【4/8】新型コロナウィルス 国内 都道府県別の感染者数。 東京除外版も用意しました。 crypto-mate.com/posts?id=3770 月・水・金曜に更新します。 #新型コロナウイルス #COVIDー19 #COVID19
「ホームレスや移民…、弱い立場に置かれた人たちが私たちの援助対象の一つです」 #新型コロナウイルス 感染症への対応として、 #国境なき医師団#MSF)は #ベルギー で150床までベッドを置ける施設を用意したほか、病院での感染制御をサポートしています。 #COVID19 msf.or.jp/news/detail/he…
I really enjoyed my first virtual classroom experience and exchanging ideas with @MinervaSchools students. We talked about the #TaiwanModel for dealing with #COVID19, & I also drew on my own experience to share ideas about navigating success & failure in life:
【お知らせ】 国内、海外の #新型コロナウイルス感染症 ( #COVID19 )に関する #健康食品 の注意喚起情報をまとめています。 感染が拡大している中で、日本だけでなく、海外でも根拠のない予防効果を謳った健康食品が出回っています。 十分にご注意ください。 hfnet.nibiohn.go.jp/notes/detail.p…
唔洗查都應該知?🤔 原文: 特朗普:美國將會審查世衛 「重手」限制對世衛的資助 慶幸自己無聽從世衛建議 lih.kg/1963012 ●來源:當時明月在 #特朗普 #WHO #COVID19 #中國病毒 #武漢肺炎 #LIHKG
#Taiwan is proof that managing #COVID19 doesn't require autocratic measures. The #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus uses hypervigilance, technology & an #AllHandsOnDeck democratic approach. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll & #LeaveNoOneBehind. thediplomat.com/2020/04/how-ta…
Japan declared a state of emergency too. Praying for everyone's health around the world.. #coronavirus #COVID19
【拡散希望】 #COVID19 で、日本の農林水産業の実態を誰も調べていない...。 #StayHomeButNotSilent 多くの人が声をあげたら、食料を支える人達の現状が可視化されます。 どうぞ、農林水産業に携わる多くの人の声をお寄せください。 twitter.com/nouminren_head…
【Who is responsible for #COVID19, China or US? In #HKer's perspective|Joshua @demosisto, @SunnyCheungky#WHO came out twice to applaud China & Xi for his effort & “transparency” in fighting #WuhanVirus, when whistleblowers were detained & silenced. youtu.be/bAiba7SXiTA
#横田基地 #COVID19 #新型コロナウイルス 横⽥基地における公衆衛⽣⾮常事態宣⾔に関しての日本語での情報は以下のリンクです。 bit.ly/2xdVNn1
※怪しい者ではありません。 #StaySafe #COVID19
.@DrTedros said there's "No need to use #COVID19 to score political points. We agree! Yet without evidence, #Taiwan is accused of orchestrating personal attacks. This claim is baseless, without merit & further marginalizes the good work in which the @WHO is engaged worldwide. 1/3
Taiwan opposes all forms of discrimination. I want to take this opportunity to invite @WHO Director-General @DrTedros to visit Taiwan & experience for himself how committed the Taiwanese people are to engaging with the world & combating #COVID19. Statement:shorturl.at/fDI19
T minus 4 hours until @MOFA_Taiwan Minister Wu addresses the special #COVID19 conversation organized by @HudsonInstitute. Learn more about #Taiwan's strong response to the pandemic. Livestream starts at 12 p.m. EDT, April 9: bit.ly/2JNosSG. This is a must-watch event!
#Taiwan’s efforts to help the international community fight #COVID19 has been seen around the globe. We will not accept the accusations made by @DrTedros on 4/8. Taiwan will continue to prove that we are vital members of the international community through actions. #TaiwanCanHelp
VP Chen shared the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus with @BBCWorld. The country is better managing the #COVID19 pandemic due to its #SARS experience, & is making available expertise, supplies & technologies. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. english.president.gov.tw/News/5991
ยามว่างก็แวะเล่นซะหน่อย #COVID19 #Quarantine
In this article, we examine the steps taken to combat #COVID19 thus far, and make proposals for the short, medium and long term. ROBERT KYAGULANYI SENTAMU - COVID-19: Uganda Must Take Robust Measures to Defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic | The Elephant theelephant.info/features/2020/…
I visited an all-women artillery battalion to see them in action & thank everyone for their selfless dedication. It was encouraging to see that even as our military has been indispensable in the fight against #COVID19, they continue to train & remain ready to defend #Taiwan.
41 years to the day since #TRA came into play, #Taiwan-#US ties are stronger than ever. Minister Wu & #AIT Director Christensen saw off 2 million masks set for #COVID19-hit states, with more to come. Both sides will keep combating #Coronavirus together & promoting #HealthForAll.
To help public health officials slow the spread of #COVID19, Google & @Apple are working on a contact tracing approach designed with strong controls and protections for user privacy. @tim_cook and I are committed to working together on these efforts. blog.google/inside-google/…
We're happy to help a good #EU friend. #Taiwan readily shares #Coronavirus-combating resources with #Poland, as well as other like-minded countries & allies. Unity is key to managing the #COVID19 pandemic & becoming #StrongerTogether. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/PolandMFA/stat…
This is the mail @Taiwan_CDC sent to @WHO Dec. 31, 2019. “Atypical pneumonia” to #China means #SARS. Patients “treated in isolation” means human-to-human transmission. WHO should focus on fighting #COVID19, not scapegoating victims like #Taiwan.
家庭内感染⁈ お家で大人しくしていても、なんですね。RT @nikkei: 4月8日144人、9日178人、10日189人。そして11日は197人の新型コロナ感染者を新たに確認した東京都。「夜の街などでの感染以外に、家族内感染が目立ってきている」 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/2Vnr5zI
This poem is called "Last lines of emails I’ve received while quarantining," inspired by and in response to the poem written by @jessica_salfia. Thank you for your beautiful work, it touched my heart. #COVID19