こんな話題ばかり... って思うかもしれませんが。 スペインも全く同じ感じで感染広がりました... #コロナウイルス #coronavirus #COVID19 #Barcelona #バルセロナ twitter.com/dvdtyng/status…
We’re committing $800M+ in new #COVID19 response efforts, incl $340M in @GoogleAds credits for SMBs worldwide, $250M in ad grants for @WHO & 100+ govt orgs globally, a $200M investment fund for NGOs & banks to help small businesses access capital, and more blog.google/inside-google/…
Big up, Most Honorable Prime Minister. Thanks for the great work of keeping Jamaica safe and alert; and for truly believing in the power of music to impact society as we all confront this global #COVID19 pandemic. In solidarity, we shall win this war. #UnitedAgainstCOVID19 twitter.com/AndrewHolnessJ…
As the world battles #COVID19, the nation of Italy (where I have many friends & family) continues to experience one of the darkest episodes with more people dying of the virus. Barbie & I send our deepest thoughts & condolences to the countless families affected. 🙏
The most widely used and accurate diagnostic test for the #COVID19 #coronavirus is a nuclear-derived technique. @iaeaorg has put together an article that explains how the technique works. bit.ly/2JmliF4
Yes! The message is going viral and wide. Keep sharing & Sensitizing the masses to Sanitize. Together we shall overcome #COVID19 ✊🏿 twitter.com/pinkrott13/sta…
A Seattle hospital just fired a 17-year ER doctor for exposing its refusal to implement crucial nCoV safety measures, risking community health. "Several" staffers just tested positive for #COVID19, but the hospital denies liability, claiming coincidence. seattletimes.com/seattle-news/h…
Please join us in translating the Korean CDC's playbook to fight #COVID19 into English for the world! No time to lose! ☀️ twitter.com/SebastianSeung…
Wow, can’t even utter “Taiwan” in the WHO? You should set politics aside in dealing with a pandemic. FYI @WHO, 450+ news reports from 40+ countries so far positively covered #Taiwan’s handling of #COVID19. These reports do not mistake us as part of China & #TaiwanCanHelp. JW twitter.com/HKWORLDCITY/st…
ใช่ค่ะ นายหัวจำได้ว่าดิฉันแอบเต้น เลยโดนซ้อม1 #COVID19 #quarantine #จำเลยลัก
新型コロナウイルス感染症、新たに2人確認。 21時半より郡市長が臨時記者会見。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #新型肺炎
Fujinami, Ito, Nagasaka san ganbatte! Praying for everyone effected! Ganbarimasho! 🇺🇸 🇯🇵 #COVID19
ICYMI: Yesterday, I held a group-therapy session with @AliMattu to talk about coping with #COVID19 anxiety. Check it out! youtu.be/gXxrpJ2tx7Y
As the world continues to battle the #COVID19 health crisis, searches for how to help healthcare professionals have surged globally. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all healthcare workers who are sacrificing so much to save others. #NationalDoctorsDay
देश की फ़िक्र करने वाले श्रमदान दे रहे हैं। देश की ज़्यादा फ़िक्र करने वाले योगदान दे रहे हैं। देश की बहुत ज़्यादा फ़िक्र करने वाले श्रमदान और योगदान दोनों दे रहे हैं। लेकिन, देश की सबसे ज़्यादा फ़िक्र करने वाले सिर्फ़ ‘ज्ञान’ दे रहे हैं।😄 #COVID19
Israeli Air Force & @usairforce 5th Gen. F-35 jets just completed the "Enduring Lightning" exercise over Israel’s skies. Both forces operated in full accordance with #COVID19 restrictions. Even at a distance, the US-Israel partnership remains as close as ever 🇮🇱🇺🇸
To help those working to combat #COVID19, we’re making a hosted repository of public datasets including those from @JohnsHopkins, @WorldBank & @openstreetmap, free to access and query through the COVID-19 Public Datasets Program. console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/de… cloud.google.com/blog/products/…
ダイヤモンド・プリンセス、消毒終え ドックへ… ARIGATO JAPAN と客室灯でメッセージ。 いろいろあったけど、本当に お疲れ様でした。 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #ダイヤモンドプリンセス
21.5 MILLION CHINESE DIED FROM #CCPVirus =Phones Deactivated? Is That Why the World is Locked Down? Pls RETWEET, WATCH VIDEO SUBSCRIBE =UPDATES MSM Will NOT Tell You youtu.be/g0mrJ9PuTqw @realDonaldTrump #5G #Coronavirustruth #COVID19 #ChinaVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
600 IDF soldiers will be reinforcing @israelpolice forces from tomorrow & assisting them in their mission of limiting the spread of #COVID19. Together they will patrol, isolate & secure areas in Israel so that Israelis #StayHome & #StaySafe
全世界で #新型コロナウイルス の感染が急激に拡大する中、深刻な状況にあるEUとその加盟国は結束してウイルスに立ち向かい、時にポジティブにこの苦難を乗り越えようとしています🇪🇺 そんなEUと加盟国の具体的な取り組みをご紹介していきます!🙂 #COVID19 #EUinJapan @EUCouncil
【EU🇪🇺】#新型コロナウイルスによる困難な状況に直面している中、欧州は互いに協力し、助け合っています🇪🇺 ドイツ、フランス、オーストリアは欧州で最大の感染者数が出たイタリアにマスクや防護服を提供しました🇩🇪🇫🇷🇦🇹🇮🇹また、ドイツはフランスと北イタリアから感染者を自国に搬送しました🏥 #COVID19
Great gesture from @PuneethRajkumar 🙏 in donating 50 Lakhs to @CMofKarnataka to fight against #COVID19 Let's all fight it together! @BSYBJP @drashwathcn #StayHomeStaySafe t.co/k0VWnwyaIB
\外出自粛にもってこい!その影響で…💦/ Nintendo Switch、世界中で売り切れ続出 新型コロナの影響で #NintendoSwitch #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #ゲーム #外出禁止 #外出自粛 #ゆるとぴ headlines.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=2020…
Hi @larrybrilliant, Thank you for sharing this valuable information. Let's get together again when this crisis is over. Praying for you and your family's health. "#COVID19: WHY WE SHOULD ALL WEAR MASKS  — THERE IS NEW SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE” medium.com/@Cancerwarrior… #coronavirus twitter.com/larrybrilliant…