This crisis threatens people across various industries. As a musician, I donated to this #COVID19 Relief Fund. Through self-restraint and patience, I hope we can contain the spread of the #coronavirus. Praying for you. grammy.com/musicares/news… @RecordingAcad @MusiCares #StayHOME
こういう時の発言や行動って、難しいよね。 でも頑張ろう、今現在の自粛、そして支援の輪が広がるように。 "#YOSHIKI、1000万円寄付「音楽関係者の窮地を救う手助け」 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20200331-… #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #StayHOME
#StayHOME "Yoshiki Donates $100k To MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund To Help My Colleagues Who Might Be Struggling #YOSHIKI#COVID19 救済基金に 10 万ドルを寄付 公演中止で窮地に立つ世界の音楽関係者を支援 grammy.com/musicares/news… @RecordingAcad @MusiCares instagram.com/p/B-ZYkmoA8Ib/
Our @RRRMovie Veteran Music Director @mmkeeravaani Sir's #COVID19 Awareness Song #WeWillStayAtHome 👌 Reused Version Of Old Gold "Yekkado Putti Yekkada Perigi Ikkade Kalisam" Song From @tarak9999's #StudentNo1 Movie Link 👉 youtu.be/MaUCWz-Iyzc #StayHomeStaySafe ! twitter.com/mmkeeravaani/s…
速報: ブラゼルです。 本来なら、もう野球シーズンが始まって、カウチに座ってポップコーンを 食べながら観戦を楽しんでいたところだ。皆でこの困難をなんとか乗り切ろう。ウィルスに打ち勝って、また一緒に楽しもう。#COVID19 #阪神タイガース #家にいよう #自粛要請
It's an honor to support. Praying for everyone's health. RT@RecordingAcad We're thankful for the contributions made to our foundation's @MusiCares #COVID19 Relief Fund by the @michaeljackson Estate @aliciakeys,@SheIsTheMusic,and @YoshikiOfficial ,and many more.#MusiCaresForUs twitter.com/RecordingAcad/…
In times of crisis, countries around the world must come together. #Taiwan is indispensable to global efforts to stop the spread of #COVID19, but no country can stop this virus alone. That is why we are willing to offer medical supplies to countries most in need.
In just 12 hours, this IDF Weapons Manufacturing Center began making a new weapon—for the fight against #COVID19. Previously dedicated to tank parts & body armor, now they're making protective goggles for medical staff & spray guns for sanitizing public spaces. #StartUpNation
Today I announced three major areas where #Taiwan will contribute to the global fight against #COVID19: 1️⃣: Donating 10 million face masks to countries in need. 2️⃣: Increasing production of quinine. 3️⃣: Sharing our use of technology to trace & investigate outbreaks.
Minister Wu was proud to join @iingwen at the #Coronavirus-combating news conference. He announced #Taiwan will donate 10 million face masks to the #US, #EU, other countries in Europe & allies. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic & realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
マスク2枚で何とかしろですって。 あなたはこの政府を支持しますか。 #マスク2枚 #安倍政権 #自民党 #公明党 #新型コロナ #コロナ #コロナウイルス #COVID19
While in self-isolation, the IDF Chief of the General Staff had an important message to share with his soldiers: "I will continue to command all operational activity from my office. I will continue to supervise all IDF efforts to combat the spread of #COVID19.”
Proud to work with @GavinNewsom & partners to help bridge the digital divide in our home state. We’re providing 4,000 Chromebooks to California students in greatest need & free wifi to 100,000 rural households during the #COVID19 crisis to make distance learning more accessible.
\皆さんは大丈夫ですか⁉📱/ 身近なところに危険が潜んでいるかもしれません…! #COVID19 #コロナウイルス #新型コロナウイルス twitter.com/ICRC_jp/status…
これまでと同様に、嘉手納基地は「公衆衛生と安全の見地から、新規案件の情報を引き続き関係機関と共有いたします。」 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #嘉手納基地
As the number of #COVID19 cases across the country increase, it's imperative that we exercise caution and make people around us aware. Stay at home and stay safe. We can go past this crisis with patience, not panic. #StayHomeStaySafe #IndiaFightsCarona
We activated the @Taiwan_CDC’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) back in January, and I visited them today to thank our unsung heroes for their non-stop, #AllHandsOnDeck efforts to contain the #COVID19 outbreak & keep the people of #Taiwan safe.
In my article to @VanguardAfrica, I call for more solidarity & collaboration as we face the #COVID19 pandemic. I also call for alertness- repressive regimes should not take advantage of this crisis to increase violence against citizens and abuse rights. vanguardafrica.com/africawatch/20…
.@TchajC & #CzechRepublic's #Taipei office are joining forces to combat #Coronavirus! The partnership will bolster efforts to manage the #COVID19 pandemic through R&D of rapid testing kits, medicines & vaccines. Both sides will also share key materials & best practices.
Instagramでの発信内容をこちらでも💁‍♀️ コロナについてみんなに知って欲しいことをまとめています! #家にいるだけで世界が救える #RT希望 #COVID19 #coronavirus #FlattenTheCurve #StopTheSpread #コロナウィルス @WHO @UnitedNations_u 詳しくはこちら👇 instagram.com/noyouth_nojapa…
A charter flight organized by @EOJinIndia landed in #Tokyo with 12 #Taiwan nationals on board before a homeward flight to #Taipei. Thanks @JapanGov & the #India government for making it happen. #COVID19 may shut borders, but like-minded countries will continue working together.
在インド日本国大使館が手配した臨時便が東京に到着しました。同乗させて頂いた台湾人12人は別機に乗り換え、順次帰国しています。 この計画を実現してくれた日本及びインド政府に心から感謝します。 #COVID19 が国境を閉鎖させても、国を超えた協力の扉が閉ざされることはありません。 #台日協力
1/ Since the outbreak of #COVID19, @cogatonline has coordinated the transfer of medical equipment to Palestinians in Gaza and—together with the PA—Judea & Samaria, at the request of @WHO & @UN. Including: ⭕ Testing kits ⭕ PPEs ⭕ Disinfectant material ⭕ Lab equipment
12,000 IDF soldiers are now deployed across Israel in various missions as part of the fight against #COVID19. Our soldiers will begin to evacuate elderly civilians from Bnei Brak to IDF-managed quarantine facilities in hotels & distribute supplies to the city's residents.
#Taiwan looks forward to continuing its work with the #UnitedStates, showcasing how free & open societies can respond effectively to the #COVID19 pandemic. twitter.com/WHNSC45/status…