感染、エアロゾル感染などに分けて空間容積や人数を仮定してのシミュレーション。換気なしのレストランがいかに危険かという結果。緊急事態宣言解除後どの順番で規制を緩めるかの参考になる。#COVID19 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري ثم مصرع الأمير خالد بن سلمان بالموت بكوفيد الموت. fb.watch/h4x7P6gBiH/ #Let_Who_Hates_Me_Dig_his_Grave #SkirmishWar #COVID19 Covid #من_كان_يكرهني_فليحفر_قبره #مطار_الملك_سلمان
لحظة إستقبال الإمام المهدي المنتظر ناصر محمد اليماني عند وصوله إلى مسقط رأسه في محافظة مأرب مديرية رحبة قبيلة مراد آل القردعي. #من_كان_يكرهني_فليحفر_قبره #Let_Who_Hates_Me_Dig_his_Grave #COVIDIsTheGraveDigger #COVID19 #ChinaProtests #XiaoZhan COVID-19 Covid
1時57分。他の方々が受け取っていた書面とは違いますが、降りられそうな事が書いてある一式が届きました。 #ダイヤモンドプリンセス #DiamondPrincess #CoronavirusOutbreak #Quarantine #COVID19